I live in Geelong, Australia and this sighting occurred a couple years ago. I don't live in a very big house, so my bedroom is really close to the kitchen. I always slept with my door open back when I was 15 - 16 years old. My parent's bedroom is also close to the kitchen, which is where this "creature" was standing.
The time was around 3:30am, I remember waking up (I would wake up randomly sometimes, does not happen anymore) and I was facing my wall, with my back towards the kitchen. I rolled over to my other side and as soon as I did this my eyes adjusted to the light in the kitchen, then they fixated to the door which led to where my parent's room was which is also the entry into my kitchen.
This is when I spotted the creature. It wasn't very big, measuring around 80 centimeters. It resembled a goblin or gremlin. I could not tell for sure what it was; it was slightly dark but bright enough for me to get a rough figure. It had very distinct ears, which is what gave it away. At the time I couldn't move, probably because I was about to crap myself.
Me and this creature exchanged looks for about a minute. It was just peaking around the side of the door looking at me, standing very still.
All I did was look because I was afraid that if I moved, it would run off or attack me. After watching it for sometime, paralyzed, I quickly rolled back over to face the wall. I turned back to see if it was still watching me but it had disappeared.
The "creature" has never returned since then.
Much love xoxo