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Real Ghost Stories

The Orange Glow


Hampton, VA is a city that grew from one of the oldest settlements in the U.S.; aside from Jamestown. This story takes place in a section of Hampton just across Mill Creek from Fort Monroe called Phoebus. This community weathered through such events as the Revolutionary War, Civil War, and World War I. Hampton, as a whole, was burned down by our own troops in 1861. Then, the business district at the time was burned down in 1884. As you can see, this area has plenty of reasons to be haunted; for those who believe in such things.

On a lighter note, Phoebus had a restaurant called Fuller's that was used as a filming location for the movie King Crab in 1980. The film also made use of other areas in Hampton. My great uncle, Macy Carmel, was a judge in Hampton. The Carmel Center For Justice in downtown Hampton, near Phoebus, was named in his honor. Phoebus was also a great place to watch fireworks on July 4; especially for those who had relatives with waterfront property facing Fort Monroe.

It is in one of the many houses in that area on the waterfront in which this experience takes place. I won't give street names. However, I'll say that it is located on the northwest side of the main street that crosses over to Fort Monroe. It's not on the corner of the crossing street, but between the corner and the railroad tracks. My grandparents built a house there in 1952; about 6 years after my mom was born. My grandmother sold the house in 1994; about a year after my grandfather died.

I don't recall with certainty, but I am pretty sure that I was about 7; possibly 8. I was spending the weekend there as I did many times; especially during the summer. It was probably about 9pm because my grandparents went to bed early and got up early. They were usually up before I was up. Anyway, back to it being 9pm... I went to "my" bedroom. It had belonged to my mom and aunt when they were growing up. It's a large bedroom. There were 2 full size beds separated by a wall that extended just past the foot of the beds. The front half of the room was open (i.e. Not divided like the rear). I generally slept in the bed on the left side. I'm not sure why except perhaps that it was a little closer and the doorway was directly in front of it. So, I hopped into bed and likely played around quietly for a few minutes. Then, I laid down and pulled the covers up to my chest.

A few minutes went by... I was likely daydreaming about what I'd be doing the next day. Then, I suddenly saw an "orange glow", that's what I've always called it, floating at the doorway. It was roughly spherical except it had a distinct "tail". The closest thing I can think of to give you a mental image is a 3 dimensional caption. You know, like in comics books; only 3D. I was scared! Not frozen with fear, but scared. I looked at it for probably 2 or 3 seconds. Then, I hid completely under the covers for safety. However, the reaction wasn't completely out of fear. I was analytical back then too. So, I stayed under the covers for several seconds. Then, poked my head out again to see if it was still there. Not only was it still there, but it had moved closer to the bed! Well, that was enough analyzing for me! I jumped out of bed, ran out of that bedroom and into my grandparents' bedroom directly across the hall. I honestly cannot remember exactly what I told them, but I did sleep in their room that night.

Now that I've described the incident, let me fill in a few details. When you walk into that house, you're standing in a foyer. The bedrooms were down a hall to the right. The open living room and dining room areas were to the left. Then, there was a sunk-in den straight ahead. My grandparents' bedroom was all of the way down the hall on the right and the bedroom that I slept in was directly across from theirs as previously indicated. The hall light fixture was in the middle of the hall and not visible from the bed I was in at the time. So, we can rule out color spots caused by looking at a light source for a few seconds. Then, looking away. Furthermore, it was just me and my grandparents there that night. So, no-one was playing a prank on me. There were no lights on in the bedroom; not even a night light. They just left the door open so that the hall light kept the room from being pitch black.

There's another oddity about that house. I'll freely admit that this is probably not anything paranormal, but a bit weird nevertheless. There was a skylight in the living room and for an hour or so during the morning everything in the room had an orange tint to it. This was a regular occurrence likely due to the sun. However, the bedroom that I slept in did not have a skylight and was at the opposite end of the house. Yet, everything in there had an orange tint too at certain times in the morning; to a lesser degree than the living room. This wasn't all that scary to me, but it was a bit weird. I do vaguely remember some other oddities that were probably less scientific in nature, but not enough detail at the moment to put them into words.

What do you think? Was it merely an orb?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, TruthInDarkness, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-15)
Fergie - The bedroom at that house did not have a skylight. So, it definitely wasn't moonlight that caused the "orb". The only windows in the room were actually behind the beds to the back of the room and one immediately to the right of the bed on the right side of the room.

