This Terrific Experience that I gained before 3 years. I stay at Salt Lake, Calcutta. Before my dad's retirement we were eagerly seeking for a house or bungalow. After long effort we found a 10 years old bungalow in a fashionable area of Salt Lake. It was white marbled flooring and 2 storied. We were just 4 members. My parents, myself and my younger sister. The owner of that bungalow was eager to sale it as soon possible, in low rate. He told to us that his wife made suicide by hanging herself and after dealing he would leave away India for ever.
We purchased that bungalow in 2008 and after that we had been gaining some mysterious experiences. On second morning, while having breakfast my younger sister Rita asked us "had anyone of us been working in kitchen, yesterday night, until 2:00am?" at this, we really got surprised and told her that none of us had been in kitchen yesterday until 2:00 am. But Rita Surprised and said that just at 2:00am she woke up with a mysterious noise, at it seemed to her that someone walking in the kitchen, moving the cooking utensils etc. She thought that perhaps mom had been in the kitchen, so she didn't give importance on it. But now she really got surprised. After hearing this from Rita, We laughed and assured her that might be rats in that old house or whole incidence was her hearing mistake.
But that night I gained a terrible experience. That was moonlight night and I woke up a with a Mysterious sound. At first it seemed to me that a woman crying in this house. That voice was totally unknown, not of my sister, nor my mother. The voice was so pathetic that it seemed to me any woman crying in deep pain. Rita was sleeping beside me, I didn't wake her up, slowly slowly I left the bed and followed the noise. After sometimes it seemed to me that the voice was coming from the toilet. So I went near the toilet, which door was closed from the outside. I wait there for some minutes and made sure that noise coming from just there. After that I pushed the door, it opened half.
I could see everything because of moonlight. I saw clearly an apparition. An woman's apparition. She had been in situation of hanging herself. I saw a long rope also. As I was watching her, it seemed to me she also looked at me and extended her hand towards me. I cried in fear and I couldn't remember what happened after that.
The next day morning I found myself on bed and my family was standing around me. I told them everything. My parents assured me the spirits of persons who's death an accidental, moves such way. After that my parents arranged a worship, spread everywhere water of River Ganga (Hindu's Holy River), a priest chanted from Gita (Hindu's sacred religious book).
After that no more unholy incident occurred,there. Now we moved in a fashionable Apartment at New Town, but that incident will still remain in our memory.