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Real Ghost Stories

White Clothes


Good evening, everyone, today is Halloween. L would like to share a real story with you guys, which my aunty experienced by herself, it may be a bit spooky.

It happened when my aunty was about 20 years old, now she is 50, every time when she tells us this story, she still looks scared.

It happened about 30 yeas ago when she was in china living with her husband, because her husband was working there, the place where they were living was a small house which was old fashion style without even a toilet, people those days had to go to a public toilet even during the nights, the reason that my aunty chose there was because it had got very good view that the house was by the river and lay in a beautiful area.

She had been pregnant for nearly 5 months, one day at night she wanted to go to the toilet so she had to go to the public one, which was only 5 minutes by walk, it was around 2 o'clock in the morning. There was no anyone on the street but she was not scared. Suddenly she saw a man all in white clothes walking in the front, she recognized it was one of her neighbors who was working on a ship, she caught up with him and talked to him but he didn't say anything and looked very different, she felt something weird but didn't think to much.

The next day, she met this man during the day but he didn't know anything about last night, she felt it was very unusual but he didn't look like lying. After that day, this man died form drowning because he fell into the river when he was working on the ship, as my aunty knew she went to visit his family, she saw his body which was wearing all white exactly the same as that night.

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Yuyu161 (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
l don't actually know if it was a soul or not, however my aunty believes that the reason which made her be able to see "him" was because of the pregnancy, as in china people say that women who are gregnant are easy to see spiritual stuff.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
So it's like she literally saw him walking towards his doom. Sightings of "ghosts" of people who have not died, but are about to, are infinitely interesting to me. Especially in the case of accidents, where the person could not have a clue they are about to die. Is the "ghost" the person's soul? Is it an apparition that takes on the appearance of the doomed? So many questions!
Yuyu161 (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
l am more than happy to answer your question, my aunty told me that "he" was walking toward the river's direction, as that area was close to the river.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)
Today many people in China don't have indoor plumbing. Thanks for clearing up the clothes thing. One more question, if you know, was the "guy" heading towards his house or away from it? Thanks, this is a fascinating account.
Yuyu161 (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)
Thanks for your comments, l would like to explain more about this situation, it was very normal those days in china that going to a public toliet during the nights, not everyone had a big bathroom and kitchen like nowadays, people used to go to the nearest bathroom, of course some peole chose to get a chamber pot, however other people like my anty prefered a few minutes walking insead of doing poo in a pot, as she told me that she was very young and didn't care, and if the same situation happened again, she wouldn't do it anymore. When she saw him on the street, he was wearing the white clothes,it's not burial but the one which he would wear on the day of his death.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)
I read a theory that a doppelg
BlueTurtle (3 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)
I've heard about dopplegangers and images of people who appear in a somewhat spiritual form right before dying. Could be similar to what your aunt experienced, but other than that, I don't know. Still freaky either way.
And you have to walk down the street to go to the bathroom? Isn't that unsafe?

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