My mother and father have these strange friends, they are "farm people". Their children are not allowed to go to public school due to racial issues or financial savings, they don't have farm workers and do everything themselves probably due to hating black people. They live a very isolated life, like hill billies on a mountain, having few friends in town etc. Also they are the sort of people that won't go to a doctor or a hospital to get a baby delivered, they do it themselves, the husband catches the baby while the woman pushes the baby out in a bath tub, cutting the umbilical cord with a kitchen or buck knife.
Apparently they have tried a long time to conceive again after having two healthy girls, and the woman had many miscarriages after that, four or something... But they were persistent in getting another child so conceived again, and this time the child was actually born.
But while one day visiting us in town, I sympathized with the woman and her misfortune concerning the failed preganancies wanting to tell her that some things are not meant to be, and that the fetus of a miscarriage never even had a soul to begin with that could attach itself to the mother. But as I approached her from behind, she was looking away from me when I walked towards her, I saw a big black dark figure around her. I didn't know if I wanted to look into her "belly" to see if there would be an actual soul in there or not, but this thing looked wicked, it smiled an evil smile and then I saw blackness in the woman's womb... Surprise surprise the baby was born with black hair. But nevertheless I saw a vision of Death, a black mass of who knows what, like chunky soup and mud when you pick it up and it falls over a brim as if a solid and heavy sordid splash... It was horrifying, was that what Death looked like before the Baby was there? Or could this have been a demon attached to the newborn baby and its mother? Or a possible demonic incarnation? It seemed very attached to the woman, but felt so dark.
I felt like telling them that this would be their "trouble child", the one that would give them the most hell... I refrained from doing so and thought to myself, as initial thought, that this woman laughs spiritual stuff off. Upon the day I saw the thing around her we talked about ghosts and hauntings, she made a big joke about the spirit world saying it is all nonsense wanting to make those who believe out to be crazy and looking down on my believing thereof, laughing in my face saying everything can be explained by logic and human stupidity as far as fears, hallucinations and anxiety issues go regarding the spirit realm.
Maybe this child or whatever it is will make her and her husband believe, deeply making them think about God and what is really out there once she grows up... Having three daughters, one is bound to be different, especially connected with the feminine energies... I see a possible rebel that would make them think as its sole purpose.
And then I thought - maybe to such people, their souls are dead within not having the Light of the Holy Spirit within them, so they can't fathom nor wish to understand spiritual things... Maybe until the stork delivers a demon on their doorstep.