I'm not exactly sure if what is going on is a ghost story, I've had these weird things happening lately, and I think it may be spirit trying to reach out to me. I guess I should start back at the beginning. When I was a kid, I used to have these feelings, feelings something bad was going to happen, etc. Then I had these dreams of things that were going to happen before they did. Nothing major, just conversations, little things. Also, I had really bad nightmares, my parents had to get me pills to help me sleep.
Not that relates to a ghost, or anything, its just to say that it lead me to be open to the idea of them existing. The ghost, or spirit whatever I'm referring to is something I've seen. Maybe seen is an exaggeration, because it's only been quick glances, out of the corner of my eye. A sort of blur. I woke up once, to see this whitish blur, sort of hovering near my bed. It probably wasn't so much a blur, but I wear glasses, so that's all I got out of it. I thought it was the after affect of a dream, no big deal. But then, I saw the same blur a few days later, in my bathroom, while I was taking a bubble bath.
It was out of the corner of my eye again, and then it was gone when I turned to look. I remember trying to talk to it, to see if it would come back. I even called it a pervert, for showing up when I was naked. Not that I'm sure ghosts can be perverts, I was just trying to get his attention.
Normally, seeing these sort of things wouldn't bother me. I've had it happen a few times before. Once when I was a kid, I saw an old guy mowing my neighbors yard, who didn't live there. I described him to my mom, and she told me there used to be a man who lived down the street like that, but he had died a few years ago. I didn't make a big deal of that, nearly everyone had family who lived nearby, it could have been his brother who looked like him or something.
Another time, I saw a lady brushing the steps of a house, in the back seat of the car, with my parents and brother. I told them about it, because there was never even a house there, let alone a woman, and the woman was dressed funny, in a white dress. They told me they hadn't seen anything. I still argue every time we pass that spot that I saw something there. They think it's funny.
Whether or not I was seeing spirits or not, I don't know. But they never seemed to see me back, so it wasn't like it was anything I was worried about. It wasn't hurting me, and it sure wasn't bothering them.
But things have started to get weirder. One day, when I was in the car with brother. I saw a man on the side of the road, who when I blinked wasn't there. My brother was with me, and saw nothing. Later, in that same spot, I saw a man who looked like he was walking out onto the road. I slammed by breaks, but the guy had disappeared.
I probably would think I was going crazy, had weird things not happened around here before. My mom told me back when her and my dad were just married, that she woke up and saw a man standing in the room. But, then he was gone. That, and she has had the feelings too, and usually they are right, she had one the night I wrecked my car.
My dad thinks the house he grew up in was haunted, he's told me stories about it.
My brother has heard the same little girl singing that I have heard coming from the woods behind our house. He used to have feelings and dreams too. Like mine, never a big deal. The only one of mine that ever mattered was that I dreamed this old lady my family knew would die, and she did. But she was old and sick, and that was probably just a nightmare. Usually these feelings, the ones that something bad is going to happen, mean a family member will get hurt. My cousin broke her arm, a family member rushed to the hospital, a friend having a nervous meltdown. Nothing ever extreme.
Since my brother believed me, I thought I was sane. Then I started having weird dreams again, dreams that made it hard to sleep. I was eleven the first time I had dreams so intense, these ones I was having started when I was 15. I had them three years, on and off, the on period always came along with headaches, dizziness, and a general feeling of something being off.
The dreams had me talking to someone, a man. He knew me, remembered me. I felt as if I knew him too, but couldn't remember. One thing he told me bothered me, I asked who he was, (and what he was), and he only said, "go back to the beginning..." I didn't know what that meant, so I started researching ghosts, past lives, anything in the range of the spiritual or supernatural. Because these dreams were real, they felt real, the weren't only nightmares, I've woken up screaming from them.
Only lately have these weird dreams started coming back. Except now, I can't remember them like I did before. Before they hung with me, like events I actually lived, now a few minutes after waking they fade. Sometimes before I even open my eyes. I just wake up with the same sense of sadness, of fear, of something being wrong, or out of place.
It got so I couldn't sleep. I was to scared to fall asleep. I started taking things to help me sleep, only Tylenol PM, or things like that, since my parents wouldn't get me the hard core stuff.
And, when I do sleep, I wake up. Which is leading up to what happened that really freaked me out. Like I said, I've always seen things, but they never bothered me. Never noticed me. Besides the dreams, where I've carried on whole conversations with this guy, who I have no idea who or what he is. Did I mention we are on beach a lot of the times? Always the same one. I tried to find it online, but never could.
Anyway, back to what I'm getting to, to what all this babbling has lead up to. I woke up the other morning (on one of those rare nights I sleep) and heard something moving around in my room. I had woken up because I felt something in my room, everyone knows that feeling, like when someone walks in a room, and you don't really hear them or see them, you just sort of feel them. That feeling woke me up, and I heard someone walking. I thought it was my mom, so I just closed my eyes. She comes in sometimes in the morning to turn off my lamp (I can't sleep in the complete dark, for some reason) so that's who I thought it was. Only it wasn't. I heard something behind me, breathing, I felt something touch my shoulder. I knew it wasn't my mom, I knew it then, she would never touch me while I was asleep, never stand so close and breath that way. I couldn't only hear him, her, it, whatever breathe, I could feel it.
I didn't open my eyes. It only lasted a few seconds, the breathing, the touch not even that. I went back to sleep. Later I woke up to see my mom, turning of my lamp. I wanted to ask her was she there earlier, but I didn't. Not then.
When I woke up, my lamp was back on. No one else had been in my room all morning. I asked everyone in my family. They all told me they hadn't been in there.
I don't know what to make of it. I don't feel safe. I thought maybe I was just afraid, because it isn't something that's ever happened to me before. But, nothing else has ever made me feel afraid I want to know what's going on.
I know houses can be haunted, but I don't think mine is. I live in a trailer, and I've never heard of those being haunted. But, what I wonder is, can people? Can a person be haunted? Maybe that's what's happening to me. I don't know. I need somebody to give me an idea.
So, if anybody is reading this, tell me what to do. Tell me if I'm just crazy. I just need some advice.