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Virgin Mary Bad?


I have been recently dreaming a lot about the Virgin Mary. It's not just dreams though anymore, which frightens me. Normally when I dream about her she always has a warning for me, but this time it was more than a warning. Last night I had a dream that wherever I went there was a statue or painting of her, and she would always come to life. Instead of warning me about my death, she informed me that she would be the one that was going to kill me. This however is not the first time she has done this.

The other part of my dream is we were at the church that is not even a mile down the road from my house. Only in my dream the church looked more like a castle. There was a statue of the Virgin Mary's head on top of the church and it came to life, so to speak, and started screaming at me about how it is my fault the world is going to end, my fault I have to die, and my fault everyone has to pay.

That's not the worst part of my story. About three weeks ago I woke up around 3:30 (the witching hour) and saw a woman. She was in the corner of my room with her head down, she looked as if she was crying. When I got up to see if she was okay or not she simply told me "YOUR NEXT!" then disappeared. I remember the scariest thing about it was how she said it. It was not in a woman's voice, it was like a small child, but it sounded like she had a frog in her throat.

The reason I'm so frightened about this is because my whole life I've been told I'm the devils child. Both of my grandmothers died when I was born, and when my great aunt had a break down shortly before her death, she told me "I would burn in Hell with the rest of my little friends!" Being only six years old that kind of stuck with me.

I'm not all to sure what to do, but my brother and I are documenting my dreams and visions of her. My brother takes a rather interested shine to this whole thing. He jokingly said "what if the devil is trying to make you hate all the biblical characters?" What at the time seemed to be a joke, now seems all to realistic.

What do I do?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, help_me, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Lopez8mustangs24 (1 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-18)
Hi I'm henry and if you are reading this please reply back because I really want to help you and I know how I can't tell you
You here because I don't want other people saying dumb stuff ok please reply back If Your reading this
abanob (1 stories) (31 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-17)
Oky first thing you didn't commented on your story and in your dreams says death wait you I wish you have a wonderful life and great future but am afriad... Oky let me tell you that not holy mary and your brother is right and for your informations demons can appear in jesus face/form or holy mary or anything else NOT JUST IN DREAMS In real life too and holy mary won't appear to you in dream to tell you your going to die keep in talking for my self as christian when we die our body dies not our souls we still alive we have haven or hell waiting us there so when holy mary appear to you in dream like that and talk like that shes not holy marry take care I wish you a nice life without any bad souls disturb you. And sory for my bad english am low on english
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-12)

The particular condition I'm thinking of is also hereditary which would explain your family's behaviour, too. Help and treatment is readily available, all you have to do is speak to a professional and explain what you have explained here.
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-12)

It may be a bit late for me to enter the discussion at this point. In any case it doesn't look as though you've taken part in the discussion as yet.

I really don't mean to offend but as a mum, I would suggest that you urgently try and see a therapist before you look any further into the paranormal or even religion.

There is a condition which is quite widespread and presents symptoms such as the dreams and visions that you mention. Very often those symptoms include seeing and dreaming about biblical people but not in a nice way.

You haven't mentioned what your mum has to say about all the name calling or does she do the same? If you can't get help from her, then I suggest you see a school counsellor and see if they can organise some professional help for you.

To delve any further into the paranormal might only serve to do you more harm and confuse you even more. You don't need any more talk for or against demons or devils or even religion at this point.
teneki (10 stories) (140 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-11)
I agree with everyone here about the dreams. They're being caused by your buying into what you were told. I've had a similar experience dream wise, in that I blamed myself for my grandfather's death because I was 13 when he died. It all culminated in a dream that he was trying to kill me.
sylviessweeties (135 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-11)
You are not the Devils Child. It was obvious you had a very Mentally Ill/Very Sick Aunty who cursed at you-blamed you for deaths in the family that were not your fault. Sometimes people pass away after each other, so they will have company in being with each other in the afterlife. And it may be a process, that when a new life comes into the world, those who have lived the expectancy of life they were given, pass over, waiting for there chance to be given new life, when there soul will go through the process of birth and death all over again.

Your birth however, was not the reason for family members deaths being given actual death sentences by whatever lies within the afterlife. Maybe when you were born, those family members were happy you were born, they were already happy they had lived there lives, and they themselves, felt they were now ready to pass over and become your guardian angels in the afterlife.

