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Sleepwalking Friend - Connection With Ouija Board?


I just need some advice or perspectives on what people think. About a month ago, my sister and I decided to try an Ouija board. We both didn't believe that anything would happen. We figured, how could a piece of cardboard contact spirits? So we decided to try it, and it actally did move. At first I didn't believe it I was kind of sceptical. We did it two more times after that. The last time we did it was with my friend, which was a couple of weeks ago.

This last time, I believe whatever we contacted is haunting my sister, me, and my friend. My friend that I did it the last time with, doesn't believe any of it, but my sister and I have had strange things happen to us ever since the first time we did it. This last time was the strangest Ouija board experience we've ever had.

So anyways, the next day after the ouija board, another one of my friends came over. She was sitting on my bed alone, I was downstairs, and I came up and she look TERRIFIED. I asked what happened? And she told me that my bedroom door just flew open by itself, no windows were open, no pets, nothing... Just by itself. And she believes ever since then, whatever was in my room followed her home. She was kind of a skeptic, but she started believing after this happened.

Ever since that day, her lights at her house in her bedroom keep flickering whenever she looks at them. Shes also had weird sleepwalking incidences. She has woken up, sitting upright on her bed, staring at her phone looking through text messages that I've sent her. A couple of nights ago, she woke up and she was standing outside of her house, and it was only like 20 minutes since she fell asleep. The only thing that woke her up, was she stepped on something sharp.

Last night, she woke up, and she was in her neighborhood park, which was like a 5 minute walk from her house. She was standing in her park, and she woke up crying. And at first she didn't know what was going on, but then she realized she wasn't at home, and she ran home cause she was terrified. Apparently she hasnt sleep walked since she was a little kid, she is 16 now. But I'm not sure if this is a posession, or normal sleep walking incidences?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ashley4444, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-23)
Oh for crying out loud! LOL I didn't even realize this story was that old! I need to do some checking before opening my big, fat trap. Good grief!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-05-23)
Barbie - aren't you the one who, just yesterday, referred to people on this site as ignorant? Regardless of how you mean ignorant, there's not much of a difference between what you are doing and what you are criticizing someone else for doing.

On that note, why on earth would anyone respond to such comments 5 months later? There really is no need to drag that crap back up, is there?

Commenting on the story, I understand completely. But geez... Why instigate an argument if that person is still hanging around?
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-05-23)
As others have suggested, your friend needs to let her parents know that she is having this problem again. Sometimes this can happen due to the stress and fear involved in operating the Ouija board. Cristine- While I can somewhat understand what you're trying to say, your delivery leaves a lot to be desired. I'm curious where your data comes from, the statistics that you like to throw around like nobody's business. 1. Who are you to say what someone's intentions were when using a Ouija board? Were you there? 2. You can't think of anything constructive to say, so you resort to name calling? (ditzy, stupid, irresponsible etc.)
Come one, grow up. No doubt when you were a teenager like the op, I'm sure you did some things that could be classifed as all you stated above. I fail to see an basis to your claims, nor do I see where a single bit of your post was helpful. So how about you move along now, and quit your holier than thou attitude... Mmm kay? Thanks.
Barbie1637 (1 stories) (34 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-23)
You just don't talk to people like that... Believe them or not or if you agree with them or not... You don't talk to them like that... Also I don't know why she waste her time commenting on people's stuff, she does not even believe in spirits...
Barbie1637 (1 stories) (34 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-23)
Boy that Christine has left her ignorance on a lot of peoples post... 😕
ashley4444 (1 stories) (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-06)
Yeah thanks for the help. This story was true, I'm not the one to bullshiat things. Something new happened about a month ago with my friend that slept walked. The sleep walking had nothing to do with anything, I later realized. But other things happened after that, her bathroom door unlocked by itself, her cell phone charger broke when she left the room for two seconds, her phone stopped letting her recieve texts at the 666th text. Aldo she was getting dressed one day, and she felt something grab her arm, but nothing was in the room with her. Then the next day, purple arm bruises appeared, and it looked like finger prints. I have a picture of it, if I could put it up I would. Thankfully nothing after that has really happened to me, my friend, or my sister. Little things here and there have happened, mostly to my friend, but they haven't happened like in the past month. But thanks for all the help everyone. Except Cristine. Here's a little something for her: next time you want to go and blow up and invade someones personal page about something they experienced... DONT. Not if you're going to be a B***** about it okay? Thanks!
tommy3244 (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-31)
Sorry for the sarcasm. Seriously, I wish you luck. You might very well need it.
tommy3244 (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-31)
Hopefully those sperits haven't just consumed your friend's sole for all of eternity. Best of luck! 😁
ambercrystal (23 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-26)
I completely agree with Rook about Cristine and ram about the advice to stay away from those boards since you never know what might come through the opened-up link. Also sleepwalking is a natural occurence and not caused by the supernatural so I wouldn't worry about the ouija incident causing it, however the door opening up incident could have been something to do with what came through the connection.

