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Stranger In My Life


First of all, I would like to apologize for my English - I'm not a native speaker. My story has begun 9 years ago. I was 14 that time, a devoted Girl Guide. I was on my way home from a meeting of Scouts when the very first odd situation happened.

Our family lived in a flat on a third floor of a prefab in a small town. I was going up a staircase when I randomly looked through a window. A reflection of me was very clear because it was already dark outside. But it wasn't just me and the surroundings. There was also a man standing right behind me. He was definitely the most attractive man I've ever seen. The man had black hair and was thin. He wore a black suit and, from some reason, looked angry.

This quickly led me to a series of conclusions: "We have a new neighbor - he looks like a lawyer - I could fall in love with him in a minute - he has to live with a partner, so bad luck - he seems to be angry, maybe I blocked his way up - but I didn't hear sound of footsteps - whatever, let's introduce ourselves!" So I turned back and, as you probably already guessed, there was nobody there! I was shocked, ran straight to home and slammed the door behind me although I anticipated it wouldn't be of much worth.

I couldn't fall asleep that night because I was thinking about him. Then I heard footsteps in my room. There was just my sleeping sister and me and yet... The sound of footsteps was moving all over the room as if someone was pacing around it. I tried to persuade myself that it was just a power of suggestion but no help. So I asked aloud: "Who are you?" And suddenly I fell asleep (I never fall asleep that quick).

I had a weird dream; there was a park during the Indian summer, a bench on which were sitting three 5 year old kids - two girls and one boy who looked like a child version of an adult I saw in the reflection. The first girl said: "I want to become a (some usual job I can't recall right now)." The second one said: "I want to become a nurse (a job I wanted to do when I was a kid). The boy said: "I want to become a..." And then the dream was interrupted because something/one? Whispered in my ear: "Satan." I woke up immediately, frightened. The footsteps again. All I was thinking was that it sounds like a bad joke from a low quality horror film and if it was really true that I was in a real mess.

This was the first strange experience. I started to change since that night. There were no signs of presence of supernatural, but I suddenly became more and more angry and without reason. I was feeling emotions that had no sense, like contempt and arrogance. I didn't understand what was going on at all and people around me were telling me that they were worried about me and that they felt very uneasy in my presence. I started to be aware of those feelings and thoughts that clearly didn't belong to me.

I was frightened (that emotion was definitely mine) and it was obvious that something was terribly wrong, that I was loosing control over my body and that I have to fight with it. This was of crucial importance. Since that moment, the presence of something inside me stopped being hidden and operating inconspicuously. I almost lost control over my body. I couldn't decide where I would go, what to do or say. He was so powerful...

Something was inside me and tried to force me to become a Satanist. It (Satan?) started to talk to me. He wanted me to "go to him" what ever it means because he's never explained, just said that he couldn't tell me as there are rules he couldn't break. There were thoughts and memories that didn't belong to me at all. For example, there was a series of thoughts in which he was amazed by modern technology and heights of buildings. There was a memory combined with a thought that the last time he was on Earth people were living in mere wooden medieval buildings.

Apart from this there were other weird things. He was furious about people because they didn't pay him respect. There were things moving from inexplicable reasons, from slamming doors without drafts or someone doing it and flying objects to jumping (really) heavy washing machine. Everyone, who was with me during those events, was scared to hell.

I was trying to find a rational explanation of each of these situations but most of the time there was no success. The more I was resistant to his attempts to control me, the worse stuff was happening. One day, approximately a month after the reflection in the window, I was the most resistant and he vanished. It was as if a huge burden fell off me. I was suddenly so happy! I should also mention that I along with friends was trying to use holy water, crucifix, Bible, praying, nothing helped at all.

As I slightly mentioned, I told everything to my two best friends. We were worried what would come next. The footsteps from nowhere and flying little objects like jewels started to happen after two or three weeks. It wasn't just when I was around but also in my two best friend's presence. They were frightened, of course, and started to be sensitive to it. They were telling me he was scaring them and required information about me - how I was doing, for example. Nothing extraordinary. It went so far that one of the friends was kneeling in a middle of her room pleading him to leave and promising she would do everything he wants. He wanted information.