Call upon the Good Lord, to have his Good Angels watch over you, to have your loving family members, who passed over, watch over you in a loving guiding, protective way.

That was not the Virgin Mary, it was a Demon, and possibly a Demon that goes back generations within your family and even other families. A Demon that may have also been responsible for your family members deaths. The Demon may have killed your family members, when you were Born, just to make it look to your Aunty/Family/Others, that because you were born, that this was the reason for your family members deaths. When that is not true, when something else decides to kill your family members, or your family members decided to pass over, it does not mean your birth is what killed them.

The Demon is feeding of your fears, and trying to appear as something it is not, in order to frighten you to get its kicks. It could be a very angry deceased Aunty of yours with a deep grudge against you-a mental illness she took with her into the afterlife.
gannubhaibtech (32 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-03)
First of all, evil or not is the choice a person makes for himself as he grows. So to term you that just isn't right. And as it is said, "what goes around, comes around", and, "as you sow, so shall you reap", one is responsible for ones own actions and unless you have done something seriously bad, nothing bad will happen to you. Don't worry, just shake it off and move on. If it happened as you described that you were decent and gentle enough to see if the stranger was okay, you probably are a good person. Just move on, bad dreams.

stephyw2001 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-09-02)
Wow, this comment is late I know. Sorry! And I can tell by reading the comments, that at least 1 person's account was deleted. So I'll just jump out here and say: Am I the only one that is highly disturbed by your aunt saying "you'll burn in Hell with the rest of your little friends"?!? WTF?! You were 6?

I think, and this is just me, that because you clearly had a terrible family that some of this is self-induced paranoia. I'm betting you have a highly religious family. (Yes, I'll go out there and say "terrible family". Anyone who tells a child they're the "devil's child" and "you'll burn in Hell" to a 6 year old is terrible). Their religious beliefs and the fact that they clearly were out-casting you, would of course make you dream that the Holy Mother herself would hate you too. This is all happening in your head, please understand that. You and you alone can make yourself into whatever person you want to be. Whether you want to follow the path of the "devil" child and be bad, or ignore you family, and go on with a happy, good and healthy life. I hope you can learn to ignore them. They're the ones with the problem not you. Ignore these dreams, they're nothing worth dwelling on.

I don't normally dig so much into someone's personal life without knowing them, so I'm sorry if I offned you (though seeing the author hasn't responded, I'm not sure he cares anyway). I just really got irked when I read that. Take care. ❤
Bloodymaryisfake (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-27)
I'll have to disagree. My ex-boyfriend came to school one day, and dragged Sara and Lily out of the school. 😭 He was possessed by the same thing that's in my room. 😨 It's the ghost of the ghost girl's (Jessica) 's father. William told me I'n not human, and neither is my bfffl. (best friends forever for life)
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-18)
Granny 😆 ZING! Lol OMG! What are the odds they are girlfriend and boyfriend having their first holidays apart from each other (you know because she had to move to be with her cousin in his time of need) and this is the only way they can "bond" and stay close 😆 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-07-18)
DragonStorm: Maybe Ruthy's been hangin' out with Twilight?... 😆 😆 😆
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-18)
[at] Perfectruth~ DUDE! Lay off the Whacky Tobaccy! Go do some study and nourish those young brain cells with a banana or something... Watch Twilight much over the holidays? 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-07-18)
Perfect Ruth: Dude, give it up... My deletion finger knows no bounds! 😆 😆 😆
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-18)

First I expect better of a NON HUMAN as far as spelling goes... (Perfect Truth)...

Second... So your saying you are either a creature from Japanese folklore, variously translated as demons, devils, ogres or trolls or your a Video game Title... No wait you said your and Avatar of an Oni... So that would be...

1. A manifestation of a deity in bodily form on earth.
2. An incarnation, embodiment, or manifestation of a person or idea.

I actually believe you. I believe you to be a TROLL GOD.

If you'd read a single thing about us you'd know that those of us who attempt to help others are workers of the 'Light'... Our advice is given freely in an attempt to help others and we are not the types of people to 'attack' others. We will point out TROLLS and BS when we see it because things that TROLLS say or complete BS may very well hurt people.

