I was born in Australia, and then moved to Hong Kong when I was 4. We rented out our old house while we were in Hong Kong. The family that was renting our house stopped renting it, while we were in Hong Kong. A few months later we moved back to Australia, by then we had been living in Hong Kong for 4 years. When we got back to the house that had been rented out, it felt different. I had very little memories from the house because when I left I was only 4, but I remember it having a happy feeling. Now it just felt depressing. The first year we lived there nothing big happened except the car keys would always go missing and would be found in weird spots like one time it was hidden in our bowl of flour.
My father started renovating he started with my room, so I moved to the spare room upstairs. The room layout for upstairs was a small hallway; at the end of the hallway was the kid's rumpus room. If you leave the room and walk down the hallway the first room you would walk past is the spare bedroom, then the bathroom. The bathroom had two entrances; one entrance was from the hall the other from the spare bedroom each of the entrances had a wooden sliding door. I went to bed upstairs one night and I was about to fall asleep when I heard strange banging or crashing sounds coming from the rumpus room. I was frightened out of my mind, to make things worse it stopped, then I heard the very distinct sound of the hallways bathroom door slide open then shut. My entrance to the bathroom was shut but I knew something was behind that door; I stayed up staring at the door for some time until I fell asleep.
Soon my dad had finished reservations not just on my room, but the whole house we no longer have the wooden sliding doors in the upstairs bathroom. Something weird started happening in my room that freaked me out. Late at night I started hearing footsteps that came from outside my window. Just to let you know outside my window was a path that connected our garage to the backyard. The footsteps got louder every night. One night I heard a someone whispering this scared me so much I ran to the downstairs bathroom and slept on towels for the rest of the night. But the creepiest thing that happened was that one night the footsteps started up, by then I was used to it so I didn't pay much attention. I was facing my door so I turned over and faced the window and there was a shadowy figure, normally I would be freaking out but the figure had a calming effect. The figure then started to fade until it was completely gone.
My parents told me a few days later something about the person who was renting the house, which made sense. The reason why the people stopped renting is because the son and father died in a tragic car crash. The mother went into depression and wouldn't let anyone talk to her about it she would just change the subject. She got help and she is now okay, but the house still had a depressing feel so she moved out. My parents knew this because one of the neighbours told them about the tragic event.
We moved out, other people moved in and I don't know how they're going, but I'm sure they would of noticed something by now.