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A Very Strange Photo


On Sunday November 13th/2011 I was out at my sister's home in Alberta to take some photos of the exterior of her house, that she had requested from me. She wanted to use the photos to get some redecorating ideas.

As I am a hobby photographer and enjoy this type of thing, therefore, I agreed to do it to the best of my photo ability. It was a cold and cloudy day, and being close to the ski hill just across the valley it is a little breezy on the hill at the back of her home. After taking about 15 photos I went in and uploaded my photos to her computer and never looked at them or at what was on my camera.

Once back home I uploaded them to my computer and again never looked at what was on my camera. As I reviewed them on my computer I noticed I had a few underexposed photos but one really didn't look right. I thought I had maybe gotten something on my camera lens but no other pics had the same comet shaped light balls.

A Very Strange Photos 1

A Very Strange Photos 2

I use a digital CANNON XTI SLR camera and it was set to portrait and on 100 ISO at an exposure of 1/200 8.0. And no flash was used as I had enough light that it was not necessary. I used my computer to give a higher exposure to the photo to see if I could make the photo usable and I discovered even more of these comet shaped light balls.

I would like someone to take a look at this and give me some idea of what I have captured here. Could this be some kind of spirit orb or something like that? I would like a HUGE question on my mind cleared up. Please examine this photo and give me an honest opinion of what you think this could be.

I was alone out there and there was no sun to reflect off of anything, and no lights around that area at all. All of my photo skills tell me that it is not a photo problem.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, lvarey, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

holdyourbreath (1 stories) (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-12)
Hi Ivarey,
This in an interesting photo. I will start with the fact I worked in the photography industry for several years, using photoshop daily, including camera sales and and was a photo lab technician. Many on here are saying they had a "professional" look at your photo. The term professional is quite subjective when it comes to photography. Every soccer mom with a DSLR thinks they are a professional these days. To be honest I don't know how someone could make a conclusive decision regarding your photo without seeing the original files.
To me this likely is not anything on your lens or even on your camera sensor, otherwise it would be seen in more than one photo. This is also not what a corrupt file or 'camera glitch' would look like. If it were something related to the equipment it would likely be sensor related, but again if this is not seen on any other photos in the same places it is unlikely.
I agree you should try take more. My gut tells me something paranormal here. Without investigating your camera in person or the picture files there is no way to conclusively tell.
waterfalls123 (7 posts)
11 years ago (2014-08-07)
It looks as if you have gotten an orb on camera. That means that there are some ghosts present. 😊
Niksterrific (19 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-22)
Very interesting photos. They look like orbs to me! Not that I, myself, have ever seen any in real life, but that was my very first reaction. A soon as I saw the darker picture, I felt it looked paranormal. Thank you for sharing. 😉
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-21)
I had to come back and look these over once more. When I was here last my eyesight was at a very weak stage. However, after surgery I have clear vision (I call it my brand new eyes) and I can catch up with all I have missed in the last year.
These photos are pretty cool. In the darker exposure the little comet-like object that is just above the roof actually seems to be in scale for the distance away from the camera, as opposed to the larger ones that look to be much closer to the camera. It also doesn't seem to have the same clarity as the closer objects do. Which makes sense only if this is real.
I just read your comment saying that when you saw these the first thing that popped into your head was 'horse spirits'. That actually gave me a warm feeling reading it. Around here we are always telling people to go with their gut. First instincts are 'gut feelings'. I say go with it. It 'sounds' right even to me.

Jav 😊
matsaw (2 stories) (38 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-20)
I'm no expert, but from looking carefully at these pictures it seems to me that weather is playing a factor in the two shots provided. This is what I think is happening, looks like rain drops have gotten on the lens of your camera, these could be tiny droplets and with a little wind these were getting blown across your lens as you snapped the picture. If you notice the ones that appear on the ground look like messed up pixels, digital in nature. This is only my theory, cool pictures none the less.
lvarey (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-25)
to SugarySweetGirl... My sister is still doing some research. This farm has a very big past. We are still working on some of the finer details. When we get all of the history on it we will post the findings. Thank you
SugarySweetGirl (2 stories) (26 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-23)
I took a really good look at your photos and I just don't see them being anything to do with snow. They seem to be glowing. They look exactly like falling stars. Anything new? Did you and your sister find any info on the history?
lvarey (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-01)
thanks Javelina, I will be trying to duplicate this when the same conditions apply themselves. Have no fear I will share my findings if it occures again. This photo gave me goosebumps the minute I saw it and thought maybe my computer had done something wierd to it when I was downloading it to the computer. I had to go to my camera just to check to see if I was seeing things. It is more intense in real life. And even the photograph I printed out made me feel strange. The first thought that came to mind when I looked at it was "HORSE SPIRITS" and I don't know what made that come to mind. After speaking to my sister about the farm I was informed that on the opposite side of the house from where this photo was taken is a memorial statue and grave of two of canada's top race horses. This farm has a fantastic history to it.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-26)
I understand. Then it must be paranormal.
It's been pretty well picked over and it cannot be explained any other way. Even my dandelion theory doesn't hold water, considering the season.
It's passed all the tests and can't be debunked.
If it can be replicated you get a gold star. 😉
Thanks for sharing. If you get any more, be sure to bring them by.

