My friends Damien and Steven used to stay in Pfeifer hall at Union College in room 131. The first week little things started happening. Damien is OCD and is very organized, even his clothes are organized from dress clothes, to clothes he wears, to clothes he doesn't wear, and they would be rearranged.
Week two: me, Damien and Steven were playng Halo and Damien's desk flies up and slams on the ground. Week three: stuff starts getting thrown around and Steven's matress and guitar was just tossed to the floor. That's when Damien admits to being a medium and starts thinking he is the problem.
They moved out of the room but the residential advisor wants proof of the hauning. So he puts bottles lined up across the closet and baby powder on the floor. The next day me and the residential advisor go to check it and the bottles were scattered and there was little swirls in the powder where no one could have got to without stepping on the powder, but we find out later on that some buildings at the college are built on Indian burial grounds, but don't know if that is what is making this entity so belligerent.
We put down more baby powder and set the bottles back up and we are going to see if we can get the same thing to happen, and if it does we will continue to try to investigate on our own and so, if we catch something then we might be able to keep people out of the room and away from what ever is in the room.
We think it's a demon and if it is, we will get the room to where no one will have to stay in that room as long as we can. So wish us luck we will need it for the next few experiments.