I'd like to start off this entry by explaining that this event happened at my best friend's house a few days ago. About a day or so after I posted my other entry, something happened that freaked not only me out, but it scared my best friend as well!
I was staying the night over at her house, and it was around 10:30 pm. We were joking around and watching TV. We were having a good time and everything, until something out of the ordinary happened. I had told her about my little entities in my house already, and she was kind of startled.
Well, a good thirty minutes after I told her, I was lying down with my back towards her because I was tired. I was still awake when this happened (though my eyes were closed). I had felt someone pulling on my hair a little, so I turned over and looked at my friend. I asked her if she was pulling my hair, but she replied "No, that'd be impossible since I'm on the other side of the room." Slightly scared, I turned back over and attempted to fall asleep once more. I felt more tugging on my hair, but this time it felt as if someone was gently pulling it back into a bun. Right when I felt this happening, my best friend screamed! I turned over and asked her what had happened, and she replied "I just watched your hair move into a bun on its own!"
We were both so scared that we stayed up until 12:00 that night. Does anyone have an idea as to who was messing with my hair? It could have been one of the twins from my previous entry, but I'm not quite so sure.