My story takes place at the age of 13 years old. On a really cold night, I lay in bed asleep, all snug and warm in my heated room. As I start to drift of to sleep, I begin to hear a soft voice say..."watch me dance". I was totally freaked out by this, so I flicked on the lights as soon as possible, but saw nothing. To tired to call for my mum and dad, I turned the lights off. Again I heard the voice. I listened for a moment, nothing happened. All of a sudden a little female figure appeared on the wall, and began to dance, ballet to be specific. I watched in astonishment, flabbergasted! Although at the same time I felt relaxed and sleepy once more. As began to fall asleep, I heard a soft whispear fill the room..."Shhhhhhh" "Shhhhhh" Shhhhh".
Again I woke. And again she comforted me. She began to stroke my forehead very soflty. As I slowly closed my eyes, I could have sworn I saw a large mans figure at the end of my bed. My eyes shot open and I flicked on the lights. He vanished as I did so. The figure told me never to look at him or even talk. Scared, I crept into my parents room and slept with them for the night, but I occasionally awakened and saw her dancing on our walls, so peacfully and calmly, like the world was a wonderful place.
My baby cousin was over for the weekend while her parents were away on a buisness trip in Austria. I was left in the house alone with her while my parents were grocery shopping. At around 5:00pm I began to play peek-a-boo with her. She was laughing away, until all of a sudden she began to cry, very loundly. At first I thought she hurt hersef, but there was nothing within meters that could have possibly hurt her. As I began I tried my best to calm her down. I hugged her I changed her nappy, I tried to feed her and give her her bottle, but nothing would work. I finally gave up on her, I left her to cry. While I was making myself a cup of tea, I heard a soft voice say..."I'll do it, I'll calm her down" Frustrated I shouted back "I tried, I already did, she would fliping stop!" No reply came. I said to myself, let her do it, she'll do it herself.
Within 2 minutes Maria had stopped crying and fallen asleep. I crept into the sitting room and saw Maria was on the couch, with a blanket over her. "See... I told you I'd do it" That was the last I heard of the girl, but Maria's mum says sometimes when she is about to comfort Maria, the figure says softly in her ear, "I'll do it, I'll calm her down" Just like she did to me. Thanks for reading!