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Is It An Incubus?


Before I began with the main part of the story, I would like to state a few other things that happened. Things like; objects flying across the room, having odd and frightening dreams about me having a beautiful baby girl, then handing her over to the Devil, hearing breathing when I go to sleep at night, and 'feeling' other people, or things in my room. happened last year, over the summer. I was fourteen. For some reason, I had gotten into this habit of sleeping under all of my covers, I felt safer that way... For a while then, I had this weird feeling when I went to bed, or when I entered my room. This feeling like someone-or something-was watching me. The feeling got stronger every night and a couple of times I woke up to find objects, flying across my room. One night, I woke up under my covers and just knew something was there, right next to my bed. However, since I was under my covers I couldn't see if anything was there or not. I figured that if I acted like nothing was wrong and went back to sleep, everything would be okay, but I still felt nervous and scared.:/

Then... When I was laying in bed... Trying to sleep, it sat on my bed, right on my feet. I practically felt my heart stop. It did the creepiest thing ever, it sort of leaned back and forth, as though playing with me. After doing that for a bit, it got on top of me. I couldn't open my eyes for some reason. I couldn't move, wouldn't budge. It felt like it laid its head on my breasts, just laying there. I could hear it breathing. It was there for a while, I was fighting it though. I couldn't even think... But somehow, I managed to open my eyes and then, that 'feeling' disappeared, but not completely... It wasn't on top of me anymore, it returned next to my bed where I could normally feel it the most... I laid there under my covers for a while... I was so scared. I calmed down after a bit then that 'feeling' was completely gone. I HAD, absolutely HAD to leave my room at that point, there was no way I was sleeping there again.

I flew off my covers and walked quickly to my door, opened it and went quickly to my sisters room. She made me leave, thinking I had just had a nightmare or something... She didn't even notice I was crying. I went downstairs and laid down on the couch in my living room and got my dog to lay with me. I pulled on a cover and turned on the T.V. To Adult Swim and watched some movie... I never fell asleep that night. Once my dad even walked into the living room and asked if I was okay, I just stared at the T.V...I couldn't even talk at that point

A few days after that I went out to eat with my other sister, Rachael, to Mi Pueblos... I told her about everything that had been happening. It even creeped her out. As soon as I finished she paused and said... "You know, I've actually done research on this stuff before... It sounds like what's been watching you is an Incubus." I asked her what it was... She told me. It sent shivers up my spine. That night I was brushing my teeth with my sister-the one whose bedroom I went to right after the incident-she told me she was starting to get creeped out, I asked her about what... Apparently things had been happening to her, as well. Just not the same exact things, the things that were happening to her were more..."tamed" per say. I told her exactly what had happened to me... And began crying. I was scared. I didn't know what would happen next, or when it would happen. She said, It's okay. And we went and told my parents... They believed me. That night I slept together with my sister and things were fine. Things began happening less and less

But then, my sister graduated. She went away to her dorm. About one or two months after living away, she called me. She said the same things that had been happening to me, were happening to her. I found that so's like it moved on to her. Because, nothing much had happened to me since I began sleeping with her at night. But she moved back in because it's summer... I told her that since I started keeping the hall light on, it stopped happening to me. So we keep the hall light on and nothing's happened, yet, but... I still get shooken up thinking about what happened, and I'm wondering if it'll happen again? And if so, should I prey to God? That's what I've been doing every since that night. Even if I stay at a friends house, I do. Please tell me what to do if it does happen again...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, emily_rose_1, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-23)
miracles 51031. I wish id seen your comment before I ever read anything in this site about not researching incubi as never really knowing what there where was exactly what I did when I started this site lol... Next thing I know this story is old but hope this will help anyone else that is a late reader... I heard this somewhere once "theres nothing there in the dark that isn't there in the light" I don't know if its true but I hope it puts your mind to ease a little 😳
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-09-23)
Because you're trying to stir up drama on a thread that's 3 months old. I'm not taking your bait, good day.
ileabel3 (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-22)
to MizMiMi02.
If there, s nothing to see, then why are you here?
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-09-21)
This story is 3 months old. Move along, nothing more to see here.
ileabel3 (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-21)
Dear Emily. Don't pay attention to the hurtfull coments or the ones from people who don't now their left from their right. I have battled an incubus and came out alive and sane! I'll tell you my story if you want. But first I'll tell you what I think. Either your sister or your ancestors opened a door to this entity and that night he was trying to get you to let him have access to you, so he was tanting you to see if you would yield. Do not do it under any circumstances! Also check the history of the place you live in. Sometimes houses have a history of being hunted before we move in. This would explain the moving objects. Check out the M16 ministries online you can ask questions and they will answer you. I will be cheking to see if you answer me. I will be glad to tell you my whole story
PastorBlair (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-03)
Dear Emily, first think of what door (s) you might of opened spiritually. Also check your family generation. This is very important. If you need futher help please fill free to email me at lowryblair at yahoo dot com.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-04)

You've asked this...

