I've always had the feeling that something was around me back to my earliest memory. Heard noises (the occasional voice), seen things out of the corner of my eye, and always the feeling that eyes were on me. I always felt that the place I was living in was haunted.
I am 21 now, I have moved many times, and if I stay in one place long enough I get the same feelings. On occasion throughout life, I would have nightmares of a friend or family member trying to hurt me. The actual pain in the dream is always the same and I am always helpless against it until I wake up gasping for air in a cold sweat. Next, of course, I feel eyes on me and usually feel very afraid. I'm not a person to be scared easily.
In the past month or so, things have been getting worse. My emotions have been going out of control. This is not me at all. I have had extremes in both anger and depression (mostly depression). I'm not exactly the happiest person in the world, but I've always had a positive outlook on life and never had problems with depression after my "growing up" years. Not that those years are far behind, but emotional problems were never a real issue in my life. I bring this up because I know that negative entities can enhance and feed off of negative emotions.
I also occasionally feel something touch me. Usually on my hand, sides, or shoulder. Last night was the climax for all of this except for the "something grabbed me" bit. I woke around 1:30 to a very strong and vile smell. There was no source and the smell quickly faded. I had smelled it before, a few times in the past few weeks, but never this strong.
On the verge of falling asleep, I heard a man's voice as if someone whispered in my ear. Instantly I roused right back up. I thought about it for a few minutes and soon tried to dismiss it. Again, the feeling of not being alone was there and stronger than ever. Again, that same fear that you can't shake and leaves a cold sweat and sends chills up your back. I tried to will myself back to sleep but every time I closed my eyes images of dark beings and acts were all I could see and kept me from falling back to sleep. Demons and ghosts. Murders, fights, and torture. Those are some of the things I had racing through my mind. Finally, when I couldn't clear my head I gave up on sleep and started playing a video game to distract myself. It worked so long as I didn't feel the need to go to the bathroom or kitchen.
I've rambled on long enough. So, what should I do, aside from seeking professional help?