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Children Laughing


One day, a few weeks ago, I was babysitting my baby cousin for a night. I had just gotten his p.j's on, and he was playing with his toys while I made his bottle. All of a sudden he burst out crying. I ran into the living room and he had a GIANT bruise on his forehead. It hadn't been there five minutes ago. And he was old enough not to hurt himself.

It was really odd but I let it go. I've always believed in the paranormal. But I had a feeling there was nothing in that house. So I carried on his night time routine. I went to take him upstairs to brush his teeth, as always, and he refused to go. But he kept looking at the top of the stairs. I just thought he had heard his aunty in the loft. I decided, instead of kicking up a fuss, I would let him brush them downstairs. After that I had to take him to bed before he got too hyper. I tucked him into his cot, gave him his teddy and dummy, then left the room. I went to the toilet and began to walk down the stairs. Just as I got halfway down, I heard gigling, like of a toddler. My cousin had smarties before bed, so I thought he was a bit hyper. I went into his room, but he was asleep already. I went up to the loft and asked if it was my older sister playing on the computer, as her bedroom is up there. But she had finished working and was listening to her MP3.

It really freaked me out but it didn't scare me like it would do to someone else. I think back to that day and know that I'm one of those lucky people able to witness/hear the other life. I can't wait to tell my cousin this story when he's older.

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lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-26)
well the one that happened to my 5 year old today and the one that happened to my 3 year old last week was the first time its happened to them for no apparant reason but it happens to my 4 year old all the time and I also have a 14 year old niece it has been happening to since she was around 5,6 or 7 some nights she would go to bed and wake up with her pillow soaked in blood, but all we ever get from doctors is that its common and they can't do anything for it 😠
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-08-26)
Good lord! That would get scary 😭 I know a young guy who was like that when he was little. It would go in spurts where he would have at least one a day for weeks and then they'd stop for awhile. But of those 3 kids, he was the only one who suffered from it.
lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-26)
yep I agree... Kids these days don't seem to feel pain so we barely know right at the time they have done it... An example the nose bleed today was from my 5 year old but about a week ago my 3 year old was lying on the couch (thats where I sleep and my son will not go to sleep unless he is with me) anyway back to tbe point I was in the toilet my cousin was in the living room and my sons aunty was on the couch with him and it wasn't until I walked in my cousin said what's all that on arrons face and I kid you not from his nose to his chin was covered in blood and none of them had noticed it but it was a nose bleed... My 4 year old has nose bleeds quite often, you could just touch his nose and it will bleed like someone has turned a tap on it is amazing what can happen in the blink of an eye.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-08-26)
Completely understand. My 18 mo old grandson hit himself in the eye a few minutes ago with the mouse for the computer. Made his eye pretty red. If we hadn't been sitting here and seen him do it, my daughter and I wouldn't have had a clue.
lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-26)
lol miracles you are deffinitly stalking me but its ok I enjoy the company hehe.

And yes I totally agree my kids are 5,4 and 3 and I swear they show up with all sorts of cuts and bruises infact now that you mention it I was picking my 5 year up feom school today and as I was asking him what he had for lunch I turned around to see blood dripping onto his coat and looking up seen that his nose had started bleeding out of nowhere... Needless to say I got a fright as it was just so sudden

But bruises can appear on all ages of people I have woken up a few times with a bruise just under my knee it will fade after a few days but then another few days later I will see another bruise in the same place.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-08-26)
Lexi-loo - it looks like I'm stalking you lol but I really am not. Your comment caught my attention and then I realized I've never read this story. I think my first huh? Moment was when she said her cousin was old enough not to hurt himself yet she was making him a bottle. Good grief lol Babies hurt themselves all the time.
lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-26)
well if I had seen a huge bruise on a babys forehead the first thing I would do would be getting to the hospital not getting him to sleep 😕
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-30)
Well I don't know about England/United Kingdom, but if a large bruise appeared on a baby cousin's forehead, in Oregon, questions would be definitely raised- and I very much doubt that the notion that a Ghostie had placed one there, would go over very well with the authorities.
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-30)
What you mean by your mother also experienced it?
When you were small, did it happen then too?
There must have been something on the stairs that your cousin could see, and not you. Is he old enough to speak yet?
CJ0602 (1 stories) (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-29)
This was actually what my mum experienced as well, but in my house! Xxx 😕

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