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Real Ghost Stories

Lucifer's Corner


It all started back in the summer of 2008. I was about 13 or 14 at the time. My friend and his family had invited me to go camping with them up in Northern California, almost at the border of Oregon. We had lots of stuff planned and one of those things was to go to some caves.

When we got to the caves my friends mom had told us to take a sweater and a flashlight because it was very cold and very dark in there. Me and my friend came to the entrance of the cave and his parents and sisters followed. When we were walking through the cave there was a bunch of these little culdesacs to our left and right. Me and my friend went into one. It was called "Lucifers Corner".

We stayed in there for about 5 minutes just looking around and realized that we were alone. So we turned off our flashlights and it was pitch black. You could not even see your hand inches from your face. This was kind of random but I told my friend to say "bloody mary" 3 times. He did it and nothing happened. So we fired up our flashlights and headed for the exit.

We got out and we couldn't find his family so we assumed that they we back inside the caves. My friend and I went back to the entrance, entered the cave, and walked through once again. We eventually came back to "lucifers corner" where my friend said "bloody mary" 3 times and noticed that there was 3 lit candles melted on the cave wall in the EXACT spot where my friend said it! We looked at that and then looked at each other then we both bolted toward the exit.

When we got outside we were breathing heavily trying to catch our breath. We were both trying to come up with an explanation of why the candles were there but there just wasn't any! There was no candle holder things, no candles on any of the other cave walls, barely any people visiting these caves. What were the chances of 3 candles being in the EXACT same spot where my friend said "bloody mary" 3 Times! There was just no way!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Sharks408, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-23)
It all started...

What exactly 'all started'? Oregon Caves is near enough to California, and it's been explored for nearly a century and a half. I very much doubt that a cave system that isn't under the control of a Federal agency is going to be pristine.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-23)
Where are these caves? Where is the nearest campground? Where is the nearest town? You are willing to go exploring caves ill prepared?
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-22)
There are a lot of questions to be asked regarding this story, and I think DeviousAngel summed them up very well. I don't think seeing three candles was anything paranormal. Why should they be? They weren't doing anything odd, just sitting there. I, personally think that you would nbeed to do more of a ritual or calling upon spirits to get anything to show up. At least I would hope so.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-22)
You don't think it is possible that some kids went in there before you and were messing around with candles there? Who calls it Lucifer's Corner? Why would you guys be in a dark cave by yourselves? Bears live in caves. You were not afraid of bears? Hm... I think the Bloody Mary thing only works if you are near water.
PhenoBarbiDoll (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-21)
I'm no expert but I kind of agree with the other responders to your post in that it seems like a prank. Who knows, it might've been done by your friends family because it's really weird to me that they would just leave you and your friend in a pitch black cave at 14 by yourselves and in an area you aren't familiar with and walk off without even telling you or letting you know where they're going. Your friend might even be apart of it too - had it setup because I'm sure no one just randomly walks around with candles in their pocket. Also, was this a spur of the moment trip or does your friend's family camp in that area often and have been to the caves before? With them being there before would validate (more) that it's a prank and premeditated. Also the day it happened or days encompassing it could cause for suspicion of a prank - like maybe it was April Fool's day or close to it. All in all it just seems too random to be a spirit of any kind that did that - I don't think candles have anything to do with Bloody Mary either, at least I don't know what their significance in connection with her is and you saying Bloody Mary 3 times in correlation with how many candles there were, unless there is some sort of trickster spirit/entity down there messing with you. These are just theories of course, though - good luck to you. ❤
Munsterx3 (1 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-20)
Thanks for agreeing with me AnimalAngels. Sorry if our observations weren't what you were looking for.
AnimalAngels (guest)
14 years ago (2011-08-20)
Hey there! I have to agree with Munsterx3, Sorry! I think its a prank, it makes the most sense. Good luck!


Munsterx3 (1 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-20)
Honestly sounds like a prank to me. Actually sounds like something I'd do.

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