So, have a nice life God of Trolls.

No Respect Meant or Implied,

Rozalin (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-18)
[at] Perfectruth

Judging by your grammar, inability to understand other's comments and ideas, and other little inconsistencies you have (which is a lot), I'd agree with your anology of you not being human. However, I understand you aren't using it in terms of an anology, but rather you're fantasising that you're something beyond a human.

With this I assume you're too young or too immature for this site, and will probably end up banned anyway. Don't comment on people's stories unless it's going to help them, otherwise it creates this what we're doing here. Where commenters like myself have to waste the publishers time correcting naive people such as yourself, in their comments section.

Help_me, thank you for posting. I enjoyed your story for the most part.
This sounds stress-related, for the dream part. As far as anything else, I can't offer much advice besides seeking professional assistance and taking care of yourself. And by the way~ you are "not" Evil, Evil is an inactment, meaning you have to behave in a certain way to attain that "rank" so to speak. You can't be born Evil, either~

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-18)

I'm not sure how I missed this experience. But I'm glad it's been brought to my attention...

You mention you've had dreams about the Virgin Mary before and they have always been a warning to you...

My first question to you is this... In those dream how did you know it was Her?

Having asked that my next question is this... How do you know it's Her that's now 'issuing' these 'threats'?

Our subconscious can provide many strange and hard to understand images... Not to mention 'spirits/entities' can take the form of anything they want... In the case of 'spirits/entities' just because they 'look' like a certain individual (historic or Family member) it does not mean that it is what it appears to be.

In this instance you may want to search for and speak with an individual that does Dream Interpretation. You've been keeping a Dream Journal which will help.

If I were to take a guess, this happening in dreams sounds as if you may feel guilty about something that you actually did not do. It may have to do with this 'Devil's Child' concept you say your Family has 'labeled' you with. (By the way, That's a crock of... Well it smells really really bad...) No one is born evil. Babies are innocent. No if and or buts about it.

Of course this is just my opinion on what you may be experiencing...

Please keep us updated.


DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-18)
Perfectruth: Hahaha do you feel better after your little rant? 😆 😆
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-18)

At the risk of your post being gone by the time I post this... What are you prattling on about?

The only person who seems to be speaking from their butt is the one YELLING. Please if you have a point to make... Make it... Don't SCREAM it... No one listens...


DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
zzsgranny ~ Oh I don't think I have heard of that, is it worth my while or not do you think? 😊
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
DragonStorm: Thanks!...Yeah didn't watch that, but strangely enough, my hubby and I watched "Anneliese: The Exorcist Tapes" just last night! LOL 😆...
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
There is so much good advice on here that I agree with, I'm not sure that I really have anything of value to really add, but I will try 😊

I agree no one is born evil, and some therapy may ease you out of that mindset safely, I also think that maybe seeing a psychic/clairvoyant or tarot card reader may give you a different perspective on the dreams and experiences you have been having, as has been stated before the word "death" is really a metaphor to an ending of things, and maybe they could help clarify what that ending is, it may well be the ending to you feeling so tortured by this awful label your family has put upon you 😊

Oh and zzsgranny I think the movie you are thinking of about the witching hour becoming a theory from is "The Exorcism Of Emily Rose" 😊
InvestigatorHAWK (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
In my advice you have deep emotional issues that need to be resolved. Therapy to get over the early abuse and maybe follow up treatment.
ishkabibble (2 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
Sure, I may not be an expert, but I remember hearing that sometimes the devil can appear to be somebody else. Being labeled, 'Devil's Child', it may have just taken over your dreams. I bet you are really a wonderful person, a blessing to people. Not everybody is truthful, and they can say hurtful things that aren't true. Just don't let other people's words put you down. Remember that you can't be born bad or good. Life has its dark clouds, but there will always be a rainbow on the other side of it. It all gets better. 😊 ❤
libertybelle (14 stories) (207 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
Dreams can be highly symbolic, and that's what I suspect is the case with you,help_me. I'm also sure that the root of the problem is having been labeled 'devil's child.'

