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Real Ghost Stories

The Ultimate Good Verses Evil


My story begins with me and my fiance moving into a garden cottage on someone's property in the more affluent area of our city in South Africa. The deal was good and we were looking to just get out of where we were. So we jumped at the opportunity.

Coming from a family where spirits have always shown face and presence (my Grandfather was a renowned medium in the 50's), I have sorta picked up on some of the strange happenings over the years and have become much more open to them.

Within the first couple of hours of the 1st night there, I realised we were not alone! My cat was very uneasy and was violently hissing at the cupboard in the bedroom. Thinking nothing of it, or that it just might be some other cat stuck in here, I told her off and carried on with unpacking...

Next minute I heard the SHRIEK of hell as me and my fiance call it. I ran into the room and my cat was under the bed, eyes bulging, hissing, spitting, hairballs everywhere, like she was trying to be grabbed and it kept missing her. Right there and then I knew... HERE WE GO!

I went straight to the area where she was violently hissing at and found the cupboard door slightly open. Not remembering if I had opened it or not, I opened it further and found nothing but was feeling rather uneasy. I came out the room to find my fiance trying to open the bathroom door but it was as if someone was holding the handle up. I started very aggressively banging this door. And then as if nothing was there in the first place. It just opened. I asked the landlord what in God's name was going on. She advised me that it must be a stray and "It's old handles" (yeah right).

Skip a month and half. Nothing major had happened since then. At least not when me and my fiance were together. But we got home one night from dinner out to find a van parked outside. Thinking it was for the other tenants, we drove in and got inside our place, locked up and headed for bed. Slow creaking sound, I open my eyes and see the cupboard door opening. I try register in the dark and get my eyes adjusted and what I see frightened the hell out of me and my fiance for life!

I see the shape of a large man standing in front of the cupboard as if it was someone that broke in and was waiting for the right time to attack (the van outside). I quickly and very aggressively got up with my fiance screaming blue murder as she saw it approaching us and ran towards it. Slammed the cupboard door shut and heard a vicious snarl and a whisper that said "back again," meaning it wasn't over. I have never been so scared in all my life! I will never get that image out of my head.

Now for the real prize. After that harrowing incident, I went outside to find 6 people from the local church surrounding our little cottage. It would seem the other tenants had very bad paranormal experiences and called in the church to help. Then, as it was explained to me, it seemed this dark presence had jumped houses while they were doing their thing. Now they were trying to get it out of my place. I told them, "Only ones getting out are us." They can keep the place!

Apparently a man viciously killed his wife and himself in the main house! Go figure! This guy is pissed! I drove past not too long ago and I looked in. The house looks terrible! No one living there.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Rozo, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Rozo (3 stories) (108 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-16)
Shlain, I was just about to say... What about me? But ya, the cat was scared out of her wits and then some... Don't know and don't see why not... That they too will never be able to get images out their minds... Because what she saw (maybe same as what we saw) has scared the Bejeepers out of me for the rest of my life.
Say Hi To CT for me will ya... I'm up here in Jhb! Say its freezing there right?
My uncle stays in Hout Bay! My all time fav place to be!
Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-16)
OMG! Poor cat! I mean, poor you too, but damn. Once again, I've been lucky in that I only experience, touching seeing and hearing to a point. Hope it never goes as far as with you.

Kudos to you for being strong.

Peace and love from Cape Town.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-25)
What is the big deal, I always keep a cat in the cupboard in case of emergencies...sheesh. You never know when guests might just pop in...
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-25)
hi Rozo,

One of the biggest reasons that humans become ghosts that have not crossed over is because they have an attachment. This is typically to a physical object. It could also be to a physical place. Some events will cause this attachment. Not everyone is the same. For example, a woman could be attached to her house. When she dies she simply does not wish to leave and she will stay behind. A child could die in a house fire and let's say they loved a certain bed. The child could attach themselves to the bed. If the bed is moved the child ghost will go with it. Humans are very physical creatures and a lot don't let go. Some ghosts are simply wandering, lost. Those are typically not violent as they are not protecting anything. They may seek out a medium to help them cross over. There are other human ghosts that cross over and come back. They are typically not violent either.