As for the living room where the skylight was, this "orange tint" happened between sunrise and about an hour or so after sunrise. So, the moon did not come into play.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-05)
Hi TID, I know I am late for this party, sorry about that.
I know you said that the orange tint & the orb were 2 separate issues, but, (I know I am reaching here) could the full moon shining through that skylight have any effect on the lighting in the house at night? It is just a thought, as I have seen some very wierd full moons (very orange) through glass. This dosn't happen often, usually due to a lot of dust in the air. (It refracts the light rays & distorts them) I know this doesn't solve the problem of the tail... Oh well, it was just a thought 🤔
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-07)
510mot - I appreciate your reply. Under normal circumstances, I would not have a problem. However, I have gone from a high of 67 to a previous low of 45. Martin and others know about the issue. I'd just like to find out who it is so we can finally resolve any differences. I always post helpful, thoughtful comments under others' stories. I never post something to intentionally antagonize or insult the OP. I can see a minus here and there perhaps, but (IMHO) a 20+ point drop in 4 weeks or less is a bit over the top.

Like I said, I'm not a troll. I didn't join YGS to intentionally offend people. I only offer honest, thoughtful opinions. It's really the principle that bothers me more than losing the points. That's why I want to find out who is doing it and resolve things privately via e-mail so that we can put all of this behind us.
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-07)
[at] TruthinDarkness please don't allow karma disses to distract you from what it is that you came to YGS to do. I certainly understand your frustrations but it comes with the territory. Any useful tool can be misused and karma points aren't any different. The best attitude to have toward karma disses is reflected in the old addage stating there is no such thing as bad press. Seriously, the negatives draw the eye as much as the positive. The smart folks will know what's up and who cares about the others?
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-06)

Will whomever is giving me minuses for no apparent reason PLEASE e-mail me so we can sort things out? My contact info is in my profile.

I just want this to end because it's gone on for far too long.

PLEASE contact me so we can settle this once and for all. I plan to be an active member of YGS for a long time. So, let's talk and find a way that we can peacefully coexist.
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-21)
PhenoBarbiDoll - Welcome to YGS and thanks for commenting on my stories. You have some interesting details about orbs. I am curious, do you have a background in physics? In short, I have a bachelor of science degree in applied physics... Please see my profile (by clicking on my username under any of my stories or comments) for more information. Though not as long as some profiles, there's quite a bit to read.

From the information you have given, the orb could have been a protector. I cannot say with absolute certainty that it had a tail when I first saw it. I do know, however, that my grandparents had a dog or 2 at one point. Unfortunately, before I was born. Again, thanks for the information. Being that it didn't taunt or hurt me, I'd say that it was friendly. A friend of mine suggested that it showed itself to me so that it could pass through without me running into it. I guess it didn't expect the reaction that it got! He seems to believe that an orb is like a spirit's "flashlight". Only it's more so that you know it's there rather than so the orb can see better. He says that an orb passing through a living person consumes a lot of energy and that's why they occasionally make themselves visible when they're in proximity.

I noticed from your profile that, like me, you live in Virginia. Feel free to e-mail or IM me (contact info is in my profile). For convenience, the story that has the mention of the hideous creature is here ( I'll respond to your and others' comments under my other stories later. I'm off to bed! Again, thanks for reading and welcome to YGS.
PhenoBarbiDoll (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-21)
Hello TID! I said I'd check out your other stories (mainly looking for the one containing the image of a hideous creature) and stumbled across this. I myself have never really experienced orbs, whether in person or in photography but I do have some personal knowledge (opinions) on the matter that might help you validate what this thing was and why it was orange and may also ease your mind and fears.

Orbs are considered by most a solid or transparent "ball" of energy or light. Some parapsychologists believe that orbs are spirits, or lingering energy from deceased entities but of course no one truly knows what orbs are. They can appear in many different shapes and colors, and as you guessed, with white orbs being the most common. Most people tend to witness orbs through photographs and through small beams of light (like a light from a video camera - best example being what you see if you watch ghost hunting shows - you may see particles in the light projected by their camera). Of course in these instances you can debunk some claims of an orb being paranormal through the explanation of small fractals of light bouncing off dust particles or the lens having water spots, insects or an error during film processing. A lot of times whether through a lens or visual eye you can also debunk some orbs with a more scientific theory: "Color difference in orbs is caused by 'chromatic distortion' which is a fancy way of saying that our eyes perceive different wavelengths and shapes as varying colors. If a particle happens to be of a certain makeup or shape, it will tend to absorb certain wavelengths of light and reflect others, thus giving the perception of a certain color". However, the fact that you saw this with your own eyes and especially the fact of you mentioning it 'floated' in the doorway and than came a bit closer after hiding doesn't correlate with how dust particles etc move. So I'm fairly confident what you experienced was paranormal.

