I've always loved and believed in another, spiritual world. Even though it sometimes scares me. Nothing big happened to me, not really anyways. Not something that would scar me for life. Of course, they could happen after I write this. Maybe I hear a voice calling an hour after this, or maybe something grabs my ankle five years from now.
All I know, is that I'd love to share these small things that HAVE happened. So, enjoy.
Until the age of 7, I lived in an extremely small town. I know people say their town is small, but mine really was. The only reason someone would know about it is because some psycho-janitor went crazy and blew up the school in 1972. My mom had taken four pictures (two around the same time) of me that had a strange white... I don't even know. The only way to explain it is that it was long, white, looked boney. Like a skeleton's bones.
Two of the pictures were taken within a few seconds of each other. The first one this spirit was at the right bottom corner. The next it was in the middle. An obvious explanation would be bug. But what bug looks like an X-ray? It looked like shoulders and a hood.
The other two pictures are taken during different days. They both have this strange boney-thing on the edges. My mom told me she didn't see them when she took the picture, only after she got them devoloped. Now I think back on it, it's not so strange. I mean, many people died in that town. Maybe they lived in that house.
Which brings me to my next story. And this story isn't mine. The only reason I know it is because I asked my mom if anything had happened in our house when I got curious. She said that my brother had seen something when he was little. She said she was doing dishes and my brother was playing then went in his room. He came to the kitchen and said there was a man in his room, sitting on the bed. My mom went in there and no one was in there.
That town is creepy and it wouldn't shock me if there were more active ghosts in other houses.
I have other little stories, and I'll tell you about them later.