I was very afraid he might come back and try to possess me again so I decided to do a little experiment with the second of my friends. Yes, we to wanted to evoke him. We placed a candle in the middle of a room, watched they way it moved so we would know how it was behaving without a maculation. Then we covered our mouths so we wouldn't disturb the flame of the candle by our breath. When we evoked "him" (I seriously doubt it was him), the candle started to act weird. The thing we evoked told us it wanted to kill us. We were frightened so we ended it up. Properly, of course, and no, I wouldn't do it again.

I went home, miserable. There were no signs of any paranormal activity. Something happened after a month. The footsteps, ringing of a jewel I gave to the "kneeling" friend (she returned it because we stopped being friends, when she told me that everything was my fault and left) and then he went to my bed where I was lying. I didn't think he would come so it horribly shocked me. I thought he was going to kill me and I didn't feel prepared for death so I begged him not to hurt me.

Surprisingly, he didn't have a slightest clue what I was talking about. But I was in a shock, unable to think reasonably. He was still repeating in a calm and caring voice that he didn't want it but I didn't listen. Then I felt something like electricity on my left wrist. When I touched the place, the skin was hot. Then the electricity moved to my neck. It was, as I understand it, as if he was touching me. I was absolutely awake but suddenly my eyes closed and I started to fall asleep, very quickly. I was confused and resisted and in the end I broke the force that was trying to send me to the land of dreams. I felt the "electricity" for next two evenings. And then there nothing weird was occurring.

No presence of anything supernatural, completely nothing. I broke; the whole situation was like a trauma for me. I was also wondering if I was a mentally ill. Thus, I went to a psychologist to discover. She listened to me and tested me through and through and in the end she told me that I was completely mentally healthy. Unfortunately, she (poor one) was preoccupied with some worries and killed herself three weeks later. Thus, I found another psychologist and told her absolutely everything. She told me she was finding me absolutely healthy and that she couldn't explain what happened to me. Just suggested wearing an amulet.

After six months after the reflection he came to me again. The footsteps as always, my eyes unwillingly shut and there was a dream. This one was different from any other I've ever had; it was as if it was really happening.

Suddenly, I was in some French or Italian town, a historical center. I was wearing my pajamas and knew exactly where I was supposed to go. So I was walking in beautiful streets, sun was shining (so it couldn't be OOBE or something like that because in France and Italia was a night in that time) and I was slightly worried because I had no choice but going where I was supposed to go. I came to a house and knocked on a door. An old servant opened and, as if he was expecting me, said that sir was working but would come to me in a while. The servant led me to some room; I realized I knew the house, that I lived there before. Then the man from the reflection came to the room, beaming happily as he saw me and said he had to bring something and left. He returned after a moment with some black clothes. Then I stopped viewing the scene from my point of view and started to see everything from his. He put off all my clothes and put on the black one. There was no sexual context in it. Then he said to me: "Welcome home, again." Suddenly I woke up by hearing his voice whispering into my ear: "Come to me." And again and again. I asked why, where and what it was supposed to mean, but he just continued to repeat that sentence.

A year after that event I started to study at a high school and was pretty anxious about the amount of learning. He was coming regularly, comforting me by saying that it would all end up well, that I shouldn't underestimate myself. There were always very calming feelings he was raising in me. This continued for two months, then it stopped and nothing supernatural was happening.

Six years after I was studying at a college and living in a new flat. There was a place in the flat in which nobody felt well so I guessed we could try to record EVP. There were weird noises we recorded and moving objects that really scared me. I will describe it in another article. I tried to connect with the man from the reflection because I remember he was some kind of boss in the supernatural world. He came, happy as he seemed to be, and somehow took two ghosts, a man and a woman, away.

After another half a year there started to occur thoughts and feelings that didn't belong to me. Again. It was him. He was thrilled to be on the Earth again, happily recalling what was happening that last time and asking me continuously: "Are you ready?" I asked him what he meant but he was just repeating the question as if he didn't hear me. He wanted to visit some places he discovered the last time and I started to lose control again. I started to fight, of course, although he didn't seem to really want to fight back.