Concerning the colors - orbs can take on various different colors all with supposed different meanings when it comes to the orb being an entity. There is a theory that Orb color difference is caused by the energy of the spirit who is represented by the orb, reflecting the spirit's energy at the time of it's death. A lot of people consider that a red or orange orb is a sign that an entity has assumed the role of a protector. This could be someone who was charged in life to keep watch or be a caretaker or could represent a spirit who is angry (since there hasn't been any malevolent activity or it trying to hurt you or scare you more than showing itself, I doubt it's angry) or in need of healing. Other colors orbs can take on are white, silver, black, brown, red, green and blue! Try looking up what those colors mean or can mean - pretty interesting.

As for the tail issue... I really don't know. A lot of people associate the tail of a orb being the orb 'trailing' a bit behind as it moves. Did this thing have an evident tail remaining completely still the first time you saw it in the doorway? If so, weird...I'm not quite sure what to make of it - could be an animal spirit possibly, I don't know. Have you had a beloved dog or something pass away?

Hope some of this information helped! Good luck to you. ❤
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
Lilady4 - I just re-read your comment. The orange glow and the orange tint are 2 DIFFERENT things. I believe that the orange glow was likely an orb, but that still leaves me with the questions I asked in an earlier post. The orange tint was likely caused by the skylight in the living room refracting the sun's rays. At certain times of the morning, I think the skylight only let the orange wavelength pass through due to the angle that the sun was shining down. I just brought it up because it was a bit of an oddity and the effect was quite surreal. However, that does not explain the similar (but not as dramatic) effect in that bedroom; also at certain times of the morning. Still, there probably is a scientific explanation.
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-29)
OK. Thanks Martin. I still haven't received answers to the questions I asked on June 27 in my first reply to bacchaegrl. Does anyone have some insight on this?
Martin (602 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
TruthInDarkness, some person left comments that could be considered promotional material (it's actually on the homepage as an announcement right now), so the comment first got downvoted, I left it as that, but a moderator must have deleted it after.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
I believe the comments are about a comment left for you earlier that seems to have been deleted.
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
Jav - Thanks for the comment. It was a short tail. Here's a visual. Think caption bubble like this: only orange, more round, and 3 dimensional.

BJJ, Bacchaegrl and DragonStorm80 - I have NO idea what you are referencing or why your comments are under my story.

Martin - if you're monitoring, is this a glitch where their comments should have appeared under someone else's story?
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
I'm thinking whoever e-mails that address will end up with a nasty virus on their PC, or a heck of a lot of spam! 😨
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
I know what you mean BadJuuJuu, it all looks very fishy to me. Any explanations, kfmckeever?
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
Uh, I don't think this story has anything to do with a haunted school or college...
I also highly doubt that SyFy would fish on this site. JS.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
This one has me completely stumped. I haven't heard of anything like it myself, but would be interested if anyone else has. It's interesting that it had a tail, I don't understand what that would signify, if anything, but interesting nonetheless.

redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
This sounds like an orb. I wonder who is could have been? Maybe just someone passing through? Orbs are the easiest form for spirits/ghosts to take. I do know that other species have different looking orbs than human orbs. Maybe you saw the orb of something that wasn't human
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
bacchaegrl - I say 3D because the "tail", though poking out to the side, appeared to be slightly behind the main part of the orb. To me, this made the orb appear more spherical rather than a circle. Thanks for your comment.

I was also wondering as to the significance of the color. I thought most orbs (though I've only seen this one with my naked eyes) were white or blue. Why would this one be orange?

Also, I was told by a friend who seems to know a bit more about spirits that an orb is more of a "warning light". He said that this light let's a living person know that the spirit is there so that you won't move through it; thus, causing the spirit fatigue. This brings me to another question: Why did the spirit think I was a danger as far as moving through it when I was lying down at the time? Wouldn't my reaction to seeing it have caused more of a problem?
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
I'm not much of an orb person, but the descriptive detail of your story really helped me understand what you saw. Sounds like a mega-orb to me! I just made up that term. Yet, I have never heard of an orb so vivid and 3D like that. It must have been very interesting to see. The possibilites for this thing could be endless, from ghosts to alien probes. I can't tell you what it is you saw, but it sounds very different from any orb I've seen or read about. Thanks for sharing.
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
TruthInDarkness: I was thinking that it may have been an orb, or merely your mind playing tricks on you. Maybe the orange tint did go into the bedrrom that you were sleeping in. But, if it moved closer to the bed, it can't really be a reflection or a tint. So, I'm going say it sounds like an orb.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤

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