"I will have to look into that. However, what do you guys say about the objects flying around the room thing? Am I just hallucinating?"

Your a teenager... There is a chance the moving objects are 'poltergeist' activity. At least there a chance that is what it is.

Thanks for asking...


emily_rose_1 (1 stories) (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-04)
Okay guys, thanks for the positive feedback. I am definitely feeling better about everything. And let me just point out, BlueBakemono, that Emily is my first name, and Rose is my middle name. It's entirely a coincidence.

As for everyone else who agrees with Sleep Paralysis, I will have to look into that. However, what do you guys say about the objects flying around the room thing? Am I just hallucinating? Also, what about my sister, and her experiences? And I was freaked out when it happened, and yes I did go to research about Incubi, but right before I clicked on the first webpage I got freaked out, thinking that maybe it WOULD become attracted to me in some way.

To redphx, my oldest sister Amber also suggested the same thing. She was trying to be positive about the whole thing, saying I, perhaps, had some sort of "light" or aura that attracted a ghost. She said that the ghost was probably lost and lonely because it hadn't reached the light and it saw my "aura" and simply reached for the light, embarrassed it.

But, to everyone who posted positive feedback on here, THANK YOU. ❀ ❀
BlueBakemono (23 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-30)
Am I the only one that finds it incredibly ironic that her name is Emily Rose? As in, The Exorcism of Emily Rose? πŸ˜†
Probably just a regular demon messing with you. I think an incubus would totally rape you, not just grope you and give you dreams of babies. It'd probably come back, too.
thenpea5 (20 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-29)
ok if it happens again happ... Sorry got all distance. So have a priest bless the house and do you have a male friend if so make sure you have a dream that you hug you friend and not notice the incubus if that doesn't work yell leave me alone
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-28)
It seems as though you do have something going on here flying objects are not normally associated with sleep paralysis... But every other part does sound like S/P...Perhaps it's a combination, sometimes as ghost are trying to come through our own instincts set in and trigger of S/P...Best thing for you to do is to disassociate yourself totally with the paranormal, don't talk about it or share experiences with friends especially, I bet you have goggled up what an Incubus is right? The problem with that is... Your subconscious might just create the illusion of having an Incubus experience and you don't want that... Sleep with the light on, eat well and exercise your mind and physical self if you need too... So when you go to bed it's lights out and a good night sleep for you, removing negative emotions and fearful thoughts of the paranormal will eventually stop the episodes of S/P and ease your mind.
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-27)
I must admit that i'm not as clued up as others on this site about Incubi and Succubi. But, by golly, it seems really scary! 😨. It does seem that this creature has now linked itself to your sister and I do hope that she is ok.
Love & Light, Rachel ❀
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-26)
I too agree with the conclusion everyone has come to. I would like to add something here, it is not that often you get this many members agreeing on the nature of the spirit in question. I don't know if it will make you feel any better, you are still stuck with a mystery. But that is all anyone of us can hope for. A consensus vote, and reassurance that we aren't crazy.
Odds are in your favor now, thank you for sharing.

Jav ❀
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-26)
πŸ˜† ❀ Thank you! Thank you! Jav! I love the mythical invisible karma points!

I'm a little testy today...I've been quite snarky all over the place.

Back to you as well.


That just happened
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-26)
Mythical invisible karma point! BAM!
You crack me up lady!

redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-26)
well. Think just how nasty and tricky I have to be in order for a demon to like my company

Get a clue and don't judge people.
edeonna (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-26)
there are incubus and succubus and yes they are demons... It doesn't sound to me like you have one of this demons which is a good thing... I agree with the sleep paralysis. But it concerns me that one of the readers on here has a demon friend... Even if they don't hurt you they are not your friends trust me, they are very tricky and should never be taken lightly. Thank you for sharing your story
Cliney1212 (4 stories) (121 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-26)
I agree with Scbsd... When I was around 14 I suffered sleep paralysis regularly I never even attributed it to anything spiritual at all, although at the time I didn't even know what sleep paralysis was! 😊 This was definitely the first thing I thought when I read your story. Research it and put your mind at rest because like the others have said its easy to get carried away with yourself (I do it all the time) and its not a nice feeling to be afraid ❀
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-26)
and demons do like to scare people. They find it funny and they like to play jokes. Even if the person they are joking with is scared out of their mind.

They like to jump out at you, growl, and make you have nightmares. If you actually make one mad they can seriously hurt you.

