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Doppelganger In The Mirror


I was staying at my Aunt and Uncle's house for the weekend. Upon entrance to the house, there is a small room. To the right is an entrance to the living room, while there is an entrance to the kitchen across from it. The kitchen has the only door to the backyard within it. If you look straight from the front door, there is a set of wooden ladders. After about 10 steps up, the stairs stop and continue to the left. If you follow to the left, you will come to a hallway after passing some more steps. To the left side of the hallway is the master bedroom and bathroom and on the right side is my cousin Drina's room and the guestroom (where I stayed over). However, if you follow to the right, there is a wall-sized mirror that I particularly dislike.

On the first day, nothing really happened, but at about 10pm on the final day of my stay, (Sunday) my cousin asked that I didn't make much noise because she had to wake up early for a basketball game in San Antonio. I nodded and told her that I was going to sleep anyways, and went back into my room. I was awoken by the noise of someone opening their door, and I thought it was my cousin, so I rolled to the side and checked the clock. It was 4:30am and, even if it appeared too early, I wanted to go say goodbye to my cousin. I put on my glasses and headed out the door. From where I was, I could see the mirror across from the hall. At first, I thought my cousin was standing over the mirror in her team's uniform. I was going to go greet her, but I stopped and realize it was not my cousin, but her reflection! I read the name of her team imprinted in the shirt. It was backwards, like a reflection itself. I hurried over to my room, shut the door, and hid under the covers. That THING had scared the living daylights out of me!

At 10am, I woke up again. This time, I saw my 'cousin' again. However, it was not a reflection. I thought it was her this time, but I focused on the team's logo. And knew at once that it was a doppleganger.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Roxanne090, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Christine_Pandora (1 stories) (80 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-09)
I only say this as I used to sleep walk and do other things in my sleep and to this day I still talk while i'm asleep - which my partner seems to find hilarious, Anyways, maybe it could be that?
Have you asked if your cousin has sleeping issues?

But my theory doesn't explain the backwards letters which you seem to have noticed pretty clearly both times so I doubt it was from just waking up 😊
sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-24)
Oh okay I think I can picture what you mean now... So she was not IN the mirror, but outside of the mirror but it seemed like a reflection because the shirt letters were backwards? You say that she left at 7:30am, but according to your story the apparition happened at 4:30am. Still doesn't explain the backwards jersey, but it for sure couldn't have been your cousin?
Roxanne090 (10 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-23)
The second time I saw my 'cousin', she was out of the mirror and looking across the hallway from where she was standing (the mirror was in back of her). My cousin had actually left to her game at 7:30am, which her parents told me.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-23)
If I had to ask any one question about's this...

What time did your cousin leave to go to her game in San Antonio?

Oh and this one... The second time... Was the image of your cousin 'in the mirror' still or was it 'out' of the mirror?


Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-22)
Thank you for the reply. What do you mean by "looking straight"? Was she looking/facing you? Was she standing a distance from the mirror? Because in one instance you say "over the mirror" in another you say "a few steps to the mirror". Both of these are confusing to me, I hope you understand. I'm just trying to get a mental picture of what you saw.

Roxanne090 (10 stories) (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-22)
The second time I saw the possible doppelganger, I'm sure that the shirt was not inside-out. It looked like her real uniform, which I had myself seen before, except that the letters were backwards. The apparition was a few steps to the mirror, looking straight. It didn't seem to notice me, and didn't move or even blink the few seconds I managed to brave out there.
MandyyNicole (7 stories) (183 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-22)
I like all these suggestions from the others, especially if she was standing out of range for you to see her in the mirror, that's a kind of fun de-bunking.

I was thinking at first, maybe she was astral projecting, but... Not sure why she'd be in her uniform while doing that.
Another possibility is she may have, by accident, had her shirt on inside out the second time you saw her? Do you know what time she ended up actually leaving?
I would definitely say something about it though, you never know if they have experienced anything else in the house until you bring it up.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-22)
Also, if the mirror is tipped at all, you may have been looking at her reflection as she was standing downstairs. This could also cause you not to feel well around that particular mirror. If it was tilted downward, you may very well be getting a feeling of vertigo.

Just a thought 😉
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-22)
About the mirror, what is directly opposite of the mirror? Is it just open space in the upstairs, or is there another room or deck across from it? I'm having a hard time picturing the setup here, sorry.

sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-22)
Are you sure your cousin couldn't have been standing in the range of the mirror? Have you asked your cousin at all about this, or told her? It would make sense that you saw her "reflection" so early in the morning since she said she was getting up early anyway for her game. I'm thinking it really could have been her reflection and she was nearby, but who knows!
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-22)
Also, I am sorry I wrote deappear. That is not a word. I think I made it up; I meant to write disappear. How it turned into deappear, I will never know.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-22)
[at] Roxanne090,
I'm going to have to echo Baccha here. We need more information on the second sighting to really be able to analyze this at all. Was she standing before the mirror? Or was she facing you? Where exactly, and what direction was she looking/facing? Did she acknowledge you at all with any facial expression?
Will be waiting on your reply.

bacchaegrl (506 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-22)
Have you talked to anyone in your family about this sighting? Maybe your aunt and uncle or even cousin have experienced the same thing. Maybe you have some sory of spirit that specialized in mimicry. I don't really know. The second time, did the apparition interact with you? Did it deappear? Can you tell us what happened when you sighted the thing for the second time?

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