Seeing as it won't allow me to start with the word hello, I won't. This is basically an update from my last story, "My letter to you", to get this, you pretty much have to read that first. It's just that nobody's paying attention and to be honest I'm getting too scared to sleep in my own room. I'd just like to say I'm an atheist so I don't believe in praying to God to protect me. I need help, I'm terrified that something else might happen.
The red faced man isn't bothering me that much, the two bothering me are the girl with black hair, and the shadow with red eyes. Since I posted my last story, me and my friend were sitting in my back garden (which is really big and has a lot of trees) and my kitten ran up one of the trees and got stuck (this is the tree that I spotted the "black shadow" by), so I went to help her down. I glanced into the hall of my house (you can see right through the house if you stand in front of a tree in the middle of the garden) and saw a person, hanging in the hall, right outside my room. I screamed and ran towards the tree where my kitten was, but something took hold of me and pushed me back, causing me to hit my head on the concrete. When I hit my head, I heard a man laugh. It wasn't my head messing with me, because my friend heard it too.
When I got my kitten down, my friend screamed at me to stay still, but I turned around anyway. When I turned around, there was the person, hanging on the old tree that had been there before the house was even there (It used to be a apple orchard, with all the surrounding house belonging to it). At that point my kitten started growling.
I have nightmares every night, and I always wake up at about 3am. I'm only 13 and I don't know much about this but I know enough to know that this isn't right.
I told my mum and dad not to move but they didn't listen, and it isn't bothering them, just me and my friend.
As I was writing about the person hanging in the hall, all the doors slammed shut at the same time. There's no windows open in here, and I can hear whispering.
It's getting closer.
Atheism and paranormal experiences are a strange mix, and unfortunately may put you at a severe disadvantage in resolving these types of issues. The reason I say this is not that God might refuse to help an atheist (because if he exists and is truly all-loving he wouldn't) or even because God matters to paranormal entities. I say this rather becuase faith is your most potent weapon against such beings. Faith in yourself is equally effective, but often more difficult for a person to achieve at the same levels as faith in a diety.
If you believe strongly in yourself, I would do Rook's cleansing. Due to the level of activity I would probably take it a little further too. Delcare firmly that you do not welcome or accept their presence in your life, do this both before and after the home cleansing phase of Rook's ritual. Then sprinkle some salt at each entry of the house while firmly declaring that the home is now forbidden to such spirits, that they are no longer welcome there. You can also do this on your room if you wish. Next perform the personal sheilding portion of Rook's ritual, focusing on how you do not accept the control of spirits over your life, an imagining the shield of light as your own will protecting you. Some people find a talisman helps them focus their will for something like this. I would use a small object made of iron or steel which you can keep on you and which makes you feel safe and comfortable. Imaging the light coming from the object, but remember that you are protecting yourself. The talisman is just a focus not the actual source of protection.
If you have difficulty with this, or are unsure of yourself, I would get professional help. A priest or shaman or witch, what ever your family is comfortable with. They all have different ways of doing the same sort of thing. If your parents are reluctent or don't believe, try to convince them that it will at least make you feel better and they might go for it anyway.