First of all, no child needs to be told things like that, because they get ingrained and, as children, we readily believe them. My own experience was not nearly so dramatic as yours (I was always being told by my grandmother how 'bad' I was, then having it really driven home with the statement 'I'll love you if you're a good gir.' If this sounds familiar to you, it was apparently a stock childrearing technique of nearly 100 years ago), but it's left its scars as well.

Have you considered talking with a therapist? Most communities have mental health centers that will provide counseling on a sliding scale, or even without charge in some cases.

I think once you realize that the words hurt you for years, and get some help from a professional who can teach you simple techniques to overcome the negative 'programminh' you've received, you'll find that the nightmares will start going away.

Sending you white light!
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
You definitely are not evil. Led astray, perhaps, but not evil and you are certainly not the devil's child. I think these dreams are just the comments people have made getting to you.

I was wondering the same thing zzsgranny asked... Why did you just calmly get up, walk over and see if the strange lady in your bedroom was ok? I would have been reaching for the phone to call the cops about the random woman in my bedroom.
Gizzy (3 stories) (71 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
Hi help_me,

Firstly I cannot get my head round anyone saying that a child is the devils child, I mean really how destructive! Children are like sponges and they don't need filling with cr*p.
I seriously don't think you are the devils child as children are born pure. I agree with the other posters that it is subconcious trying to work through all the stuff you do not want to think about during the day. The mind processes at night using your dreams to make sense of everything that happened during the day. I feel for you and would recommend that you find an adult you can trust and have a chat about this.
watermoon (2 stories) (54 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-26)
Pretty much everyone wrote what I was going to write but still don't believe for a second that your evil you are not. I don't believe that this thing you are dreaming of is the Virgin Mary she is good not evil. Whatever this is not a good thing you need to find a way to get rid of it hopefully someone else can help you some more. Good luck 😕
lynrinth (guest)
14 years ago (2011-06-25)
Please listen to all these good and correct comments. You're not evil. You are just you. Why all this is happening... Who really knows. As to your aunt, why she said such a thing, I wonder if your family is deeply religious, or supersitious, and your aunt said that because of both grandparents died at the same time when you were born. Does not mean a thing. Only it was their time. I say this alot, but you may have pyschic abilities (hence your dreams) and maybe your family thinks it's evil? It's not, but a gift. Depending on how you look on it, I guess. And your brother's joking isn't helping. Maybe lately the bad dream about the Virgin Mary is just that, a bad dream. Your insecurities might be getting the best of you, and your imagination is running with it. Or a negative spirit is manipulating you through your dreams, and appeared to you in a form which would frighten you most. What really is happening is anyone's guess. Trust your gut. It will always tell you the truth. And it will let you would what is real. Believe in yourself, have a little faith, too. Talk to someone you trust who will understand and can maybe guide, besides here. There are a lot of options, and ways to help you. You just need to do what is right for you.
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-25)
help_me: Like everyone else has stated before me, you are not the Devil's Child. No-one is and can be the Devil's Child. Please don't be offended, but, may I ask how did your Grandmothers and your Aunty Die? I was thinking that you could've had a condition like Schizophrenia or another entirely different condition that could possibly genetic, and could possibly explain your "symptoms". Talk to a Health Professional/GP to get help as well.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤
epic_fail (5 stories) (51 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-24)
I think you need to shake this off, this feeling you have of being born evil. I know it sounds so much easier said than done, but you've got to do it. What have you done in life that would damn you for all eternity?

The thing is, these people who are posting have the right ideas: no one is born evil, and the virgin Mary is now just a symbol, and one of purity at that. Symbols cannot maim or kill, but what they stand for (whatever you believe they stand for) can be a very powerful influence.

Having said that, I think something is messing with you severely because of your insecurities and because of what your family did to you. This is why you need to shake off this "Devil Child" feeling you're living with.

Just be human. That's all anybody is. That's what we all are. Just remember that you are human, and you have the choice of being bad or good, and you, from what I understand, are perfectly willing and completely capable of being a good one.

Concentrating on being a good person will slowly replace both your insecurities and the stigma your family placed on you. It should also make what you're dealing with, the thing that's messing with your head, either go away or more easy to spot.

And if the Virgin Mary shows up in your dreams again and tells you something disheartening, tell her to codger off. Its your life, not hers.;)

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