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Real Ghost Stories

Our Extra Clients


In 2005 I opened a day spa around the corner from the historic district in Conway. We opened the first week in December. About a week before Christmas we started hearing items being moved around but no one in the room the noise was coming from. Now the house was built in the early 1900's so settling was what I tried to chalk it up to, but soon realized it was more than that.

I have a light in one of the rooms that I know was off when I closed at night but when I got in in the morning it would be on. At first I thought maybe my mother was coming in and leaving it on but when confronted she had not been in.

One day in June of 2006 my mom was in the shop with a client (Danny); my mom called me and asked why I did not come in and say hello to them. I told her that I had not returned to work after leaving; that's when she told me that she and Danny both had heard the doors open and close 2 times. I spoke to Danny and he said yes they thought I had come in.

Most of the strange things that go on in the building are at the same times of the year. Little things happen through out the year but nothing I don't try to explain away. One night in early 2007 I was working late and a client named Ann and I was telling her about some of the strange things that go on in the building. After doing a pedicure on her I tried to drain the water out of the chair but the pump would not turn on. I told Ann that I would try to drain it in a little while; I went back to drain the tub 45 minutes later to find the water was gone. Ann and I both laughed and said the ghost must be a girl because a boy would not have messed with it. By the way the pump was still not working.

I have been in that room many times and could feel someone watching at the door but when I would look no one was there. Through the year of 2007 lights would be on or things would be moved around but a week before Christmas in 2007 a lot of activity was happening. The ghost was topic of conversation all day. A girl (Lauren) who used to work there laughed and said you guys are funny there is no ghost in here. Around an hour after Lauren said that she had an encounter with it. Lauren had gone to the other side of the building to powder her nose when she was "shoved"; Lauren came straight to me with her eyes as wide as silver dollars and told me of her encounter. Lauren never said that there was no ghost in their after that!

Moving ahead to Feb of 2008; I was at work with Leigh and a client named Betty, we had been in there for about 30 minutes or so and Betty and I heard Leigh's clippers turn on, nothing unusual about that I thought. The clippers had been on for a good 5 minutes before Leigh comes in to where Betty and I were and asked if I had turned them on, I told her I thought she was cleaning them but she had not even been to her station yet.

Moving ahead OCT 2009 my mother was at the shop around 10pm cleaning and reorganizing her things, she was in the kitchen when she said she had this feeling of someone watching her. She had said that there was a lot of racket going on in the building but left after the feeling in the kitchen.

December of 2009 my 2 1/2 year old grand daughter was at the shop and needed to use the bathroom, she went into the same one Lauren did almost a year to the day before. When the baby came out she was scared. Ashlynn (the baby) came to me and said that scary was back there. I asked her to show me but she would not go back down the hall.

When I finally got her to go with me she stopped dead in her tracks and pointed and said "it's right there" of course I didn't see anything but she did. I asked her to tell me what it looked like and she kept saying it was black and has no eyes. (She is 4 now and tells the story like it was yesterday).

Ashley who also worked there had a digital clock that was plugged into the wall kept telling me that almost every time she came in the time was changed. It was only happening to her clock. Ashley also told me she seen someone sitting in a chair but when she turned to look again it was gone. I also had a woman that would come in to do massages named Jonna and she had told me of her feeling of being watched. Jonna came to me before I told her of the crazy things that go on.