Human ghosts are usually not very strong. They lose their energy quickly and they need a source of power to be at their most active.

There are entities that are born of bad energy that have never been human. They are their own source of power and they are very strong. If they feel threatened they will attack just like anyone would. They are not tied down to any location and they have the ability to leave when they want. If they do fight for a location it is because they choose to live their.

When you have a being that is made up of bad energy others will feel it. Even if they are trying to be friendly their energy will still put people off and sometimes affect someone so much it alters their personality.


Yes cats are sly devils. They are so funny. I have one cat who gets into moods and beats up everyone else. My Moran does everything bad that he can. Curiousity killed the cat... Not really it made the cat owner go crazy. I used to have cat that would jump onto my kitchen counter, open my cupboard and pull out my loaf of bread, rip it open and eat it. He would only do it if the bread was fresh and not already opened by us and it didn't matter if he had food in his bowl or not. There was no reason for that!
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-25)
Red, I'm glad you have strong views on cats, I am a huge cat advocate as well. The only thing I'll say about them now though, is they are sly devils. I was babysitting (this was waaaay back when I was like 12-13 years old) and I went down to the basement where the family had a drop ceiling. I heard something and wanted to investigate. There were kittens (2) in their drop ceiling! I told the family this later, and they were like "how did the kittens get in there?!" and I'm like "you're asking me?!".

Also, just yesterday, my boyfriend and I were returning home from golfing, and as we pull into our driveway, Matt yells "there's a cat!" and points to under his flatbed trailer. I look and am like "which cat is that?" (thinking a stray), he says "thats Trixy!" MY CAT! I'm like "how the Hell did she get outside?!" (Indoor cats). She figured out how to open the back sliding door, jumped the screened in deck and either fell to the ground (I really hope not) or found her way to the stairs. They are freaking sneaky animals!
SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-25)
[at] MizMiMi02

I had miss read which part of the story you were referring to and after Rook pointed it out I did apologise.
It was not meant harshly but I had just gone through a few random stories where people were getting on each others cases and therefore I was getting irritated that people would rather say stupid things (not in your case) then help the poster figure it out.
I just thought I would explain that...
Hope this clears it up...

Rozo (3 stories) (108 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-25)
Redphx- Thank you for getting back to me and your views on this... Does give me another look at this...
If possible, could you explain why 'human spirits' cannot jump places? Is this because they are usually tied down to where they are?

The garden cottage is in on the same property as the main house... Not connected but quite close.
'Lower Level entity' not quite sure what to make of that... If they are lower level can they be that powerful to do things like that?

Thanks Redphx... Would appreciate the feedback!
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-22)
granny made a point about the demon thing on another story so I will clarify. This doesn't sound like a demon. But a lower level entity. I say demon because most people don't know what I am talking about when I say the other. But I will start to say lower level entity. Because demons are a rare find. And you know 10000% if one is in your house. They can't hide their energy and they will scare the crap out of you even if they are trying to be friendly.

So to clarify. This sounds like a lower level entity
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-22)
My issue was. As being the owner of cats and loving them to the point of vigilante views and hoping people who abuse animals never actually let me find them, because skin the human alive sounds good to me, I just found it waaaay odd that you wouldn't investigate a feral/stray cat in a closet. #1 it could harm your cat. #2 it may have a disease #3 it may be sick and dying. You don't just let it slip away as if its not big deal.

Okay. Here is where I need more information. Are these houses all connected to eachother? Like they all share walls?

Then, as it was explained to me, it seemed this dark presence had jumped houses while they were doing their thing. Now they were trying to get it out of my place. I told them, "Only ones getting out are us." They can keep the place!

