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How Interested Is Too Interested?


I have a question that really needs an answer. Just to sum it up, I want to know, "how interested is too interested in the paranormal?"

I'll tell you why. In a nutshell, I am sensitive to this parallel around us, but not to the point of bragging about it. I believe in all things haunted, out of place, especially paranormal. If it help put things into perspective, my mother called in people from the church to come and bless my room because she said I was having night terrors, but not the kind kids would have at 4 years old. (Creepy!) Who's mom does that! That's saying something.

This is true as I remember having my first experience then, when seeing the entity of some cartoon witch floating above me in my mom's bed. Yes, I was 4, and I was watching a lot of hectic stuff, but I know what I dreamt about, and I know THAT was real... Though my sister will tell me that I was hyperactive and my mother couldn't cope with me. Then again she has no interest in these kind of things. Anyway, I'm getting off track.

Back to my question. Okay, so I won't touch a Ouija board, don't even try and get me to look at one. I don't take drugs, and I barely drink. But when it comes to the paranormal, I can spend hours thinking, wondering, researching about it. Like haunted places, sightings, all things unexplained. I guess one could call it a hobby or interest. But here is what I want to know...

Say I was interested in stamps and stamp collecting, and obviously, in balance, I would research about stamps, their origin, etc etc... But IF I want to research non-human entities, demons, and the different kinds because I find it so interesting and intriguing, but in NO WAY want to, nor dream about bringing that into my life, is that possible? Can I still research this kind of dark stuff because I am so interested in it, without bringing it through something? I won't go "looking for trouble," unless this could be considered that?

If anyone can give me some advice on this that would be great, as I find it so interesting. I have a life, and am happy, like not obsessed and have a problem. It is just something I want to find out more on, but I'm scared that even googling these kind of things... Could open up something.

So again I ask, how interested is too interested?

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ashville (3 stories) (42 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-25)
Thanks Showgirl, I think the more you think about can bring it in, so the realllll dark stuff I don't want to read up because I know it can be bigger than me, even though I have faith. I'm going to just stick to reading these stories... And I have actually found, reading the spiritual / inspiration stories (on the spirituality link) have have helped a lot, kind of detracts from the sole focus on all the paranormal, etc.
showgirls1980 (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-23)
Hey, fab question Ash... I often wonder this myself! I too am addicted to this site, I read these stories every night and am always looking things up on the internet, but there comes a point when I stop... As I too think that I could encourage an evil presence! But my faith in he Lord should keep me safe 😁
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-21)
it is never bad to research and gain knowledge about things.

When people go through this I remind them. Your soul KNOWS everything and our soul trys to connect and make us remember. Another thing that pisses me off is I don't know why we aren't born connected and others are. It has to do with the age of the soul I assume. Some people don't believe, their soul isn't strong enough to push the memories.

You are trying to remember. Don't fight it
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-21)
From the moment I could read, I have always read scary stories. Ghosts, devils, witches, "demons", possessions, psychic experiences, and rituals. I have never been attacked by a ghost, I have never seen a ghost. I have always wanted to, but nope. I do not believe for a second that by simply reading a book, you will be attacked. No way, no how. That's as logical as thinking "Oh no, I just watched Nightmare on Elm Street and now I can't go to sleep or Freddy will get me!". Its not going to happen.

The only thing you need to worry about is your fear and the effects it will have on your mind. If you think you will start seeing things just because you're reading them, you will. Your mind is capable of doing so much. What you need to do is not allow yourself to be afraid of what you're reading. It won't be a ghost haunting you, but it will be yourself.
ashville (3 stories) (42 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-21)
Oh, lol... My bad, taking everything literally again. will always wonder... Dun dun dun...!

Oh cool, I'm in blouberg. But yeah, some friends call me ash (part of surname), so its OK:) lol
SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-21)
Hey Ash (lol, feel like I'm talking to a Pokemon character now)

Ye I'm from Lakeside, Southern Suburbs.


Oh, and I was kind of being a bit sarcastic in that comment, hence using the posters name in my comment:P

Sophia13 (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-21)
If you decide it's necessary to study these forces then you should be clear with yourself why you're studying it. If you don't have a stake in this. Just don't play with it.

Simply to know a demons tactics and methods. By recognizing them, you can mount a counter-offensive against them. In our culture, they are much ore effective than we realize.
ashville (3 stories) (42 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-21)
Thanks guys, yeah... I think I'm afraid (kind of obvious). When I used to be not so worried about things at all. Arg, its just frustrating, kind of like, afraid to even catch yourself thinking about it... Then wonder..."oh oh"...its a mindset I guess, so yeah, but talking about it helps, and will not let it get the better of me. Rookdygin, thanks, if that dream repeats itself, il be sure to blame you;) only joking, though I have had the 3rd dream in a row (now that you mention it) of being a "victim of theft", but I think I know what it is related to (personally)

Spider, re your "worried or paranoid" comment with regards to worriedandparanoid, I have also started to wonder if she is ok? Hmmmm. Anyways, are you also from Cape Town?

