I lived in a second floor flat with both of my parents. When we first moved in, a neighbor told us we should not move in there, that the flat was used for constant partys using the ouija board. My dad did not take any notice of the neighbor at the time. I was about twelve years old.
Three nights after we moved in, it started. We had a plastic runner in the hallway to protect the carpet. We all had just gone to bed when we heard something running up and down the hallway on the runner. My dad jumped up and turned on the light. It stopped. My dad thought some one broke in, he checked the flat, there was nothing, just us. He turned the light back off. I went to sleep in my mum and dad's room. Ten minutes later, something was running madly up and down the hallway again. My dad jumped up and ran in the hallway. The running noise stopped. My dad was now standing in the bedroom doorway, he swore and shouted to go away, which made it angry because we heard the kitchen cuboards opening and slamming shut and our thick mahogany chairs sliding across the kitchen floors. My mum started screaming in a state of shock. My dad turned on the lights, the cuboards stopped banging and chairs stopped moving when my dad went to the kitchen. All the cuboards were open and chairs were in the middle of the kitchen.
We had years of this. My dad was the first one to see the spirits and I was the second to see them. There was two. My mum only heard them and never saw them, which was a good thing because if she did, she would have had heart failure. The one that haunted me the most wore a black robe with a hood and no face. He had big hands like shovels and wore a big ruby ring. He was 7 feet high and his shoulders were wider than the doorway. He looked like the grim reaper. The other spirit wore a white robe and was the same size as the other one and had a white ruffle round his neck. We heard voices arguing, one was telling the other one "you have had your fun its time for you to go now". My mum was a bag of nerves, she went to the vicar. They sent people to see if we were mad or if it was real. One day after, they gave the go ahead for the exorcism.
I'm now 30 and live in my own house. The other week, my son came screaming down the stairs, saying he saw a man in his room. When he described it, I knew who it was. My son is ten and scared to go upstairs on his own now. I swear it's punishing me, it made my life hell for years, but I got used to it. I thought the exorcism got rid of it but now my son has seen it and I know he hasn't heard me talk about it because I don't. It's my secret.