I don't know how to start my story so I will just tell you about me. I'm 18 years old and have been working my butt off with my HSC and it is incredibly stressful. A few weeks ago my little sister was sick and sleeping mass amounts of hours at a time and one night, sort of morning, it was around 3 am I heard Alex rolling over in bed from 3 rooms up from her and then I heard this deep, dark laugh. It sounded, without any other word to explain it, evil! Alex is 16 this year and cannot use a deep voice to save her life, but it scared me so much I couldn't breathe!
The next morning I asked my grandfather if he heard it as well and he said that he had heard it coming from her room as well. Whenever I go into Alex's room I end up getting hurt. I was in there with Alex and her friend Baylee just chilling, talking about school and then when I stood up and said goodbye, it felt like someone had kicked me in the knee and it in fact had been dislocated by some force.
Many weird things happen in our house. Our radios (which can't be battery powered) are unplugged and start playing in both mine and mum's room. Mum thinks its her mother who passed away before our dad moved out in 2006. Also yesterday, our dad moved to Queensland and as I went to bed I felt something stroking my leg. I often feel this some nights, but I have put it down to a leg twitch. But now I'm really confused as to whether there is an entity in the house and it hates me or it really likes me.
I'm scared and I want it to stop! I have suggested a Ouija board but the fact that my mother screamed and grounded me for mentioning it makes me think that's a no.