I found this site after having a strange encounter of my own. If anybody has any suggestions or comments. Please speak up. I am VERY new to all this. Thanks.
During the past several months there have been numerous instances when either my husband or I have been suddenly woken up by loud noises. Until recently, we really did not share what was happening with one another. On the nights it happened to me, I would just slide closer to my husband. On at least three occasions when it would happen to him, he explained it away as a bad dream.
Our most recent separate encounters finally forced us to share with one another what has been going on.
About a month ago after going to bed and falling asleep, I was startled awake. I'm not sure by what. I immediately looked towards the open bedroom door. Standing in the door way I could see the image of a man. Just standing there. I stared at him for a couple of seconds but as soon as I blinked, he disappeared. At the time I did not feel he was staring at me but Just standing there looking straight ahead. I don't know why I assumed that because I could not see his face only a dark figure.
This past week, my husband and I had been in bed and asleep for several hours when he suddenly jerked and gasped! I asked, "What?" He sshhed me and said that he saw someone standing in the doorway. He got up and walked through the house and looked outside but saw nothing out of the ordinary. The dogs were fast asleep on the deck. And our children were asleep.
Last night I mentioned his episode and he said that that has happened to him a lot! Maybe a dozen times in the past 6 months. He will suddenly wake up and see someone standing at the door or at the end of the bed.
After he told me that, I told him about my experience. It seems like we are both experiencing the same thing.