When my oldest daughter was 2 1/2 (she is now 13), she would sense and see things that we could not. We would sneak and sit outside her bedroom and listen to her giggle and talk in baby talk in her room to all the while she was looking up in the corner of the ceiling. I would always tell her to say "Hi" to them for us. Her angels.
One evening my daughter and I were visiting a friend's house (well his brother's house) he was giving us a tour of his home and we had walked into his home office to look around, when I noticed my daughter stopped right at the threshold. I tried to persuade her to come in, no luck, and then we went about the house again walking in and out of rooms, up and down stairs, and we passed the home office again. She stops dead.
I picked her up and proceeded to walk through the door and she was wiggling to try and get out of arms, and saying "no, no, no go in". I looked at my friend's brother with a questioning look, and tried again, same response from her.
I knew she felt something, I kept it to myself and didn't want to alarm them.
We were all sitting in the living room having pizza when my daughter (2 1/2) sits next to him on the couch and says "baby not here, baby up there" (pointing to the ceiling) "baby Amy went bye bye". All of us stunned, just looking at her, my friend's brother just begins crying and then explains to me that his now home office "was" to be the nursery for their daughter, I was just then told was still born at 9 months and they had named her Amy.
He just hugged my daughter, and continued crying, knowing now she was okay and at peace.
Shannon M. Ives