Jav 😊
lvarey (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-26)
to Javalina
I had thought of every possibility that could have caused this. It was not snowing or blowing snow. And I was thinking maybe something had gotten blown across the yard as I took the photo but it was not that windy at all. What snow was on the ground was there for some time already and very hard crusted. All the other photo's on my camera show nothing out of the ordinary and some had a low exposure as well and showed nothing like this. Thanks for your suggestion.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
I do see them now that I have taken a second look here. No idea what they could be though.
However, you reported it to be thus:
"It was a cold and cloudy day, and being close to the ski hill just across the valley it is a little breezy on the hill at the back of her home"
The thing that grabbed my attention was the "breezy"part of your statement. Did you take that into account when you first noticed these anomallies? I'm wondering if that made any difference? I can almost imagine these as being like the little white fluffs that get blown off a Dandelion when making a wish.
But I also have very bad eyesight, so as far as I know it could be anything.
Sorry, I'm sure that doesn't help much.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
It was my pleasure. Some days it just feels good to take a jerk like that down off that home made throne and slap them around. Metaphorically, of course. 😆
Thank you for the reminder, I had nearly forgotten about that one.
Hmmph! A "professional". It's probably the only guy he knows that owns an actual camera. "Dude! It has like, lenses and junk!" 😆

Jav 😊
lvarey (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
thank you for your support Javelina. It is good to see so many possitive supports and one sceptic with no proof can't deter me from my quest for answers as to what I did capture and my camera does not lie. They say a picture speaks a thousand words well this one speaks volumes.
lvarey (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-07)
to eclipse 2000
I wish I could show you the actual photo on my camera, as it would prove to you that I did not photo shop anything. It is what it is. I guess sceptics do as sceptics do. I can't change your mind or opinion but own it as your own. Thank you
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
I can't tell what it is or isn't. And orbs don't really impress me.
But I certainly wouldn't go so fae as to say they were faked.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
[at] Eclipse2000,
You had an "expert" look at it, huh? And how do you define "expert"? Does this person have credentials of some sort? Because I find it quite interesting that any "expert" would make a call on a photo they haven't got an original of. I call B.S. On your "expert".
Nice try though.

Eclipse2000 (1 stories) (68 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
And what I can believe... Is that everyone on here fell for it. *Giggles and laughs at the stupid photo!*

*Snickers* You fooled everyone on the comment box except me... I am smiling while I right this. That photo of yours is a definite hoax... Oh my god, I did not expect this from a "middle aged adult"! 😆 😆 😆
Eclipse2000 (1 stories) (68 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-23)
Well I had experts look at it... Its defiantly fake.
Nice try...

You can tell how it pops out of the photo.

Sorry you can't fool anyone. Try again if you will...

And only a teenager would do this... 😐 😐 😠
Eclipse2000 (1 stories) (68 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-21)
I think I can tell that this is fake, for one it looks photo shopped to me. Or it can be a spirit just passing through. I am not so sure. But this looks like a hoax. A complete hoax. And I know this cause my mother has excellence in cameras. Shes done this for a LONG time. 😐 😐 😐
lvarey (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-03)
i have spoken to my sister and she has gotten some information on the past of this property. She is getting more information and will post it herself or allow me to post her findings. She has agreed to divulge the information to give more insight on this photo and what we might be dealing with. With just what she has told me I am more curious now and want to take your advise MOONGRIM and go out and recreate the same time same place photo and see what I get. She also wants me to go into her horse barn and take some photo's in one of the stalls.
lvarey (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-02)
i have broken the photo up into sections and enlarged each one and I have found many more in the tree, and if I can find a way to upload these photo's I will.
lvarey (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-01)
i thank everyone for their input and comments. I am happy to know that there are other believers out there
And that I am not just imageing what I have here...
lvarey (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-01)
i have checked the photo on my camera, which I have now got locked so I don't accidentaly erase it, and it shows all of these comet/orbs as well so there is not a glitch in the system. On such a cloudy day I had no sunlight anywhere and my lens was clean. I took several photo's before and after this one and nothing is on any others. If it were snow dust or simalar I would see it in other photo's or noticed it in the view finder at the time of shooting. I wish I could explain this one away so easily. But as for strange events around the house, I will have to ask my sister. And the property does have an exrtensive past but without her permission I can not go any further. I will try to do so in the very near future.
moravian (1 stories) (171 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-30)
I agree with the others: you got something paranormal here - but what it is is any body's guess.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-29)
very interesting pictures lvarey and yes personaly I do think you have managed to catch something here.
Now if it was just bugs reflecting light then some kind of shape would be seen, there is none.
All except the smallest just under the largest look as though they are moving and fast too leaving tails like a comet, could be wrong about the smallest one though. Agree with moongrim when he says they are not all heading in same direction, but that's it I don't see how it could be on the lens, they are far to bright and would not be moving sideways like that and light reflected would not look rounded at one end like these do.
Has your sister ever mentioned anything happening in or around the house that can't be explained?
Great photos anyway, and like moongrim says try retaking photos in the same area and see what you get you never know.
Thanks for sharing
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-29)
They don't look like anything I or anyone else has an explanation for - any professional photographers out there?
huendchen (49 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-29)
They look like they are fireflies or something. Or reflections from another light source.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-28)
Rough guess- if you can reproduce the effect, at the same place/time then you might be onto to something.

For the one however, low light condition- and snow on the ground- did you remember to clean the lens off prior? Possible dew/snow melt on the lens- they're not all pointing in the same direction.
Have you reuploaded the picture? It might be a glitch in the system. Good steady hand there when you were taking the pic.

I can say- that it was a partly cloudy day- and that there is some sunlight shining off of the clouds in the background. Between stray rays from that and possible snowmelt on the lens...
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-28)
Oh wow these white orbs seem to be everywhere, I noticed there is one in the sky as well.
shahzeb (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-28)
i don't know what it actually is but I do think that its something paranormal

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