Let me introduce myself. My name is Oubay and I am 17-years-old. This event or story took place in 2004 or 2005, I am not sure.
Me, my mother and younger brother we were visiting some relatives in Dubai. We decided to spend the night at their house. Basically their house isn't much of a fancy one and rather small and cozy. Maybe at midnight or at 1 am we went to sleep. And I am sure at 3 am something strange woke me up. I looked around me and nothing was there, so as of my young age I was scared. Suddenly I looked at the corner and I found a green-lightened person standing there. He was tall and was smiling at me. For about 10 minutes I couldn't believe what was happening. I tried to go back to sleep as I thought I was just imagining. I looked and he was still there smiling. I woke up my mother and started crying and shouting to her to make her look at the corner and see the guy standing over there, but she didn't see anything and also had to slap me. She thought I was pissing around. She told me to go back to sleep, which I did.
Here after this took place we flew to Turkey to see my uncle, whom I hadn't met before and I didn't even know what he looked like. After we arrived and I met him, it was a massive shock to me. He resembled the guy at the corner. I haven't told anyone about this story. And I actually wanted to tell him about it, but he passed away. He suffered from cancer.
Sorry for the long post, but can anyone tell me why was he standing there and what does it mean? Only me seeing him.