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Guardian Spirit


One of my best friends from high school always claimed he could see auras and guardian spirits of people. I was a sceptic, so I never really believed him when he told me I had a powerful guardian spirit and that I would never have to worry as I would always be protected from harm. (In contrast, he said his was weak which is why he believes he will die early from a supernatural cause. We're still in our early twenties and thank goodness, he's still alive and well.)

When I was in college, I woke up one night and I believe I was suffering from sleep paralysis as I couldn't move, but was conscious. At the foot of my bed was a shadow in the shape of a man - I don't know what it was. I could sense he was trying to harm me in my paralyzed state, but he couldn't because something invisible was preventing him.

I saw the shadow man move from the foot of my bed to right next me and try harder to harm me and then I sensed the invisible thing that was protecting me start to chant in some weird language. It was weird, I didn't hear any chanting, but I could sense that it was being done. I could sense a lot of rage from the shadow man before he disappeared and then I was relieved he was gone and moments after, I could move again.

I quickly jumped out of my bed and ran into the living room outside my door to where one of my roommates was watching TV. I didn't tell her because I didn't want her to think I was crazy. The rest of the night I slept on the couch in the living room with all the lights on because I was too afraid to sleep in my room.

The next morning, I called my friend and told him what happened. He told me that the invisible thing was my guardian spirit - the one he told me about years ago and I didn't believe him. After my experience, I'm still not completely sure I believe in guardian spirits as my logical side nags at me and also why I could see the shadow, but not the guardian spirit. Whether I imagined the whole thing or not, I'm glad there's a guardian spirit protecting me or at least I imagined I had one to protect me.

I wasn't afraid to sleep in my room in the dark that night and thankfully I haven't seen the shadow man since.

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darkassassin92 (119 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-30)
Sorry if I am being rude but just saying you said he would die from a supernatural cause I don't really believe in the guardian stuff like ghosts which I do not know if they exist. If I have a gaurdian spirit then how do I make it come to me?
alster99 (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-30)
your guardian spirit will protect you and aid you when it is most needed, they can't always protect that person.
musicinthewind (2 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-13)
[at] You-Sir-Name: I've actually wondered if it was an episode of sleep paralysis. It's weird though because I've had other episodes of sleep paralysis throughout my life, but each of those times I'll wake, see my room around me, no hallucinations or anything, then stare at the ceiling and then I'll usually just go back to sleep. Those times, I always still felt really tired and drowsy. The time I described above I was so awake and alert and it felt different than any other time. Whichever it was - real or not, I'm sooo glad I've never had that experience again!

Thanks for everyone's input!
You-Sir-Name (1 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)
You might want to look into sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations for the shadowman you saw.

Oftentimes we'll wake up while our minds/bodies are still in sleep mode; our eyes are open, but our bodies are still paralyzed from REM and our minds are still in a dreaming state, causing us to impose our dreams onto the waking world. Some of the most common hallucinations while in this state would be the shadowman or the Grey alien, and people overwhelmingly report sensing such entities as being "evil"; most likely because they are unable to move, faced with the unknown, and stuck into fight-or-flight as a result.

I've had it happen on more than one occasion -- usually either falling back to sleep or trying to move your pinky finger will snap you out of it. If you have a case where you're not paralyzed but still hallucinating giving your whole body a good shake will usually wake you up.

I'm not trying to belittle your encounter, I just thought I would throw some more food into the ring.
grimmind (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)
it is a possibility that the "shadow man" also had been watching you when your friend told of your guardian and you don't actually have one and he was trying to fool you into believing you have one to make it easier to possess you, however small still consider it and don't open up to the world of the paranormal and if you do I urge you to be careful
It is also a possibility to try to contact your guardian but only do this with someone who knows what they are doing and has called up guardians hell even better get a group of people who know what they are doing
What ever your choice exercise caution always
musicinthewind (2 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)
[at] rookdygin: The reason I think it's evil is because when it was initially trying to harm me, I felt like it was just for it's own pleasure, but when it couldn't and the thing moved next to me, I just felt such an intense anger that I've never experienced from anyone before. Yes, it was scary, but I've learned from it that "bad" things out there can only hurt you as much as you let them, whether it's your own person protecting yourself or a guardian spirit. And yes, I agree the guardian spirit would only intervene if really necessary, like if you were about to be hit by a car if you crossed the street and it wasn't your time, it wouldn't really appear and tell you to stop, but more guide you by making you want to turn around and get a coffee from the street vendor instead. Or if you were drowning and it wasn't your time, you might get some words of inspiration to give you the strength to swim back to the surface. If they exist, they're there for guidance and it's up to each person whether on not to go with their "gut" instincts.

