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Real Ghost Stories

Just Leave Us Alone


It all started the summer of 2005, when my boyfriend's sister Jen moved from Ogden to a small trailer park in Centerville UT. Her boyfriend at the time would come down and visit 3 times a week. On the nights he was sleeping over he would swear he saw a face in the window at night. Jen would tell us about it but we just laughed it off like yeah right. Then my boyfriend (her brother) moved in with her and I would come over and hang out every night. She and her boyfriend would watch nothing but scary movies.

One early morning she called and asked if I would come over and hang out with her for the whole day. When I got over there she had told me she heard something going through her stuff while she was in the bathroom, so we stood in the living room in silence listening. Sure enough we both heard papers moving. We ran to the back bedroom to find nothing was moved. I told her we should just go out for the day and forget it. From then on she heard it happen every day.

A year went by and she was dating a new guy. He liked scary movies as well. He moved in and all they watched was scary movies. One night in particular (it was August 12, 2006) we all went to bed. Jen fell asleep on the couch and me and her brother in the front bedroom. Three o'clock in the morning I woke to her shaking me. I got up and went into the living room with her she said she woke up and a dead man was laying on top of her staring at her she said she couldn't move when she blinked twice he was gone. After that she moved out. (I don't blame her)

When I was home during the day I would see out of the corner of my eye a head pop out and look at me once and awhile from the back room, I ignored it thinking I was just seeing things. I would also hear the scrambling of papers in that room. Every time I would go check it out nothing was moved.

I had to work late one night, my boyfriend was at home waiting to come and get me. It was 10:00 at night and he was taking a quick snooze on the cotch when he heard a loud bang from the hallway. He got up to see what it was but couldn't see anything so he sat down and then the loud banging noise got louder and faster. As it came up the hallway the lights shut off in the hallway, then the kichen lights shut off. My boyfriend then ran towards the door and the living room lights shut off. As he was shutting the door he felt a breath on his neck.

About a year after that happened it was March 15, 2007 we came home from celebrating with our friends on our engagment, It was 12:35 and we both crashed on the bed. Only ten minutes pass and we were almost asleep when BAM! We both jumped and looked at each other. Something hit our bed room wall from the other side, which was the living room. We sat quietly wating and watching staring at the doorway into the pitch black living room thinking someone broke in. Then some thing black ran past our door and we heard nothing, we both got up fast and turned on the light and shut the door. We slept with the light on the rest of the night. (a lot of you are probably thinking I would of left, but when you're that scared you don't know what to do)

When ever I took showers I would see it out of the corner of my eye watching me. (eew scary just thinking about it) When we slept we could feel it watching us. When it would get mad at us for ignoring it it would pick on me it would grab my foot and wiggle it or shake it around so all I did was kick and yell at it to stop. We got sick and tired of being attacked by it that we got our friend to come and bless our house and we are happy to say we got rid of it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, nomore, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

nomore (1 stories) (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-15)
I am so sorry for taking so long to get on here and talk to you guys about this, I got tired of waiting for my story to get on here. But any who to answer all of your questions, yes Elephante81 we tried to debunk a lot of it that's why we didn't get rid of it in the 1st place we waited until it got way worst, It even twisted my stomach and was trying to pull my hand apart when I was praying. My dog would even sit there and watch it pace the floor, cause his head would go back and forth for 5min straight that was the last straw and that when we got rid of it. I am a mormon (not FLDS) just LDS, and how we got rid of it was we read a scripture and went into the living room and he asked if we all believed in god then we got down on our knees and he said a prayer, when he was done we felt it leave. But while saying the prayer you could feel it get angry. Our friend didn't tell us until a year later that when he was saying the paryer it was trying to push him to the ground but he kept strong.
latty (10 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-14)
Scary movies invite the wrong evil company. I was just about to suggest basically praying right before you sleep and reading your bible will work, I promise, even if you don't go to the church. I was an atheist but found God because of similar problems OR inviting someone to do a house blessing OR Sage smudging.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
[at] JimD,
I was hoping you would get that one! 😆 😆 Actually, I was counting on it!