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-21)

My Opinion (MY VERY OWN, though others may 'feel' the same about dreams) is that unless a dream repeats itself then it's just a dream. If I was to write down every dream I had I'd have carpel tunnel big time. 😲 So I started to 'collect' only the ones that repeated themselves and from there I would only start 'reading into' their symbolical significance if they repeated 3 times. I did this for dreams that repeated only 2 times for a bit but found that more often than not if it only repeated 2 times it was only similar images because I was dwelling on them and not truly a repetitive dream.

Again I have found that this works for me, but it takes a lot of effort to keep the Journal (s)... I have so many it's hard to find a place to keep them. (I say 'Journals' because I also keep one that documents 'odd' things that happen around me or situations that I've been asked to help people with. They help keep the facts straight and makes for easier de-bunking)


SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-21)
Ps. I honestly don't think you need to be stressed out about it.
Just acknowledge it as your mind trying to "sort itself out"
And try to make an informed decision about how you want to proceed with your research.

SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-21)
Hey Ashville
From what it states about the alligators, I would say its pretty accurate.
Your experiencing the uncertainty of whether or not to continue your research and are now experiencing more things because of it.
Your mind doesn't switch off when you sleep so I think its your subconscious letting you know that you are trying to make big decisions... Or maybe you are unwilling to confront the "other" side which you have been seeing more of lately?
If that makes sense:/

ashville (3 stories) (42 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-21)
Ok, so now RE officially worried! I slept better last night, still had dreams but thought not much of it, and in the dream, among many weird things as dreams are like that... There was an alligator (but it was HUGE, like a dinosaur) and was snapping at me, but in the dream I knew it wouldn't get to me, and I remember a voice talkng, like a narrator speaking telling something about the alligotor, like "if one does not procced to look at the..." Something along that vibe if that makes sence...anyway, I got away from it, climbing over high wirey electrical fences, but when I checked out the dream interpretation, this is what it said re alligators. - again, this is what I mean, ahhh... Or I am reading into things tooo much:/

"To see an alligator in your dream symbolizes treachery, deceit, and hidden instincts. It may be a signal for you to take on a new perspective on a situation. It may also represent your ability to move between the physical, material world of waking life and the emotional, repressed world of the subconscious. Alternatively, the alligator represents healing powers and qualities. An alligator also suggests that you are thick-skinned or insensitive.

To dream that you are running away from the alligator indicates that you are unwilling to confront some painful and disturbing aspect of your subconscious. There is some potentially destructive emotion that you are refusing to acknowledge and owning up to. "
ashville (3 stories) (42 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-21)
Wow, thanks, it is great to hear the all these opinions! And I think it is fare to say, I won't go reading about things that I know are not really what I want in my life. I mean... If you think about it, you will bring it in eventually. And on a serious note, I had kind of put my "intrigued darkness" side to bed, until I was bored as hell recently and googled paranormal things when I came across this site and have not been able to tear myself away from it and the stories...

And, now since reading, I am extremely nervous all the time, and scaring myself, and I hate it. Like I mentioned what happened to the lift... I told my flat mate about it yesterday when I got home, and she said its funny I should mention that, because, to basically put a long story short, monday night she was studying in her room, when she saw something move past her out f the corner of her eye, and described it as a white, claw, similar like in wolverine. But a lot bigger, and not transparent. We established that all curtains were closed, and she knows it was not a shawdow from the cars outside, she was so frightened... And I was just like... No ways that's it... I don't want anymore to do with this shiat anymore...

So I just prayed last night, alot... More than I usually do before I went to bed, and had a good sleep.

Am really going to try limit myself and not read as much as I do here, but its still good knowing there is support. I'm think it is all messing with my head.

Oh, and I'm sure this is of relivance, but I am aware that a girl commited suacide on the fifth floor above me in our block, about 4 years ago. So yeah... I'm am going to give this a rest for a bit I think.
Lotus (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
Their are plenty of well respected Demonolgists out there, but if you don't want them in your life I would not continue. Many Demonologists say that once you enter that field you become "on their radar" so to speak. At least that is what some of the well respected and known Demonologists say. I would suggest first studying purification techniques and protection prayers. Then continue using caution. Best of luck!
Andrea22 (5 stories) (65 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
On the good side I don't think it's a problem is it?What's the harm in wanting to know about ghost relatives who came back to visit their family? But honestly I really don't know about the dark side. Is it better to read about what's lurking there, so you might be able to defend yourself one day, or is it better to act like it doesn't exist? I, in no way, want to scare the crap out of myself and here about evil... But if I never do... Will I be caught off guard and helpless? You know kind of like the way you don't want to here about some crazy stalker but if you never do... Will you be more vulnerable because you aren't aware of the danger? Just don't want me being oblivious to somehow work to THEIR advantage. But I really don't know...
SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
I've actually been really interested in learing Tarot.
I actually want to convert to being Wiccan but I'm not sure how to go about it and I have no friends/acquaintances that are interested.

