I was asleep in my room one night. I always closed my closet doors before I went to bed. One night, around two in the morning, I woke up to see my closet doors were wide open. I leaned up a little and there I saw, plain as day, a catholic school girl. I could describe her to everyone so well. I went back to bed only to have a strange dream about ghosts... In my dream I was in the attic of my house. My grandmother was there too. I saw a diary and picked it up. In my dream I was told to put it down because it belonged to "Donna". My Grandmother started leaving and I followed. As I was leaving, the door slammed in front of me and a voice asked, "How much do you know?" Then I woke up and the day was here...
Ever since then, I did EVPs and caught things, my mom's purse was thrown from the counter top. Once I was asleep again, only too see a different girl in the closet... An evil one it seemed.
Do they follow me?
Are they trying to tell me something?
They always say my name...
I want to help. I sit at my computer and feel burning on my arm but no scratches. Then I get scratches out of nowhere sometimes. I was in the garage one day and I hate it when my shirt is a little tucked above my butt, so I went to pull it down and I heard something, but thought nothing of it. I went to pull down my shirt and I know I felt a hand or some kind of flesh... I was scared out of my mind.
This indicates you might have a hostile spirit around, but a spirit that isn't strong enough to seriously damage you. Or, perhaps, it is a warning. If you can, maybe you can ask your grandmother or mother... Maybe you can uncover something on your mother's side of the family tree that hints at something relevant. You never know!