A little over nine months ago, I had a strange experience while I was attempting to sleep in my and my mothers new apartment. No one I know has really been able to give me an answer as to what I experienced and its been bugging me since it happened. I was hoping that someone on here could help me out. What happened was that while settling in under my covers, I felt something heavy jump up onto my bed, and spin around as though preparing to lay down. It was much like a cat or dog does before they lie on a pillow or something.
Now I didn't really think much of it, cause I've had cats since I was 3 and my cat in her old age had put on some weight. Also she had a nightly routine of sleeping at my feet, right where I felt the pressure. However, as I lay there (I was laying on my side facing away from the spot) I realized that it was taking a rather long time to settle down. I was a little confused because I didn't believe that my cat had gained that much weight, and had spontaneously grown to the size of a small dog. When I say small, I just mean it was probably the size of a 6-8 month old puppy.
None the less, I had assumed it was my cat, but when I looked, the pressure left and nothing was there. No cat, no indent in the covers, just nothing. When I reached my hand over I didn't feel anything off about the air either. The strangest part however, was the return of the pressure when I once again turned away. Later (or prior, it was kind of awhile ago so I can't say exactly) my cat had me freaked out a few times in the general area, she would sniff and jump back a few times before leaping of the bed (I was scared it was a spider). As I'm sure you can guess, no spider, what she was sniffing at I have no idea, but it couldn't have been bigger than a mouse.
I had never (haven't since either) experienced something like that, at least, not to that magnitude. I do remember however, that about 3 years prior, when I lived in my great grandmothers house, I felt something similar. What I felt when I was at my grams was more like a snake, slithering along the edge of my legs. It would start at my ankle, and go until about my mid-thigh. It was a very slight pressure and it almost seemed like it was on repeat. It would happen almost every night, unlike my experience written above, so I got used to it (still kind of freaked me out, but my cat wasn't frightened and that made me calmer about it). After while it stopped, and then some months later (I don't remember how many) it came back, only this time it had individual steps. Its feet where about the size of the average cat, but it walked in the same pattern and spot as the slithering.
After the apartment, I moved with in with my aunt, and would occasionally feel a small pressure, but it was softer and barely noticeable. I've moved once more since my aunt, to my current location and haven't felt anything since. I don't feel afraid when it happens/happened, just shocked (momentarily) and more curious.
I feel as though the experiences are connected, but I don't see how. Can spirits grow or change size? I still don't have a clue as to what it was, so any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Um...thanks? Haha
No, my cat is more of a 'let the spider walk all over me' kind of cat... She doesn't even go after mice or anything...