A little bit of a back story:
This was back when I was in primary school (I live in Scotland). My primary school has 2 floors, with 15 classrooms, a nursery and a few storage cupboards (I'm surprised I remember all that). The building was used as a hospital during the war (not sure which one), so a lot of people died there.
Onto my encounter. It's a little bit strange, and probably sounds fake.
It was the start of a new year, and we'd gotten 2 new pupils, Louisa and Jake. Both seemed fairly normal, and I automatically made friends with Jake. Louisa, however, would wander around, staying in the shadows, by herself.
No one really acknoledged her. Some people didn't even know she existed. Half way through the year, we were outside in the playground, and Louisa was doing her usual wandering around in the shadows. I went over to her, and asked her if she would like to play tag with me and a few others. She shouted in my face saying no, so I walked away.
The next day, Louisa didn't turn up at school, and we'd heard news that she'd commited suicide the night before. Soon enough, we got another new pupil, but on her first day, even the teacher didn't notice her. No one even knew her name. When we went outside, she would wander around in the shadows, just like Louisa did. When I asked her if she wanted to play tag with me, she stepped out of the shadow towards me. I had this sudden urge to look at the ground. When I did, I noticed she had no shadow. I ran away from her.
That was the last I saw of her. When I asked my teacher what had happened to her, she just asked me what girl I was talking about.
Another little story I have, is about the drama studios at my highschool. Whenever you walk into them, you get this feeling of being watched. They are in a brand new building, so there's no way the building could be haunted, but the land might be.
The classrooms are completely black, with blackout curtains all around the walls, and blackout blinds on the windows. The ceiling is slanted, and has black tiles covering it.
Occasionally, the curtains swing when no one else is in the classroom (me and a friend stay behind to practice extra) or is anywhere near them. You get drafts down your neck, and the lights flicker a lot.
When we were using the cameras for our DocuDrama's, the footage would come out corrupted, and fuzzy. Extra voices were added in, that couldn't have been there already, because it was a brand new tape that no one else had used. When you stood in a certain place in the class, and the camera was pointing at you, you would go completely black, and would blend in with the background.
That's just 2 of my experiences. I'm sure there will be many more in future.