Also Cristine- try to criticize people less

ram (26 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-26)
hello ashley, I just need to know if this story is true? If yes, sleep walking is completely independent of those boards. Its just due to brain's sub conciousness which leads to this trauma. But I would advice you to be away from those boards or any other channels connecting the dead. For the sake of fun never ever subject paranormal feild as the target
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-26)

You have provided yet another 'number' this case a large percentage (90%)...where do you get your research notes from... Where did you study... Self taught... Or did you use the 'Kaytell psychic training book club'...Give us your name and a self addresed stamped envelope and 10 dollars and you will receicve our pamplet 'How to Be A Psychic'... far are you going to go?


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angelus_crudus (3 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
Thanks for sharing your story. Has anything happened at your house sinse the ouijs was used? Or is it just the sleep walking of your friend? I would have to agree with the comments already posted that the sleep walking is probably independent of the Ouija board.
BUNbrunette13 (1 stories) (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-22)
I agree with Javelina, I also think that your friend should warn her parents just to keep her safe. However this is an interesting story, and I think that if this has happened recently again, you should give an expert a call.

Once again, this is very interesting!

Mollie. ❤
HappySpirit (187 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-21)
This story has reminded me of an interesting (apparent) connection I've observed between sleep disturbances and paranormal phenomenon. Sleep disturbances can take several forms; the 2 I'm thinking about now are sleepwalking and sleep paralysis. In a sense they are opposites. Quick, simplistic summary for those who need it: In sleepwalking the individual is asleep but the voluntary muscles used in walking and other gross motor activity have not been immobilized, as they are supposed to be. In sleep paralysis the individual has woken up but the voluntary muscles are still turned off. What I've noticed is that these disturbances seem to be correlated more often than not with other waking activity paranormal experiences (your friend's experience with the door flying open, lights flickering etc.) If there is a connection, I don't know what causes it. And, there could be no connection here, simply a perception of a connection in my mind.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-21)
The fact that she has a record of sleepwalking at all is, on it's own, a good reason not to worry about any spirit possessing your friend. All three of my daughters were sleepwalkers. Most of those episodes occurred when they were small. However, two of them have had episodes since then. They lasted a couple of weekr and have not occurred since.
Your friend needs to be telling her parents she is sleepwalking again so they can take the necessary precautions in order to keep her safe.

teneki (10 stories) (140 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-21)
As Moongrim said, stress can cause sleepwalking, and if she believes herself haunted, then of course she'd be stressed out. So what could be happening is a self fulfilling circle of "I'm stressed because the haunting is making me sleepwalk."

Dependent on her age, perhaps she could go to the doctor's and ask for a temporary prescription of Xanax or other stress relieving pill?

If after that she continues sleepwalking, you've probably, but not definitely, ruled out one cause at least.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-21)
Sleepwalking has occurred millenia before Ouija boards were invented.

Technically, it is less the board and it's materials than the intention behind the actions.

As to the sleepwalking, many things can cause it- stress, fear, some sicknesses, even some over the counter drugs such as Ambien.



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