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Girl With No Shadow And The Drama Studio


A little bit of a back story:

This was back when I was in primary school (I live in Scotland). My primary school has 2 floors, with 15 classrooms, a nursery and a few storage cupboards (I'm surprised I remember all that). The building was used as a hospital during the war (not sure which one), so a lot of people died there.

Onto my encounter. It's a little bit strange, and probably sounds fake.

It was the start of a new year, and we'd gotten 2 new pupils, Louisa and Jake. Both seemed fairly normal, and I automatically made friends with Jake. Louisa, however, would wander around, staying in the shadows, by herself.

No one really acknoledged her. Some people didn't even know she existed. Half way through the year, we were outside in the playground, and Louisa was doing her usual wandering around in the shadows. I went over to her, and asked her if she would like to play tag with me and a few others. She shouted in my face saying no, so I walked away.

The next day, Louisa didn't turn up at school, and we'd heard news that she'd commited suicide the night before. Soon enough, we got another new pupil, but on her first day, even the teacher didn't notice her. No one even knew her name. When we went outside, she would wander around in the shadows, just like Louisa did. When I asked her if she wanted to play tag with me, she stepped out of the shadow towards me. I had this sudden urge to look at the ground. When I did, I noticed she had no shadow. I ran away from her.

That was the last I saw of her. When I asked my teacher what had happened to her, she just asked me what girl I was talking about.

Another little story I have, is about the drama studios at my highschool. Whenever you walk into them, you get this feeling of being watched. They are in a brand new building, so there's no way the building could be haunted, but the land might be.

The classrooms are completely black, with blackout curtains all around the walls, and blackout blinds on the windows. The ceiling is slanted, and has black tiles covering it.

Occasionally, the curtains swing when no one else is in the classroom (me and a friend stay behind to practice extra) or is anywhere near them. You get drafts down your neck, and the lights flicker a lot.

When we were using the cameras for our DocuDrama's, the footage would come out corrupted, and fuzzy. Extra voices were added in, that couldn't have been there already, because it was a brand new tape that no one else had used. When you stood in a certain place in the class, and the camera was pointing at you, you would go completely black, and would blend in with the background.

That's just 2 of my experiences. I'm sure there will be many more in future.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, xlucy__12x, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

xlucy__12x (guest)
13 years ago (2012-07-08)
[at] PoliexterLy: I'm not comfortable sharing that information with you, sorry.
PoliexterLy (2 stories) (92 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-05)

Regardless of the parents not wanting anyone to know about their daughter's death, I'm sure the media would have figured it out eventually.
You cannot hide death.

I'm sorry, I don't really believe your story.
You'd make a good story teller though, or author! Then you could put your stories to use 😆

One more thing, I see that you're a teenager. I'm rather curious to see just how old you are, since I'm a teenager also 😁

Hope to see you reply! Cheers
xlucy__12x (guest)
13 years ago (2012-07-04)
[at] PoliexterLy: I don't remember a lot of what happened, which is why it sounds scrambled. I'm literally pulling it from the depths of my memory. I tried my best to make it more understandable, and typed it out several times before publishing. The parents of the girl (from what I remember) didn't want the world knowing about her murder/suicide, because they didn't want the attention.
PoliexterLy (2 stories) (92 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-03)

I do not think that they would just drop a case like that. They would want to know for sure if it was a murder, or a suicide.

Also, if they solved the death of the girl, they would have it on the news! 😐

Another thing I feel I must add, is that your story just doesn't... Flow right. If you know what I mean. There are parts that do not make sense, and it just sounds all scrambled together.

Still not doubting your story, of course 😉
xlucy__12x (guest)
13 years ago (2012-07-03)
[at] lady-glow: The teacher didn't introduce the second girl to the class. She would always complain about how the class was really cold, though, when it was really warm.
It was in the morning, when she came out of the shadow. There was no way she couldn't have had a shadow, because she stepped right into the path of the sunlight.

[at] PoliexterLy: I didn't really find out. It was my primary 7 teacher who told us that he couldn't find anything about the girl who committed suicide/got murdered in the school. He told us it had obviously been dropped. Either that, or the case was solved.
PoliexterLy (2 stories) (92 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-02)

How could the suicide or murder of a child not be investigated any further?
That's something I'm wondering about when I read your comment.

I'm not doubting you at all, but it's just something that bickers in my mind.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3210 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-02)
I have few questions about this story:

Did the teacher introduce the second 'new girl' to the class?
I find it terrible that a teacher could forget a pupil after few days. 🤔

Also, what time was it when your classmate came out of the shadows and had no shadow? If this happened at about noon or when the sun is on the zenith, it would be normal for a body not to cast a shadow.

I do not think your encounter sounds fake, but considering the time that has passed since you had it and the young and impressionable age you were, it is possible that there are more explainable factual reasons to it than a paranormal experience.
ada (4 stories) (44 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
Lucy:When I was 10 I had a little girl wonder up to the house that my mom and I lived in. I played with her every day. She said that she was in a accident and her mama was the only one that had lived. I found out a few days ago what had happened cause I still see her from time to time. My Aunt was friends with her mom and when they had the (ACCIDENT) they all had died and she just could not find her mama! SAD when they get lost!
xlucy__12x (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
[at] lsandhu: I'll check it out, thanks! It sounds just like my kind of book.
lsandhu (2 stories) (360 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-15)
I don't know that new buildings can't be haunted. There's a great novel by Anne Rivers Siddons called The House Next Door about a house that is evil right from its construction and the architectural plans themselves might be evil. I highly recommend it, although it will give you a craving for gin and tonics. The main couple in the book is constantly drinking one cocktail or another.
xlucy__12x (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-14)
[at] BlueTurtle: At the time, I was about 9 years old. What we got told was that she had committed suicide, but I'm starting to think it was maybe murder. The case was never followed up. The girl who came afterwards in no way looked like Louisa. They had the same hair colour, but that's about it.

[at] ada: No one else really paid attention. They all assumed she was a loner, which I find really sad, because everyone deserves a friend, hence why I asked her to play with us.
ada (4 stories) (44 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-14)
That just makes me sad! No one even knew she was gone? No shadow huh? Did anyone else really pay attention to her? Wow... This is a mind blower!
BlueTurtle (3 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-14)
That's very interesting. When you had your experience in primary school, how old were you? I'm surprised that the girl you mentioned, if you were very young, actually committed suicide. Do you know why or how? And the girl who came after, did she resemble Louisa at all or did she look completely different? I only ask because, is it possible that Louisa's spirit came back, if just for a moment, because you mentioned they acted the same.

Very interesting story, though. I look forward to more stories in the future, granted of course, that nothing bad happens.

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