JimD (431 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-01)

LOL; Something, perhaps, I should learn to do more often - laugh. Email me; I'll relate stuff without watering it down first. You would not believe some of it. The level of hatred is beyond our human understanding, but there is a discernable pattern and m.o. To it. But email me, and I'll put my money where my mouth is; fair enough? I'll share some unedited emails from clients (with the names and emails removed, of course) Best. PS; I liked what DV Angel had written; although dissenting, it had class to it.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
[at] JimD,

One more thing I would like to suggest. I feel you should be granted a special dispensation from the Karma points. Just remove them from your profile altogether. That would cut out the BS and drive the haters mad! 😆 😆

Jav 😉
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
I think it would be fascinating just to hear how you got started in this line of work. All the what, when, and hows of it. The places you have been in your travels, how you went about learning and applying what you learned.
See? Now I'm getting excited about reading your experiences. We know you, it's more interesting when you can relate personally to the author.
Thank you for considering the idea Jim, and you can expect me to bug you again too. 😁 😁

Jav 😊
JimD (431 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)

'The Work' has come at a great price - personally due to domestic issues and anxiety. I won't expand more right now, but I have no intention of stopping. The need is not only glaring, but is expanding. I've also been probed more than once on this site. Who trained you; how do you know this; how many on your team, etc. I'm aware of those folks, also.
JimD (431 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
Hey Javelina;

I never thought of that. The cases are protected by me as to id, because I swear to clients to protect their identity at all costs. I've never brocken my word. I never will. They are a bit lengthy and may not translaye well into a paragraph or two. Also, critics will simply say I'm making it all up. My only proof is in testimony of those to whom I promised anonominity. But, let me think about it, ok. Two websites of interest are 'Spirit Daily' by Michael Brown and 'Religious Demonology' by Adam Blai - a psychologist. Also, 'Beware the night' by Ralph Sarchie and 'Hostage to the Devil' by Fr. Dr. Malachi Martin are great reads on the subject.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
Hey JimD,
I was wondering if you would ever consider submitting some of your own experiences? I believe it would go a long way toward getting others to understand what it is you do. Once folks see how you continue to persevere, against some rather frightening situations, they would see your work in a whole new light.
Please consider it anyway. Many of us that have been here a while would certainly welcome the chance to get a glimpse into your world.

Thank you Jim, for all that you do.

Jav ❤
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
It has pretty much all been said but I will add that I think respectful disagreement is exactly what a site like this needs. Most importantly it gives the posters & other readers multiple perspectives & options, but it also challenges us all to think more broadly about subjects we are all struggling to understand.
JimD (431 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
Thanks DV Angel;

I will do so. One poster did come forward, and, as per her, she was mocked on this site. On private email, I'll say more, if you like. You know her- I'm sure you do. She used to post a lot. She saw a light one night, and via phone, I tlod her to say out loud 'Jesus and Mary help me'. I then heard her gag and she said she was being chocked. I then rebuked it in Jesus' name and it fled. She's making progress, but it fought to stay, as I told her it would. But, her life is slowly getting better. You are fairly open minded. Others are not, perhaps closed minded, perhaps bigoted, or even worse; and that is too bad. Stay well.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31) retrospect, I mean to say I do *not* agree with his assesment, though I respect him. Lol. Whoops, foot in mouth syndrome on my part.

JimD: I certainly understand why it seems that way, that you get downvoted for all of your comments because you mention Jesus/Mary/etc., and sometimes it probably just is that way. However, I think this forum in general does a pretty good job at quirking eyebrows when it comes to some of the more outlandish stuff, like doing the tango backwards to rid yourself of evil spirits, or something just totally random like that. I think people are jaded and see any mention of religion as proselytizing -- I myself have been guilty of that in the past, though I am trying to be more open-minded and neutrally receptive while remaining true to my own beliefs. I do not think people should discount your methods just because I do not agree with them.

