I never thought I'd post on this. But I had an experience maybe 7 years ago that still stays with me until today.
I decided to jog one day, don't know why, I never do. Spontaneously I wanted to. So I jogged around the block, and decided to jog up this hill. As I jogged up the hill, I saw my god brother. He was jogging down the hill, with a yellow sweater swung over his shoulders just like when we were at school together. I wanted to say hi, but he seemed a little, I guess you would say, discontent. So I thought I'd wait for him to say hi to me. But as he passed right by me, he just looked at me and jogged on.
A months had passed, I found out he died in Iraq, he was in the Marines. Right away I talked to his brother, and since that day we talked a whole month. One night, I decided to tell him, maybe because I felt a regret wish I had said hi to his brother that day. I told him I saw his brother jogging up this one hill, he told me yeah he always jogs around that hill, wearing the clothes I described to him. But when I had mentioned it was about 3 months ago, he told me that's not right, because he has not been back from Iraq for a whole year. Not only that, I never went to his house before and I went and realize the reason why he jogs around that area was because he lives up on that hill.
I never understood this, and to me is too much of a coincidence. I had a long good stare at him that day, I know it was him. But how? I don't understand. If anyone has a clue, please tell me. Thanks.