It all started off one beautiful night. I was on my way home from cruising the mustang I just purchased when I recieved a phone call from my best friend. He sounded frightened and he is like a "macho" dude that never shows fear. Anyways, he stayed back while his girlfriend and her family went to New Mexico for their annual summer trip. While talking to him he started to tell me what had him so freaked out. He said that he was watching t.v with his dog by his side when out of no where a glass hit the wall in the kitchen. I think that's the fastest I ever drove ten miles before. When I got there I saw him outside on the front porch smoking a cigarette. So I asked him to explain a little more in depth what had happened. As he was explaining how he was just dozing off and was at the point where he could "hear" what was going on but was in a light sleep, the dog just starting barking at the front door. Baffled by why the dog would do this I entered the house only to find that nothing was there.
As the night when on things just weren't how they usually felt at the house. Its normally full of kids and there is always a sense of enjoyment, but tonight was different. We were watching t.v in the living room which is right next to the kitchen and the stairs that lead to the master bedroom. I was just starting to sleep at about 12:30am when I heard what sounded like footsteps walking down to the living room. Very loud and very clear, we both heard them. Needless to say we got freaked out. I decided to head back to my house to get my camcorder that has nightvision built in to do an investigation. So we decided to set up the camera in the kitchen facing the sink and the cupboards while we left to get some food. It didn't take long for the entity to realize we were gone but I think it knew we were trying to catch it in the act. When we came back approximately 45 minutes later we reviewed the tape. Nothing out of the ordinary happened except for this strange shadow you can see walk from the basement stairs to the doorwall and then disapear. Although the sounds were a bit creepy, we kept hearing this "click". Like it was the fridge turning on, but we debunked it being the fridge by hearing what that sounds like shortly after hearing this clicking sound a series of times. That was just night gets worse.
As day broke, tired and ready to be outta there we clean the house, and I mean CLEAN the house. To prepare what we were doing tonight we cleaned and put everything away that could be moved or make sounds. We even turned off the empty fridge and deep freezer along the the a.c. Later on that evening we returned to the house only to find that the silverware separater is out of the drawer but the silverware remained in the drawer.
So I took it upon myself to start the investigation. I started off by telling them that I was not afraid and they could touch me, talk to me, even hurt me. I didn't care, I wanted answers. Upon asking these questions I got no responses until I asked it to make a sound and a very loud BANG on the wall was enough to make me almost pee my pants.
So as the investigation went on I kept my camera rolling in the kitchen as I headed into the basement where we heard the banging come from. All I had was a digital recorder and a lighter. Scariest moment ever I think. I just set the recorder on a table that was right next to the stairs and started to just kind of talk to whatever was there. As I was talking I was interrupted by something shuffling across the floor, and then the voices. Oh man the voices... While listening to the recorder I heard a voice say the word "help". It was what's considered a Class A evp. If that wasn't strange enough while we were watching the tape that just recorded the kitchen a loud and violent bang on the floor interrupted the silence in the room, and made the dog go crazy.
Night three is where it gets very stressful. As soon as we enter the house the overall "attitude" of us changes from serious, to serioulsy scared. My friend decided to talk to the spirit by using a pen and paper and asking what do you want in big capital letters. I left the camera rolling down there that night to ensure nobody came in to screw with it. So we walked out of the house just to have a smoke and that's when it happened.
My girlfriends car doors lock on her while she is trying to open the door to get inside of it. I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. My friend Matt almost burst into tears. So we waited quite some time to go back in but when we did it was not good news. I believe our worst fears were confirmed. I ran downstairs and quickly grabbed the camera and the digital recorder. As we watched and listened to the various sounds going on we all heard a couple very distinct noises. We heard a pen sliding around on the tile floor and shortly after you hear footsteps walk across the basement, up the stairs and across the living room where my girlfriend left her keys and then the car doors locked. She has a 2010 vehicle so she has a clicker that makes the horn go off when it locks. We left and only agreed to come back during the day.
We watched the video and listened to what had happened last night only to find out my strange occurences. While we were walking back into the house you can hear someone say "they're coming" on the digital recorder and on the camcorder. While watching the video another big bang came from the basement so we went down to look. Right underneath where we felt the bang was the first and last place we looked. We found a check from the original owners of the home. Was this them trying to tell us what happened or to dig deeper and figure something out? It was strange and it freaked us out. So we went downtown and researched a little only to find that all five families before this left after three years of owning the home. The parents all got divorced in the process of living there, including my friends girlfriends parents that Christmas. Only they had been living there for 7 years prior to that happening.
I still have all the tapes and recordings from the nights I spent there if anyone from Michigan would like to see them. So was it harmful? Not sure, but something I forgot to tell you was that the paper my friend wrote on got a response... In big, lowercase, staggard writing was the word help on the top of the page over where he had previoulsy written. I don't need help with anything just wanted to share my story cause of course they moved shortly after coming home from vacation. Thank you for reading and I hoped you enjoyed my experience.
If you read through my comments where I talk about the other little things that happened that I should have included into some sort of history, it will tell you that other stuff did happen that they were home for. I know this family very well and the house is NEVER quiet. There is 4 kids and 3 dogs and the tvs are constantly left on all night. If there is stuff happening while they are there, it would be difficult to detect. I appreciate the input I really do and to me that's exactly what it sounds like. Thanks or reading and your opinion.