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Real Ghost Stories

Young Little Ghost Girl


I was only 12 or 13 years old when I encountered this one particular ghost, a girl.

I was asleep one night with my grandmother by my side on the same bed. I was suddenly awoken by a jolt. I looked at the clock on the wall and it showed 12 midnight. Then I felt the hair behind my neck began to stand. I felt scared all of a sudden. Then I realized something. I couldn't move my neck, I tried to turn right but I couldn't. My body was paralyzed! I began trying my best to move my body. I was sweating and crying but I couldn't even make a sound escape from my mouth and my grandmother was sleeping soundly next to me!

The room was dark, only the light from the door was seen. I tried to calm myself, I was really scared and I couldn't do anything about it. Suddenly I saw something moving on my right. There she was. She was standing next to my grandmother and her hand is trying to reach me.

I think she's as same age as me. She was pale blue-ish in colour. She wore a white dress up to her knees. Her face was covered with her long straight hair. She doesn't have long nails or anything like that. I was beginning to sweat and cry even more and I tried to struggle free or at least try to wake my grandmother up. She just stood there, froze with her hands reaching me. I closed my eyes hard and prayed Al-Fatihah in silence. Suddenly, she was gone. I cried all night in my grandmother's arms and told her everything. She told me to pray to Allah for protection so this will never happens again.

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kevin-b (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-16)
hi. I have seen this girl before just in a diffrent dress. She has appeared mutpial times to me and my brother. He is only 14 and I am 17 but we both regularly see paranormal activity. The girl you are talkig abouh is what appears to be a deamon. Me and my brother were sitting in the games room when I got up to leave. A few seconds after my dog started barking at a corner the ran of crying. My brother was paralised unable to move and the couch hurled itself across the room. The next day we went back down thinking it was a once off thing this time with my older brother aswell. We went to sit down on the chair when it was pulled from benieth us. There was a power surge even with applyances that were not plugged in and the light were flickering. We had left the room for some duration 2-3 weeks and decided to try and contact the paranormal we walked in and again you could feel the presance. We sat down and tried to contact it by getting it to move objects. When we made contact we were scared and tried to run but we couldn't we were being held there by an un-naturaly strong force so this girl scary but will not hurt you we have had several other expierences with her so if you have any questions mail me at 😆
ghostlover6678 (1 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-18)
I agree with Clark and Amazinghost... I would in my own opinion say "Sleep paralysis" It's not dangerous, its actually very normal. If you watch let's say... The episodes "Ghost hunters" you will find many people on these episodes experience "Sleep paralysis" It's very common, so don't go thinking there's something wrong with you because there isn't! 😁 Just keep praying and everything will solve itself 😁 Good luck ❤

-Ghostlover6678 xxx
clark200666 (3 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-18)
For me, I can really say that this is a "Sleep Paralysis", it's very similar to it's description. I have never tried having one, but I'm looking forward on having one (I don't know why, I just felt like I want to try having it). According to studies "Sleep Paralysis" is not dangerous and is therefor normal.

- Clark
Amazinghost (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-17)
Sleep paralysis: you can see thins, a lot of people tend to see a woman/man dressed in grey and black, they say it to be death him/herself, try to swear in your head or move your fingers and that usually works to stop it
Sinopa (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-16)
Sorry, when I first read this, I felt as if was a fake, mostly because of the language you used. (You're an excellent writer by the way.)
But I'm not the person to judge. But there is a situation called Sleep Paralysis, it's when you wake up in the night frozen, feeling like you're suffocating and almost near death. And you also might see demonic halucinations. (I think it's the work of your hormones to prevent you from hurting yourself during sleep or something?) I'm not saying this happened to you, but it's a possibility.
Oh, and I'm not too sure of the Muslim religion, so I'm afraid I wouldn't be of much advice. Just keep praying to Allah in hopes the ghost doesn't come back.
ZawwHy (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-16)
pinkparrot6202: You're a muslim too? Great 😁 and thankyou for reading my story ❤
pinkparrot6202 (41 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
if your a muslim I'm a muslim I love your paranormal experience. ❤
ZawwHy (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
Bacchergrl: I'm not trying to convince anybody. I'm just sharing my experience. What's the problem in that? If you don't believe this story or think that it came straight from a movie, then that's you. I'm sticking with this because it happened to ME, not you.
ZawwHy (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
It is up to you guys to believe this. But it really did happened.

Bacchaegrl: I mention about her nails because when I told my relatives about it, they would ask about the nails being long and such. I think they were referring to 'Pontianak' to where I'm from.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-14)
bacchaegrl: I thought the exact same thing lol, that girl out of The Ring, she seems to target a lot of people.
I get the feeling sleep paralysis was at work in this situation.

bacchaegrl (506 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-14)
That does sound pretty scary. Why did you mention her lack of long nails? Are you trying to convince the rest of us that this isn't right out of a movie?

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