[at] reptilian: I don't think a guardian spirit would help you every time and hold your hand through life. Since that shadow thing was the first to ever happen, I think I did need some help. Now that I've experienced that, I would be more confident to tell that shadow thing to go away if it did come back.

And to grow stronger from trials of life - who says it has to be alone? We all have help in the beginning whether a parent, mentor, etc, so why not a guardian spirit? If I had a child who was afraid of the dark, I wouldn't just tell them to deal with it and close the door, leaving them in the dark. The child would never get over their fear completely. I would try to comfort them and help them slowly fight through the fear until it's gone. This would give them the strength to know if they can get through one fear, they can get through many more.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)

You've hit the nail on the head..."There's this primitive, scared of the dark mindset that a lot of the people have on here." It's not just here on this site.

It's that 'mindset' that lead to Organized Religions being developed... My religion of choice included...

People fear what they do not understand, and so they try and quantify it with 'rational' (or irrational) explinations. It's not easy to overcome the 'Flight or Flight' instinct that we are born with...doesn't matter which 'incarnation' we are on that instinct will always be present and it does not necessarily need to be completly 'repressed' for us to grow and learn, it helps us to survive and adapt. It may even help us remain 'in touch' with our spiritual side as it hightens our senses and allows to to 'protect' ourselves from threats... Seen and unseen.

Just a few things to think about.


reptilian (45 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)
Rook, read my 2nd post on here, you'll find I agree with you completely.
And I also agree with you that the vast majority of people who have guardians are ignorant of it.
I just don't believe everyone has one, also for the reasons we have both mentioned: we're here to grow and become stronger from our trials in life, and having guardians rob us of those trials would be counterproductive.
We are all agreed on that.

I think people place too much importance on being protected and guided and having their hand held. There's this primitive, scared of the dark mindset that a lot of the people have on here. Rather than looking for someone or something to hide behind, why not confront the fear and embrace it? Recognise it as just another aspect of yourself that is not yet loved. Once you do that then there is no fear, there is only the whole.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)

Ah now we enter the realm of the afterlife and how spirits and entities can manifest here in/on the physical realm.

Being a Guardian Spirit... I feel... Does not mean ones Guardian has the Strength to prevent all bad things from happening to us. If they did that we would never 'learn' from our mistakes. It also means they do not/can not always physicaly intervene IE... Puling someone back onto the sidewalk because one did not see a passing car... Yes it can happen but not every spirit 'Guards' like that. Guardian's can drop sutble hints that help teach us to look... Or maybe they use a subtle movment that distracts one from taking that step into harms way. It's in this manner that they work and the reason people may not even know that they have Guardian.

I believe in reincarnation... Not everyone gets it the 'first time'. But without 'Teachers and Guardians' we may never learn the 'Truth' so that we may be 'Freed'.

I do have a question for musicinthewind...

You stated..."As for the shadow thing, I don't believe it singled me out, but since it was clearly evil, it was probably just by chance because evil things probably aren't really picky about victims, just opportunity."

Is there any particular reason you feel it was evil, other than it seemed to be attacking you that is? It may have been an angry spirit who was attempting to scare you for... Well what ever reason it had... This is one of these... Review the experience and rememeber what your gut feelings were...I'm sure it freaked you out and may have scared the 'beep!' out of you... But did this 'spirit' really feel 'evil'?


reptilian (45 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)
Rook, I agree with you that the "strong man" idea is ridiculous.
To control ones fate after death requires one to have absolute control over the ego, to be free of attachment and be free from karmic influence. Basically, if you cling to this world, even in the slightest after death you will simply be moved on to another life, and that will keep happening until one overcomes the illusion of self. There are only a known handful of humans known to be able to control where and when they return, Tenzin Gyatso being one of them. My reasoning is that there are simply far too few people who are spiritually capable of doing it.

