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Queen Mary Ghost Jackie?


My husband and I visited the Queen Mary August, 2011 for our 15th wedding anniversary. On the night of the 11th we decided to take the paranormal evening tour just for fun. It started late and I was kind of frustrated, but when the guide arrived he was very informative. I must say I was just expecting a fun tour "behind the scenes" tour and am a sceptic of these things.

As we entered the first class swimming pool aria, my husband, another teenager on the tour and myself heard in a little girl voice "daddy". We said nothing to the guide, but the teenage boy did. The guide came in the room after us and started the story of Jackie, a little girl who drowned in the pool in the 40's. He then explained how divining rods work and why they are used then enlisted the aid of a little girl on the tour. He asked if Jackie wanted to play and everyone was very quiet. He kept on trying to communicate with her and stated he has had many encounters with her over the years. He then requested if she wanted to play with us to point the rods to where she was. They pointed right beside her so I took a photo. I could see nothing but the girl who was holding the rods stated she felt her hands become "chilly"

Then my husband took another photo from a different spot in the pool aria as the guide continued to communicate with Jackie. I must admit, I totally was not impressed as I could "see" nothing. When I got home I downloaded my photos of the trip and discovered what I believe is Jackie on my camera. I have 2 photos.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MichaelAngela, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

BattleScars (3 stories) (44 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-20)
Ooh you got photos. Other members and I would be glad to have a look at them!

Did you have a good time though.

Much love

sunny99 (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-08)
I would love to see the photos too.
I remember seeing the girl (ghost) as a child back in the early 70's when I was 3 or so years old. The strange part is I remember a little girl in a black longer swimsuit and cap, asking to go play with her in the pool, I remember telling her I needed to ask for permission (and I didn't know how to swim, but she wanted me to join her anyways) anyways when I took a few steps away to ask my family (they said no, and didn't see any little girl either) I turned around she was gone, but there was wet foot steps on the floor that disappeared. I always remember that day, but didn't know she existed as a popular ghost until later I heard about these stories of her.
One this is it was a good idea to drain that pool or close it to the public.

I personally am not a fan of visiting the Queen Mary, the little girl was the first ghost I saw there, but I would see the other ones too that I am now reading about... I thought it was my imagination... But that place really is a collection of spirits, it should be out to rest.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-18)
MichaelAngela: There is quite a few stories that are about The Queen Mary on this site, a lot of them involve the swimming pool area aswell. Like the others it would be great if we could see the pictures you took.

Bri_bewitched: Instead of making personal announcements on other peoples stories maybe you shoud just post one yourself.
Madyrina (68 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-17)
I too would love to see the photos! Good story.

I went on the Queen Mary's halloween ghost tour one year but, alas, didn't see or capture anything. Did have some "creepy" feelings but no evidence to substantiate those feelings. ❤
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-17)
And your photos are where exactly? I'm afraid dousing rods aren't the most unimpeachable 'tool of detection' due to the ideomotor effect.


And the notion that a young girl's hands being chilly, isn't that surprising due to the lateness of the hour aboard a ship.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-17)
good story michaelangela 😊
Like deviousangel I would be interested in seeing the pictures if you still have them.
bri_bewitched (2 stories) (12 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-17)
every time I am on this site, not manner what time it is, I always feel like I'm being watched... But even when I'm not, I still do feel like I'm being watched! Usually when I'm alone but there are only a few people that I actually still feel like I'm being watched! That would be my friend taylor, who has had paranormal experiences of her own, (im posting one of her happenings on here for her) my cousin, who is one of the only people in my family who don't think I'm crazy, and my friend dasiey. Wierd thing: all of us had a paranormal experience before! But even weirder it started happening to them a little while after they met me... My response to that is wtf?! Great story by the way:)
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-17)
Would you happen to have these photos to post to the site? You can email the site and they will upload them to the story for you.

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