What I'm about to explain may seem confusing, I apologize, but I can barely remember anything.
So last night around 2:30 in the morning I woke up out of a deep sleep. It was completely dark in the house, and it was me and my sister and my niece. I can't remember what woke me up, but as soon as I opened my eyes I could have sworn I saw something red so I panicked jump out of the bed and ran to my sisters room. She was knocked out, but she said that when she woke up I was backing into her room like I was scared that somebody was in the house.
When she asked me WTH I was doing I told her that I was "seeing red". When I went back in the room to sleep again I had left the door open this time.
As I was dosing off into sleep again I was going into the paralysis state. So I forced myself to wake up again then I finally went back to sleep. Now when she woke up in the morning she explained to me that after I left her room she, as well, was seeing red shapes.
When I woke up this morning I was completely exhausted and I couldn't remember anything. Like it was literally bits and pieces to my memory. It makes me mad because I want to know and understand what happened last night.
I can't seem to figure out if it was a face or voice that scared the crap out of me. And why I was so drained after all those hours of sleep last night? Has anybody else had a similar story to mine? Please share.
Also my sister is a bit big on all of that meditation and stuff I hear that when you astral-project its possible you can bring stuff back with you.