But anyway my main question was about this idea of some guides being mightier than others, and that is why bad things happen to some people. I find that idea to be completely idiotic.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)

Like sands in the hour glass so are the days...

What I mean to say is... Do you really mean that? Not enough Guardian Spirits for everyone to have one? A Guardian Spirit need not be a Non-Human, 'strong man' that 'kicks other spirits in the 'beeeep!' A Guardian Spirit can be the Spirit of a Father/Mother or a Grandparent and we all have pairs of them.

Could you please explain why you think there is a finite number of Guardian Spirits?


reptilian (45 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)
Some are "stronger" than others? Does this all-knowing friend of yours envision a bunch of monsters with large muscles running about challenging each other? What utter nonsense, clearly he has played too many video games. Forget your friend and think for yourself.

And as for not being able to defend yourself against "scary paranormal things", what makes you think you can't? You are only as "powerless" as you choose to be. Do you think Eckhart Tolle or the Dalai Lama would be bothered by that pathetic excuse of shadow that visited you?

And not everyone has a guardian spirit or they'd be reported left, right and center. Also, there are 7 billion on Earth. Don't quite think there are enough guardian spirits to go around.
musicinthewind (2 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)
[at] reptilian: Well the friend who told me I had a strong guardian spirit told me that everyone has a guardian spirit, so I wasn't singled out to protect. Everyone has one to help them. The only difference is that some are weaker some are stronger. He believes they always try to guide/help out their person, whether towards good or bad depends on the person.

And I agree, I don't believe the guardian spirits would help with everyday things like learning hardships in order to become an adult (which I've definitely received no help in growing up from any spirit), but he said they do things like guide you to your destiny/fate (I can't remember which is the one where you can't change no matter what you do) and help out with scary paranormal things which normal people can't really solve like my situation above.

As for the shadow thing, I don't believe it singled me out, but since it was clearly evil, it was probably just by chance because evil things probably aren't really picky about victims, just opportunity.

It was definitely odd, but it's been years and I've had more episodes of sleep paralysis, but I've never encountered something evil while in that state since that night. It just feels comforting to even believe, whether it's true or not, that there's something watching your back from paranormal evil that you're powerless against.
reptilian (45 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-10)
I should just point out that protecting you and helping you are not the same thing. Suffering is a crucial part of growth, through learning to overcome it you become a stronger and better person.
If there is a being following you about, assuming it means you well, it won't protect you from all of lifes dangers.
Can you think of any reason why you might be singled out for such attention?
musicinthewind (2 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-10)
[at] Moongrim: Well I'm still a skeptic. I'm not entirely sure if my friend is psychic and can really read auras/see guardian spirits, but there have been instances where my friend has been right about things.

Once I was watching The Village and he called. I muted the tv and then answered my phone while still watching the movie. When the part about the dead dogs came up, he interrupted me and asked me why I was imagining dead dogs. This freaked me out he could see that from my mind. Another time, I was hanging out with a friend and talking to him on AIM (this was a couple years ago) and my friend was leaving to go upstairs to her dorm room. He told me to tell my friend that was leaving to watch out on the steps because he saw she was going to slip and bang her knee. I didn't tell her because at this time, I really didn't believe him, but when we hung out the next day, I asked her and she did slip and bruise her knee.

That's why I'm kind of freaked out. The logical side of me says this can't be real, yet I can't explain my friend (or the one supernatural experience I've had besides the dream, see my other post). Maybe what he says he can do is real, maybe not.

If anyone can help explain how my friend is able to do those things, I'd love an explanation as I said before, I'm a natural skeptic.

And even if the above was all a sleep paralysis dream, I'm glad my mind imagined something to protect me. 😁
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-10)
And what exactly is the difference between your friends' cold reading, and someone off the street claiming it was a 'guardian spirit'?

As opposed to a simple sleep paralysis and waking up dream?
reptilian (45 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-10)
Odd. Perhaps you are more important than you realise, to be worth attacking and even more so to be worth defending.

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