Our Extra Clients 1
Our Extra Clients 2
Our Extra Clients 3
Our Extra Clients 4

About 3 years ago I took a picture of the building for my face book profile picture. This photo has been on face book for 3 years. I needed a picture for advertising and pulled the photo off face book, I got to looking at it closely and you can clearly see 4 figures in the windows. I was the only person there when I took the picture. I told my friend that sold the building to me. Michelle told me a story about a farm house that used to own all the property around me. I'm on the grounds. The farm house caught on fire and the little girl never made it out. I am hoping I can upload the picture for all to see.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Kelley08, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Kelley08 (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-10)
A team of paranormal investigators came into the salon last night. ( (9-9-11) one of the ladies was a physic and before she even walked in the building she was having experiences of being touched. After they got into the shop she stood in front of the couch and told me that I had had something happen on the couch. She sat down and said that I had had a feeling of being touched on my arm and of something playing in my hair. Both of which has happened in the last two weeks. We have one area in the shop that is very active and they knew what room it was. She said in the "red" room she had a feeling of men gathering and could smell a cigar or pipe. While they were there they were taking pictures and when they went to the back side of the shop the cameras would go dead. They changed batteries 3 times and still had the same troubles. Even the video camera with a 6 hour battery only worked for around 30 minute We even got some sort of groaning sound in a recording. The physic said that we have more than one ghost/spirit in the building 2 of them children. The team said they took some very interesting pictures and would send them to me soon.
Kelley08 (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-05)
A paranormal team is coming to the salon on Thursday to investigate our extra clients. Can't wait to see what they say.
Kelley08 (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-24)
Yes there is a reflection and I do get that with every photo but I do not get the figure next to the reflection... I have tried to de bunk this my self and can't seem to get the same pic. I have taken it with the same shadows on the roof but nothing but the square reflection in the window
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-23)
did wonder the same as rook when I first saw this but then seen the pictures.
Must say there looks to be something there in the pictures 3 and 4.
The second one not to sure about when I look at it yes looks like a figure but then nest to it looks like a reflection of the same shape so...
Any way great pics 😁
Kelley08 (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-23)
I have tried to re create the picture and can not get the images in the windows. The only thing I can get are the reflections of trees and it's no where close to what these look like
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-23)
All I see are a bunch of anthropomorphic like reflections of the sun, sky, and leaves of a tree, in the windows...
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-23)
one pic does look like that of a pilgrim dressed lady... But I have to say, the glare may be responsible for that as well... Any case, nice story and thanks for the pics
sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-23)
Thank you for posting the photos! I can definitely see the figured in the wide shot. How creepy. And your grandaughter seeing "scary" gave me chills. I wonder who the other figures could be since you only know of the little girl that didn't make it out of the burning building? Interesting read, thank you 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-23)

I remembered reading this experience and to see it again as I was 'catching up' with the new experiences that had been posted threw me off...

The pictures were added after your originally submitted this experience? If so this was 're-published' when they were added and seeing it again with the 'new experiences' just confused me for a few... Sorry for any confusion I caused...


Kelley08 (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-23)
Rook... Not sure what you meant by this being posted as new.?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-23)
Not that this is a bad experience but how did it get posted as new? Just wondering.


Kelley08 (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-12)
Dan... I looked at the top window a little closer and do see what you do. (woman and child) crazy! Makes me wonder how many are really here...
Kelley08 (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-11)
I thought it looked like a woman with a vail af some sort. The bottom window looks like a man and small child. And the other window looks like a girl waving
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-10)
Kelley08: Thank you for sending me the pictures, I can definitely see something in the 3rd picture of the upstairs window looks like an older woman and a child kind of looking up at her. What do you think? 😊

Kelley08 (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-10)
I sent 4 pictures to have them added so cross your fingers. Hopefully they can add them!
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-10)
interesting story, sounds like a fun place to work as long as you do believe that is!
Please keep this up dated if anything else happens there.
Hope you get to post that picture.
Lindsay (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-10)
we have a web site where you can upload pictures and tell your stories, with as much detail as possible, as the database is searchable. Specific addresses etc help others find accounts that match their own or that they have specific knowledge of. Not ethical to advertise here but message me if you like and I'll give you details.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-10)
Kelley08: Great story it seems as though you have more then 1 spirit residing still in your building.

They don't seem malevolent I think that they are curious, want some attention and are enjoying the company of you and your customers perhaps.
A job well done finding out the past history of the land and building this does help us to understand a bit more the circumstances surrounding these occurences.
I would love to see the photo of this, my email is in my profile.

Thank you for sharing.

Kelley08 (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-09)
I can't figure out how to up load the picture. We are in the heart of Conway, very close to the court house. I have spoke to a woman who does research on Conway and she told me that in 1910 a man came home from work early to find a man hiding under the bed. The man was servicing his wife while he was at work. The husband killed the "boyfriend" with a pocket knife. I was told that that event had taken place very close to my property. I have the abstract of the property dating from 1831 to present. I have been trying to find info on the people who has this property. Give me email addresses and I will send pic. Until I can figure out how to upload pic

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BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2011-08-09)
Wow, this is quite an account! It seems you have a very active place of business. The fact that so many people have had experiences there really leaves no room for doubt. Like Greensleeves, I'd love to see that picture.
Greensleeves (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-08)
It would be wonderfull to see the photo of your building! Your story really intrigued me, yet I have a feeling something is missing... Perhaps more information on the ghost (s). Please update more as it is discovered! I'm thrilled to see what more you have to say!

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