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Real Ghost Stories

Barking and Noises


On July 1st, 2007, I went to my cousin's birthday party with my dad, as my mom and my brother went to the zoo with my grandma. I am 10 and at the party we played softball.

Then after the party, my dad dropped me off at my house (my parents are split up). My mom wasn't home yet so I stayed at home by myself and I watched my dog, Bella. Bella and I were watching TV when all of a sudden, Bella started barking like crazy and ran toward the stairs. I thought it was normal at first, but then I heard noises like someone falling and tripping over things. I immediately called my mom and she said she was on her way over.

After I hung up the phone, it all stopped. So I just kept watching TV. Then my mom called to make sure I was still okay and when I answered, the barking and noises all started happening again! My mom said she'd be over in about 5 minutes and we said goodbye so I hung up and went downstairs to check. As I took the last step... It all stopped. Then I was really freaked! I was walking around and there was nothing/no one.

My mom came home to see me curled up in a ball on the couch and then she checked and found the same thing as I did, nothing, no one. I don't know if it was a ghost or my imagination, but I hope it was just my imagination because I can't stand living in a haunted house, like my grandma. But that's a whole other story.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Briannaps2, has the following expectation about your feedback: I won't be reading the comments.

PrincessKatie (7 stories) (420 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-28)
hi I've been in the same situation as you. I understand what you have been through I tell you what happened to me I had a experience just like that. Only last week it happened right I was on my computer typing up a story while I heard a little girl voice she kept talking coming from a other room upstairs I was the only one upstairs at the time. We don't know who this little girl could be. Anyway she starts singing then talking fast I turned round just about to get of my chair and she stopped then I sat back down she started talking then BANG she made a bang . My dad shouted Katie what's that noise I said I don't know I knew it was a ghost/ spirit just my dad he doesn't believe me when I tell him things. Anyway after he goes back watching T.V I go looking round looking for this little girl she had gone. I have seen 2 ghosts in this house the 3rd one at my boyfriends old house and 4th one just hat little girl who I could hear. Anyway I'm glad I read your story thanks for sharing it with us. 😊
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-21)
First of all, if one of my children call and state there are noises on another floor of the house, I would not be calling back. I would be calling 911. Second, they would be told to leave the house and go directly to a neighbors or to wait on the street for the police and my arrival.

Thank the Lord you are safe.

God Bless!
Janice (7 stories) (248 posts)
17 years ago (2007-07-05)
Hey Brianna, I think that you have a spirit or it's all a hallucination, but whatever you do be careful because you don't know what you're dealing with. Are you sure you didn't watch a horror movie and then start to imagine things, although it seems unlikely. Have you heard anything before about someone past inhabiting the home and then dying in it? If you have, then there you go, someone died there, then your most likely to experience things out of the normal but you don't have to be afraid because they can't hurt you. WEll, good luck and take care!

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