I was possessed and fought my way to a bus station. An old woman approached and asked me what time it was. I replied and she said while smiling: "You are a good person." And she left. Well, it was odd because her reaction inappropriate to what I did for her and because she was looking a bit like she knew what was going on inside me. The sentence she said gave me enough strength to get the guest out.

Half a year after I was seriously sick. My doctor misdiagnosed me and I was quickly approaching death due to the Mexican flu combined with a bacterial pulmonary infection. Somehow, I survived but there were still high fevers I suffered from. During one night when I had a fever (approximately 104-106 degrees Fahrenheit) I was highly confused and uneasy due to my somatic state. I called him to protect me from the evil things I expected (like I said, it was because of the fever). He came. He was standing in the opposite side of the room, looking at me and said: "It is just a disease of a body." Then he was standing and peering at me until I finally fell asleep. I should say that I never see him (apart from the reflection); it's always been a sort of feeling.

It's been almost two years since that last experience. I would like to know your opinion about this whole story, the life of mine. A possible explanation would be even more welcome. I'm checking up my mental health every now and then and everything is all right. Could it be really Satan? Does it change something if he is? I don't have a clue what this all could mean.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Mayo15, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

BlueBakemono (23 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-22)
I find it hard to believe that Satan spends all of his time chasing after silly mortals. This is like, the 5th story I've read today about Satan being some creepy stalker boyfriend. Not going to believe it. I'm not saying your lying though, I'm saying that thing is lying. Totally not Satan. Perhaps a demon (still unlikelY), but I'm certain it's not Satan. Even so, he's NOT there to be all kind and protective.
Have you contacted a priest? That might be helpful. 😊
Fangs (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-24)
oh my gosh so many words but awesome story it really gave me the chills.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-09-23)
Jave: Thanks!...And yeah, I know what ya' mean 😉...I haven't had a chance to go over all of the comments, or read any stories yet, but seems like there's a lot of this going on, no? 😆
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)
No problem granny. I'm out of this one for good now. Way too many alter-egos hanging about. I'll just slide on over where there's a bit more elbow room.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-09-23)
Geez, can't a mod get a vacation?...Let's get back to the topic, and address your posts to the O/P please...Thanks!
Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)
Jav, I'm not going to fight with you. Not all countries use "non-American" terms. I'm not from the USA, but we use the same terms you do. And even if Mayo's country uses "non-American" terms, maybe she was trying to help us understand better by using "American" terms.

Not all "non-Americans" have to sound bad or write bad English. Mayo was just being careful incase her english failed her, hence the opening statement. I know how she feels.

Jav, all due respect to you, but you need to go read your comments. All of them. What you are doing now is trying to back track because you know you're wrong. That's all that matters anyway. Just support the person sharing a post instead of attacking.
BeaW (guest)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)
This appears to be a site where a small group of posters bully other posters.

The average mentality here seems to be unsophisticated and uneducated.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)
[at] Shlain,
Pardon me, but you have misinterpreted what I posted here. Concerning the o/ps command of English, I made a point of clarifying that statement to the o/p as to how it made her beginning statement moot. I also had stated my problem in believing this account for the casual use of American (not English) terms such as high school and college to describe what all other non-Americans refer to as secondary school (or something close to it) and University. These are not obscure differences. They are very significant. I am not your regular "do anything to debunk" type poster. Meaning it is not what I'm looking to do when I read these experiences.
However, I stand by my assessment concerning this experience and I'm satisfied I made the correct call. So you go right ahead and read, comment and say what you will. I would expect nothing less. But keep in mind, whether you care to believe me or not, I did not, and try never to, go into it looking for a reason not to believe what the author has put up as true.

Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)
What the hell is wrong with you people? You should all feel ashamed and I will make sure to read any stories that any of you have posted here and give negative comments on the smallest irrelevant thing!

Why is her language skills an issue here? She is good and clearly litterate in the English language regardless of where she's from. English is my second language and I consider myself to have a hang on it.

High School, Secondary school, college, university. What she was trying to get across was in what time period of her life these experiences happened. Why is this a focus when the experiences she's sharing should be the focus?