"Apparently a man viciously killed his wife and himself in the main house! Go figure! This guy is pissed! I drove past not too long ago and I looked in. The house looks terrible! No one living there."

Ghosts can't really jump locations. And normal church people usually aren't aware when they do.

It is possible that he attacked you because they were trying to push him out. Ok I get that. But the jumping of locations would only make sense if these property houses were clustered on the same land. And normally when human ghosts are being expelled they go into hiding or they get expelled and leave for good. It wouldn't make sense that he was trying to break back in and these people were keeping a watch on the place and have alarms when he is trying to return. Maybe they are weak church people who don't know what they are doing. But I think. I may be painting a different picture in my mind.

The details don't sound typical of a human ghost. What could be is that this being is demonic in nature. Perhaps the man violently killed his wife because the demon was there already and influenced his behavior. I think that happens. It sounds too strong to be a human ghost. And human ghosts can't jump locations

That may be a better explanation
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-22)
Rozo- I'm sorry you felt necessary to lash out in such a way, but you clearly stated that you didn't look to see what was in the cabinet. That is why I said what I did. Having thought a cat may have been in there, most people would have investigated straight away. Glad to hear it was merely a closet instead.

SpiderZA- We are all trying to play nice, that's why your response about US reading everything before "bashing" a poster, felt a bit "bash like" to me in it's own right. I was merely reacting to the fact that he thought a cat was in the closet and didn't go check. I'm an animal freak and couldn't imagine thinking an animal was stuck and leaving it there.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-22)

Ah Thank you, that clears things up a bit more. Not sure what you experienced... Mayhap it was a spirit attached to the property that got 'chased' from 'Apartment to Apartment' on this property.


Rozo (3 stories) (108 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-22)
Hi Rook, Thanking you kindly for your response, having read it again... I do realize how it came accross and am sincerly sorry about that folks! And you are correct, it is a closet... One of the tall ones!... The hairballs and me never seeing her so scared in my life ruled out anything other than something freaky and strange... I have seen her with other cats... And she never got like that.
Have a cool weekend!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-22)

I've had the same thing happen with my cats... They are fine when their asleep but once they wake up and realize they are 'trapped' they go nuts...

Your from SA... Do you know what the O/P means by cupboard? Is it what we call a closet here in the states? (Closet: small 'room' designed for hanging clothes up in, some are big enough you can walk into them.) Cupboards for us are usually in the kitchen either hanging above the counters, or built under them and used for the storage of cooking utensils and plates/bowls/cups...


SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-22)
Oh I see what you mean Rook, sorry about that, in all honesty though, I'm sure a cat stuck in a closet would make itself known...
I personally have accidentally closed my cupboard not knowing the cat went in and curled up to sleep.
But I heard her afterwards...

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-22)

I think what everybody is 'keying on' is this from statement from closer to the beginning of the O/P submission...

"Within the first couple of hours of the 1st night there, I realised we were not alone! My cat was very uneasy and was violently hissing at the cupboard in the bedroom. Thinking nothing of it, or that it just might be some other cat stuck in here, I told her off and carried on with unpacking..."

So the O/P didn't check to see what may be in the cupboard until the the cat 'freaked out' and they went to see what was up and they saw the cupboard 'now slightly open'

Having said all that I wonder... Is this cupboard a tall one... Something we call a closet here in the states or is it like an under the counter type cupboard? Could the door swinging open have somehow pinched the cat's tale?

I'm on the fence with this one folks... Though I do thank the O/P for returning, the feedback helps to clear up any questions that may 'linger' after reading this 'story' the first time...