LynnKitten (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
I study this probably as much or more then you do, can't seem to help it. But, I will never have anything to do with a ouija board (bad experience) tarot cards, etc. I surround myself by the light of God. I study all of it, demons included. But I will never invite it into my life, it's not allowed.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
Folks I still get a bit jumpy at times and I'm nearly 45...

I do security work, 3rd shift 2300 (11pm) to 0700 (7am) and some of the area's I patrol are pretty dark. Add to that the amount of 'active electronic equipment' (lot's of computers... All turned on) plus the fact I am 'sensitive' (High EMF effects me... As well as being Empathic can make one pretty jumpy) and if you were to watch me on patrol you'd see me look over my shoulder often and frequently and I know no one is there...


ashville (3 stories) (42 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
27 is still a springchicken! Atleast you have the rabbit to use as an excuse, which I would vouch is probably making the rustling. Yeah, these stories are strangely addictive, I am going to try limit myself... Have not read anything today yet:) And I won't dare read anything on my phone in my room alone... I get nervous now when it gets dark... Really need to man
SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
Yes I would have bolted too if that happened.
I have also thought I should stop reading these stories but then I find myself here and I just keep reading.
I think Rook is right and as long as we keep to the safe info we will be okay.
Another thing is that we recently got a rabbit and her hutch is in the entry way, which is just outside our bedroom. So this rabbit runs around her hutch at odd hours (shut up! Its the rabbit and that's the source I'm sticking with! Lol) so I'm always hearing it which freaks me out...
And hiding under the covers has never worked for me because I feel like I can't breathe when the blankets over my head, so I just have to keep my eyes closed most of the, and they tell me I'm 27yrs old... Shouldn't I be over this by now:P
ashville (3 stories) (42 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
Ok, I feel a bit more assured now, it is ok to be "interested", but yes spider, I am paranoid in general, but now I am like looking over my shoulder constantly!
This morning spooked me out, and yes it could be coincidence, but its this kind of thing that makes me question these things. I walked out of my flat this morning, 6am, and the block is dead quiet. I pressed the lift to open (might I had this lift is barely a month old), it opened on my floor, and I got inside, and I pressed G and close, and as the lift was closing halfway, it stopped and opened again, like someone had put their hand through the sensor to stop it from closing. So I was like, uh uh, and walked out. So now when that kind of thing happens I get paranoid. Did something try get in with me. Its like now when I think about not reading anymore stories altogether, because "dwelving" like this just makes you paranoid.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
Research is a good thing and can be very satisfying. Knowledge is power.

Researching Photo's or Learning about the origins of 'non-human' entities and 'demons' or the meanings of their names IS NOT subject matter that invites 'Visitations or Haunting's'. (Though if there is activity in your home already you may notice more activity as your focus / excitement 'charges' the environment of your home) Having said that, if you begin to research summoning / banishing rituals and things of this nature you will want to take precautions to prevent unwanted attachments or unintentional summoning's.


SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
I have been wondering the exact same thing!
I love unexplained phenomenon and I have a really open mind but I also worry that spending so much time looking for things and info that it might cause something to attach or might make me more open to experiences.
Even since just reading these stories everyday, I'm crap paranoid when I wake up at night with my daughter, and now shes started talking in her sleep, which DOES NOT help, lol!

ashville (3 stories) (42 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
Hi ratoncito, thanks. Ghosts, paranormal, hauntings... That I google... And ok with that, but demons or that whole underworld of creatures I wont. I did google "metetron" though a while ago, as I heard about through a dvd I was watching, but that's as far as I go. I get to creeped out and nervouse, even reading stories on here, I worry that its "paying to much interest". But thanks, I will probably not be googeling anything like that anytime soon.
ratoncito (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
I think you're safe looking stuff up, ashville. I've looked at tons of pictures of haunted houses on Google and none of the ghosts have jumped through the computer to get me, even if I have gotten chills sometimes from looking at certain ones for a few minutes.

If you're looking up anything demonic...well, might want to be a little more careful. Never really sure about things like that.

I'd take anything you find with a little caution, though.

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