Psychologists & Psychiatrists work with a patient in a manner that is known to that patient and what would be comforting to that patient. Mayo is clearly a believer in the spiritual realm and the paranormal. The psych knows this. Why is it so strange that she then went along with it and told her patient to try using an amulet? The psych might not believe in it but she knows that it might help the patient cope as she believes in such things. And by the way, not all psychs think that the paranormal is nothing but hallucinations or psychosis.

"Simply because science has not discovered a way to measure, weigh, see, hear or feel the paranormal does not mean it doesn't exist. It just means they have yet to reach a break through in technology...". The words of a Psychiatrist!

When a person is ill and feverish, it is possible to seek what they feel will comfort them. Why is it so strange that while she was having a raging fever, which does tend to affect the brain at the time, she called on this being in confusion? Some people call out to their mothers, speak to childhood friends even though that person isn't in the room etc.

You people are out to make Mayo feel bad about relating her story. You need to stop your abuse and give constructive criticism and go back to your own ridiculous stories and reevaluate how corny it sounds.

Mayo, honey, I hope you're reading this! I believe your story. My opinion is that its not Satan (he has better things to do right?), and that its a demon who has attached itself to you. You said he is intrigued by the way the world is now compared to what it was when he last was in it... He tries to possess you... He wants info regarding many things. To me this sounds like a demon wanting to be grounded on earth and he is trying to do it through possessing you. These entities will spend years trying to win your trust. They have an eternity. This being is playing good guy and bad guy at the same time. He tries to be a constant in your life and a "peaceful" being, but then tries to nudge you into darkness.

Just keep being strong. I have a feeling he will be back. If you are religious, get help. If not, try and make this entity know you are the boss in this reality and he will never get what he wants.

Goodluck sweetie
Fanny (2 stories) (105 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)

I think you are full of it. Sorry but I don't buy any of your story.

For the sake of arguing, let's say this did happen. Why the h**l did you call him back to you after he "possessed" you the first time? That alone should be enough to put you on a psychiatric hold. I think the room with the padded walls and straight jacket has your name written all over it.

Wait, so in your story you're about 10 and one of your first thoughts is "This is someone I could fall in love with!" WTH?
Mayo15 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
I really don't understand where the point is. We were taught the difference between a high school and a college. It was highlighted because the term "high school" is the same as "university" or "college" for Czechs. But what do you want? I personally think there are more to be asked about this story than my English and I start to be persuaded that I really don't need to defend my origins and language skills anymore. I feel a prejudice from you. I'm not going to respond to another attack against those two mentioned.

Have a nice day
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-21)
This still does not explain the use of American terms for high school and college. Funny how those are not mentioned at all, when they were the point of contention for me when explaining my problems with your use of the English language. Please address this issue when you get a chance.
Thank you,
BlueTurtle (3 stories) (176 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-21)
What I find interesting about this story is how the Man in Black went from being an angry entity who possessed you to something that gave you even a little bit of comfort. Some people might say he was a sort of 'guardian angel' but I don't think this is the case. I don't think it was Satan, but I'm no expert at these things. I'm not really religious either.
I do think that, at this point, if he continues to appear to you, you need to take charge. If you feel he's threatening your personal space or your mental health, you need to tell him so and command him to leave you alone. Don't let him make you feel so powerless that you have no say in what happens to you.
stephyw2001 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-09-21)
I am also not surprised at all about the amulet. We have a standard of practice in America that we are used to, but many countries do believe in other things.

A psychologist and psychiatrist are two different practices, and I think some people are getting confused with them. If you went to a psychiatrist, they would be the people to prescribe meds.

