I'm not scared of this thing in general but sometimes it really gives me the creeps. And now it's affecting my boyfriend. And I'm thinking if I knew what it was it might put his mind at rest so if anyone can help I'd really appreciate it. I'm really sick of him insisting on sleeping with the lights on.
I never believed in this stuff not even while it was happening to me, there was always an explanation even when I was young. I saw a doctor when I was young about my lack of sleep which was flagged when teacher realized I wasn't paying attention in school. The doctors said I was perfectly healthy so I'm not mental.
It does sound crazy and I denied it was happening to me until my boyfriend (man of science pure skeptic) started to experience strange things. Being touched and/or pinched nightmare hearing strange things, things would move and wake him while he is a heavy sleeper and I am a very light sleeper. He was getting really freaked out about the whole thing and thought he was losing his mind. So I had to come clean.
When I was 12 or 13 I felt my bed shaking I was fully awake at the time. The bed shook harder and harder. Then I hear a voice, my voice said "hello Sharna" and laughed; but I didn't say it. I jumped up and ran into my brother's room. But although I felt safer sleeping top and tail with my brother, I could feel it watching me, VERY closely, like inches from my face closely. I felt that stare for 8 to 9 years. It's touched me (face,arms, legs ANYWHERE with naked skin) I felt the bed dip where it has sat on the end of my bed watching, I have also felt it crawl to the top of the bed and lay next to me. I have nightmares that feel terrifyingly real.
Most of this happened when I was young and single. But now I have a boyfriend and talking about it I have noticed more activity. It affecting my boyfriend a little I a lot and my 3 year old daughter has been waking up from a nightmare screaming occasionally. Even when I wrote this I had to stop, I heard my little girl scream. My cats going crazy at the moment as well I tried not to let it bother me for a long time and now it's messing with them as well.
Does anyone know what this thing is and what it wants?