Rozo (3 stories) (108 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-22)
stephyw2001- you are 100% on the mark... Just yesterday drove past again and it is still vacant... Garden looks hideous and it looks even more scary than when we left it... I think I am going to visit the Church and see if I can find more information on what has or had happened there... Will keep you guys posted!
Thanks Steph. Appreciated!
Rozo (3 stories) (108 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-22)
Happyspirit- this sounds absolutley plausible... In fact reading your response made me think that it might of just been that... Maybe as a pre warning right?
Awesome! Thank you for that feedback! Greatly appreciated and gives me a whole new look at this!
SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-22)
Guys, this is a copy and paste from the story...

I went straight to the area where she was violently hissing at and found the cupboard door slightly open. Not remembering if I had opened it or not, I opened it further and found nothing but was feeling rather uneasy

It clearly states that he checked the cupboard and found nothing... Please make sure you read everything before bashing a poster, we're all playing so nicely together.

Rozo (3 stories) (108 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-22)
UM Redphx, clearly you have no idea what you talking about... My story is far from BS and more real than you know...

Obviously my friend, I checked the cupboard too see if there was a cat inside and then carried on unpacking... But oh yeah... I forgot that is way to far over your intellectual Understanding for you to even consider happening... Remember we were new tenants, there was NOTHING in the cupboard to begin with RIGHT?
So, its ok Redphx... Go and play somewhere else!
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-21)
I mean right?

I had a cat who had kittens in my attic (she was dumb) she had 3 we could count them on the vents. Suddenly she only had 2 and we heard crying from the wall. I crawled into my attack. Across my entire span of the house, saw the kitten stuck in the wall of my laundrey room. I climbed back out, covered in webs and probably asbestos. Then knocked a whole in my wall. To get him out.

No one leaves a stuck cat in a cupboard! That is an easy check, you open the door.
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-21)
Sooo, you thought a cat was stuck in your cupboard and you carried on like you didn't have a care in the world? I would have checked it out simply to eliminate that as a cause, good grief.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-21)
you assumed your cat was hissing at another cat stuck in a cupbaord... And you just carried on unpacking? Like maybe the stuck cat is no big deal? Oh don't worry there is just a cat stuck in there. If you thought that initially why wouldn't you go check? Odd and not someting any person would do.

"She advised me that it must be a stray and "It's old handles" (yeah right)."

Is it normal for cats to be stuck in cupboards all the time? Is this cupboard the same thing I'm thinking it is? Like a box with two doors and shelves on the inside. Most of the time they are a closed back. How is it normal for cats to be stuck in there? Why is this logic happening?

Um your story is a lovely story. But it is totally BS. I don't say that much. And it wasn't the cat stuck in walls being normal thing.
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-21)
I had goosebumps reading that story! I'm glad you guys are somewhere else now. I like that no one is living in the cottage now and that it looks terrible. Kinda reassures you that you're not over-reacting huh?
isis80 (3 stories) (51 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
You are a good one, this story scared the crap out of me and I totally believe it. I knew the moment you said "cottage" that something was about to go down.
HappySpirit (187 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
I wonder if the first spirit you encountered, which scared the cat and went in the bathroom first day there, was his wife. That spirit didn't sound dangerous and probably was startled by you and your fiance and cat moving in. If it was his wife, perhaps she was hiding from her murderous husband's ghost. Then he showed up later after the church group drove him from the main house. Does this sound plausible?
Rozo (3 stories) (108 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
Hey Spider,
Thanks for reply:) our new place now for about 5 months... Fiance says she seen a man once or twice walk past the bedroom door... But says it reminds her of her grandfather... My cat! My poor cat... She is cool... And up to her usual antics! I don't feel anything in there...YET!

Oh Spider... Don't be a baby! Hahaha! Go to the bathroom! Lol
SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-20)
Geez, that's always the worst part of moving for me, we are currently considering moving into my sister in laws place and what's freaking me out is that their dad passed away at their house, naturally and what not but still, I'll have to bring a bucket upstairs at night because there's no way I'm using the bathroom downstairs, lol!
I assume that nothing followed you guys?
How is the cat in the new place?


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