But a psychologist would just listen and try to ease your comforts. Giving you an amulet to try to psycologically help you wouldn't be a shock. I actually think it would be a smart experiment to try on the psycologists end.
stephyw2001 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-09-21)
I believe you're from another country. I taught English as a second language when I lived in South Korea, and I know that there are many countries that work very hard to learn English. In my experience, even if a foreigner can speak well, they are generally more humble about it than we are here in the USA. We Americans on a whole have less shame and humility than other countries. It is one of our flaws. The fact you wrote well isn't surprising to me at all.
I must say, your first dream where the 3 kids were on a bench gave me super chills. I'm going with my intuition here and believing you really had this dream.
I do not think it is Satan however. I think perhaps you have a spirit of some sort that is attached to you, but to say its Satan? I am just not sure about that. If he comforts you, then its probably some sort of guide, even if a slightly naughty one. I don't think just because a spirit can be a guide that it makes them perfect angels. Perhaps you have one that is a little mischeivous? Or jealous which is why your friends were scared?
Thank you for commenting on your story. It does help some of us realize who is making stuff up and who seriously at least believes what they have experienced.
Mayo15 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-09-21)
If I get it right, you have trouble with my English skills and therefore you might not believe I'm Czech. What to say... Maybe it's the best time for you to lessen the underestimating foreigners' language skills. The same goes for a quality of English teachers in abroad. If it seems to be rude, I'm sorry. You offended me a bit.

As for the mentions about the mental health, sadly, I don't meet requirements of any mental illness. I had couple of through and through exams of my mental health (willingly because I did admit that all of that could've been symptoms of schizophrenia) and I also highlighted that most of the time that something odd happened there were some other people who were observing it too. Also, one of the most basic conditions for diagnosing psychosis is a lack of insight. The condition wasn't fulfilled because the very first thought I had was a worry if it's a mental illness and I went a long way to find if it is or not. The two mentioned psychologists were just a part of it. If you still have doubts, remember what I've written about witnesses. The question about mental health here should be dealt with a psychologist/psychiatrist, if there is any, feel free to write me.

And the high fever. Yes, it was pretty high and I'm aware (as I already wrote in the story) that my confusion was caused by the fever.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-21)
[at] Mayo15,
There are so many questions I have about this experience that it's hard to find a starting point. So in lieu of the Q&A I will go straight to observations if that's alright with you.

1) "I would like to apologize for my English - I'm not a native speaker". This surprises me as your command of the language is excellent! However, there are little things that do bother me somewhat. Such as your using the words 'High School' and 'College'. Normally those are referred to as secondary school (or something close to it) and University most everywhere but the USA.
2) You state that your first psychologist committed suicide not long after your appointment, and the second, in your words, "She told me she was finding me absolutely healthy and that she couldn't explain what happened to me. Just suggested wearing an amulet." WOW! Really? That's even more astounding than your command of English. I find it amazing that a Doctor would actually prescribe an amulet as a solution to a problem she says does not exist. She did give you a clean bill of health, correct?
"I would like to know your opinion about this whole story".
Sure, I'll give you my opinion. It is not going to make you happy though. The problems I have with this account are many, but they do start with the way you are so comfortable using American terms for your school and college. That is a huge mistake on your part. An excuse of saying you were trying to make it easier for us to understand won't float here, please don't even attempt it.
The very fact that your command of English is as advanced as it is makes your beginning statement moot. Even those from other countries that don't speak English as a primary language, and have been sharing their experiences on this site for years, don't have the command that you obviously do.
For this reason alone I'm calling for the BS Blankie to be brought out. I will let others decide if it should be used, I just request it be held at the ready.
Thank you, but no thank you. I am not falling for this one.

Jav 🤔
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-21)
[at] Nysa,
Although it is true for children to be known to have temperatures that high that aren't considered THAT dangerous, it is quite a separate matter for adults to have one that high. Anything from 104 degrees and up, is considered dangerously high and would required attention immediately.

Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-21)
Actually a temperature of 104-106 is one that needs brought down urgently, but is not truly life threatening. When I was a kid my temperature would spike terribly high every time I caught any kind of virus or even a cold. The doctor told my mom that between 103 & 106 she should cool me down in a tub of tepid water but only take me to the emergency room if it stayed above 103 for more than an hour at a time or hit 107, because she was taking me to the emergency room every few months. That was in the late 70s & early 80s they might have different guidelines now. Sorry that was rather detailed

Anyway, I can attest to the fact that fevers that high do give you hallucinations. However, the hallucinations described here indicate a serious mental illness. Any psychologist that hears those symptoms & declares the person mentally healthy won't be practicing long.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-20)
Well that was certainly verbose. I'd recommend a change in your medications, and a good talk with one of your local psychologists for a proper mixture of them.

105-106 F temperature is a life threatening one.

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