This story happen to me 11years ago at my house on the South Side of Tucson, AZ. Up to this date it still haunts me because I don't know what I saw or Why I saw it but I saw it and it scared the hell out of me!.
I was 19 years old at the time, it was like 8pm it was dark outside and I was in my room sitting on my desk. I was on the phone talking to my cousin when I happen to look outside, now my desk is facing the window so I looked and I saw a shadowy figure staring at me! I didn't freak out at first because I actually thought it was my mom.
The figure was about 4'9, 5" the same size as my mom and also it had short shoulder length hair and the stance just like my mom. Thinking it was my mom I knocked on the window and asked what she was doing there but no response, and then I opened the window and asked the same thing and again no response. I could see that the head was turning left and right a couple times.
Suddenly I heard a knocked on my door and it was my mom saying "dinner is ready" I turned and looked at the door then looked back at the window and the shadow figure was gone! I said the words "oh hell no". I asked my mom if she had been in back and she said no I haven't been out there at all, how about dad? Nope he has been watching TV for the past hour!
I never could find an explanation or figure out what I saw. If you would like to comment on this please do so. All feedbacks are welcome. Oh by the way no trace of any footprints were found outside at all! Very freaky!