I have an experience that has baffled me for many years. It happened when I was around 11 or 12, and my little brother was five. We were sleeping in the guest bed in a middle room of the house. It looked into the living room on one side and the kitchen on the other. The front door had two long oval windows on each side of it and street light shown in through them at night.
On that night something woke me out of my sleep and I looked into the living room and saw a dog slowly walking from the light of the window toward the main bedroom. You could see through its body but you could make out its muscles eyes teeth everything. It moved like the way an animal moves when it is creeping up on its prey.
I shook my little brother David hard and said "David David do you see that ", he was in disbelief and so scared. Right about that time the dog saw us and had a almost startled look. Then it slowly walked backwards out through the window. My brother and I put the cover over our heads and stayed there until we fell back asleep.
I am 44 now and David is 38. We still talk about it to this day and tell our whole family about it. We also both saw a little boy in that house, wearing black but at different times. He had a smile on his face and I saw him out of the corner of my eye while I was turning a corner to go into the hall way. My brother saw him at exactly the same spot.
Here is the kicker. I do not believe in ghost. I believe in demons. I think they try to get humans to believe in the immortal soul. I do not! I think when you are dead, you are dead. Only God can return life to a human body. Anyway just wanted to share that with you all.
I wrote this story on this site, mainly to find out if anyone else had seen animals in a similar experience.
I haven't told many people out side of my family cause I did not want to be looked at as, well strange.
I was always very sensitive and fascinated by things of this nature when I was young. I had a sixth sense about it, also dreams that came true, knowing things about what a person was truly like with out knowing them etc... It was subtle but obvious to me.
But as I got older and rebellious I became angry and dark. So did these things as well. Scary things started happening to me, and so I eventually turned my back on it all.
I have since learned from the bible that these are things Satan uses to control people. To make them think they have powers.
I have lost all these so called powers now and good riddance!
That being said, I am trying to become the kind of person who relies on GOD, and I try to respect all other religions.
We each have to find our own way.
I do not have time to comment on all who replied but I wanted to answer anneke8.
I just wanted to comment to you that yes Saul was punished, but it was because he consulted a spirit medium. Talking with demons is forbidden by God. These practices are forbidden in the bible as spiratism. (ACTS 16:16-18) The demons knew he was committing a sin, and also that the Pagans of that time did believe in the after life of a human soul. That is why the demon would say that.
The Israelites however put faith in the resurrection that Jesus spoke about. (JOHN 5:28-29)
I want add this as well, I have had very scary things happen to me in the past, when I was dabbling in the dark things. When I called out God's name JEHOVAH it all went away. (EXODUS6:3)
The demons believe in God as well and they shudder (JAMES 2:19). I have seen it for my self. That is something I can truly believe in.
You may find it interesting to look at these scriptures that say a soul is a person (EZKIEL 18:4), and that a soul can die (REVELATION 16:3) . Also the condition of the dead (ECCLESIASTES 9:3-6).
I hope that you all will continue to search, and question what is told to you, until you find all the answers you are looking for. God Bless!