As you have said, you have helped people, and hopefully one day they will come forward with their experiences and how your methods helped them. Regardless, stay true to your beliefs (not that you need to be told that, just saying I admire that about you) and keep doing what you do.
JimD (431 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
Hi Nysa and DV Angel;

I respectfully disagree with you both. I feel your minds are closed to my perspective totally, and all the evidence in the world will not sway you. However, I respect you both very much and I admire your geniune intentions to assist others. We do concur on this. I know you both don't vote someone down who's polite and trying to assist, but others aren't like you. Mention something else, no matter how obscure or bizarre to some, it's great - mention Jesus and Mary - down vote. I don't down vote another's belief system, but only if they sling mud. Their minds are closed on that topic. However, progress is bieng made with some. One woman poster, whom you both may know is fighting back with the holy water and is slowly turning the corner after sage, etc. Failed. If you email me, I'll tell you her screen name - you'd know it. Please pray for her, ok. Best.
JimD (431 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)

Well, I find it to be the nost effective. Simple. I had a case with a Lutheran couple, who'd used Lutheran holy water, with no positive effects - in fact it got worse. Eastern Orthodox blessed water is equally effective, due to valid apostolic sucession. I don't know anything of the Oriental holy water, so I won't comment; not sure re. That one. I'm sure this will, although polite and trying to be helpful, be blasted with unjustified negative comments, but that speaks volume of some folk's character. It's effective, while other reemedies are not, or so I'm informed - is the bottom line. God bless you.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
I agree, and I claim to have no fault with his intention though I do disagree with his assessment as well. I respectfully agree to disagree. 😊
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
I am glad you saw this & commented JimD. I was worried about misrepresenting your stance, but was not sure you would see it to respond.

Though I believe that JimD's method of diagnosing a presence as malevolent or "demonic" being is flawed - rather like saying that something is large & powerful & grey so it must be an elephant, when it could as legitimately be said to be a hippo or rhinoceros or linebacker for the steelers - I believe he is genuine in his beliefs & wishes to assist. I also believe it is bad general advice. I think that walking around asking Jesus & Mary to help you if you don't believe in them or believe it is wrong to seek the intercession of Mary, & using Catholic holy water if you don't believe in the power of the Catholic church is likely to do more harm than good. But that is just my opinion.

I apologize for discussing you like this JimD, but yours is the regular, genuine advice along this vein.
JimD (431 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)

Well, I find it to be the nost effective. Simple. I had a case with a Lutheran couple, who'd used Lutheran holy water, with no positive effects - in fact it got worse. Eastern Orthodox blessed water is equally effective, due to valid apostolic sucession. I don't know anything of the Oriental holy water, so I won't comment; not sure re. That one. "I'm sure this will, although polite, be blasted, but that speaks volume of some folks's character. It's effective, is the bottom line.
God bless you.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
I actually asked JimD that question recently & what it boiled down to, as I understood him, was that the Catholic church was more legitimate (due to direct connection with St. Peter) so Catholic holy water is the most effective in his opinion, though he conceded that he believed others have had limited success with other kinds. I wish I could remember which story the discussion was on, I hate to paraphrase in case I get something wrong.

Others would argue that the "magic" of the religion of the individual being bothered would be best. I lean towards that since I believe it is only the belief of the individual that can make it work.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
generalchaos: JimD is a Catholic demonologist or something of that nature... I think he mentions it in his profile. I think it is one of those "we only use our own brand" things.
generalchaos (2 stories) (141 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
Hey Jim, why does it have to be Catholic Holy Water? There are other religions that have it:

"Holy water is water that, in Catholicism, Anglicanism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Lutheranism, Oriental Orthodoxy, and some other churches, has been sanctified by a priest for the purpose of baptism, the blessing of persons, places, and objects; or as a means of repelling evil.[1][2]

The use for baptism and spiritual cleansing is common among several religions, from Christianity to Sikhism and Hinduism. The use of holy water as a sacramental for protection against evil is almost exclusive to Roman Catholics.[3]"
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-28)
I am wondering if your friend ever dabbled with the supernatural. It sounds like she was experiencing an awful lot of activity for it to be random, though it very well could have been. Do you know if she messed with ouija boards or anything like that in her home? It could possibly explain the activity.
JimD (431 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-27)
I'm glad it's gone. I'd counsel Catholic Holy water and using Jesus' name. How did he bless the home? Just curious. Stay well.
Elephante81 (2 stories) (59 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-27)
Your mind can do some powerful things when it's being constantly flooded with scary movies. Is it possible your boyfriend's sister was just having a bad nightmare when she saw the "dead body" on her? Bumps, bangs and papers rustling can have a million explanations too
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-27)
I'm glad you're not bothered anymore. What an ordeal! Pervy ghost watching you shower. Funny, but not at the same time. I'm glad you were brave enough to stay and put your foot down that it was your place now.

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