Even when my friend stops by, he will scare the living crap out of me. I can walk into my room and hear growling. All the hairs on my arms will stand on end, I go whiter than I am already, and I want to run as fast as I can out of my room. Plus his energy is very offputting. Sometimes it takes me a couple days to get used to it.

But he is a demon. I wouldn't expect anything less and why would I? You can't get mad at someone for doing what they do. It would be like getting mad at a dog for barking or trying to expect a tiger not to bite your face off.

But what he does to scare me, is not attacking me or harming me in any way.

He thinks its hilarious.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-26)
yes and if emily_rose did attract an incubus it wouldn't be good.

She hasn't though.

What I mean by harming is he isn't a squatter. He prefers to scare people.

That is my point. Just because the entity is an incubus doesn't mean they exploit sexual emotions for energy.

Consider what you think of an incubus as racial profiling. They don't all do the same things
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-26)
uh, I'm saying that I have found the term incubus is being used to identify any sex spirit. When an incubus is a type of demon.

So if someone has a sex spirit that doesn't automatically mean they have an incubus.

The incubus being a type of demon. It is not their main goal to go out and find humans to have sex with. Considering how many incubi there are and how little events happen with humans it is safe to say they don't just go out and find sex with humans.

There are some that do. Hence why people think that no matter what kind of sex spirit they have, they call it an incubus
Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-26)
Miracles: Your welcome, and thank you as well. 😁

Lou: πŸ˜† Oh yeah, your totally right.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-26)
Sorry, red... You lost me. Your demon friend is an incubus... But an incubus is not an entity that uses sex to their advantage? Then what is an incubus?


Jesus-soldier...incubi prefer ICarly.
Scbsd (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-26)
Emily_rose, I wouldn't worry about it. It sounds to me as though you had an episode of Sleep Paralysis. It's a perfectly natural phenomenon that occurs when the chemical that our brains secrete to keep us from thrashing around wildly in our dreams doesn't dissipate as soon as we wake up, and the victim will feel paralyzed or held down until the hormone stops working.

The feeling that there is something sinister in the room with the victim of an SP episode is a common occurrence as well, but according to people that study this sort of thing, it's only a hallucination, related to the dream state.

You can read more about this phenomenon here on YGS following this link below...


I am pretty sure that if you read some of the accounts in the SP category, you will see that what happened to you resembles the cases in the SP category much more than it resembles most of the cases in the Sexual Ghosts category.

I wouldn't worry. I seriously don't think that you are being bothered by an Incubus or Sex Spirit.

If it happens again, keep in mind that according to what I have read from people who have had this happen to them, if you avoid sleeping on your back you can drastically reduce the chances of having another attack of Sleep Paralysis.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-06-26)
Carolann1015 and ashville - I'm sorry, I just saw your question. My major reason for saying that was, if it isn't an incubus (and I really don't believe it is unless she isn't telling us everything), emily_rose can convince herself that it is. The mind is a scary, wonderful thing. We can convince ourselves of many things, from self-diagnosing illnesses to having a "sexual demon."

The other reason is (if there is more to this story that hasn't been shared with us) if this is an incubus, and she researches incubuses, all that is going to do is keep her mind on her situation instead of getting her mind off it. (See Jesus_soldier's answerπŸ˜†)

Jesus_soldier, you did an excellent job answering for me, by the way. Thank you😊

I won't pretend to be an expert in this matter, because I've not had an incubus. All I can do is pray that she really does not have one and that this is just a one-time occurrence and it goes away.
Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-26)
Redphx: That's your opinion, and I find it interesting. You said and I quote, " He has never harmed me nor anyone else for that matter" (The voice of the Miz) really?... Really?, I mean I can understand the 'me' part, but the 'anyone'? I don't know, it sounds like wishful thinking to me. I'm sure if emily_rose did attract a incubus, it wouldn't want to just hang out and watch 'The Suite Life of Zack & Cody' with her. That's just my opinion though.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-26)
no. The thing is that when you research incubus you freak yourself out.

An incubus is a type of demon. Not all of them are sex maniacs.

My demon friend is an incubus. That is the type of demon he is. He has never harmed me nor anyone else for that matter.

I believe there are spirits and demons that like to have sex with humans. Just because a demon is an incubus doesn't mean they just go out to have sex. I am sure some do but not all. Incubus has become the go to noun for any being using sex to their advantage, even if they are not an Incubus
Jesus_soldier (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-26)
I apologize for butting in, but I believe Miracles was trying to say that, if emily_rose researched it, it might attract a real incubus or the spirit that she wrote about towards her. She could become obsessed about this entity while researching it (which would attract this entity more), there are a lot of stories that are very sexually detailed also. The O/P is only 15, so that could be it as well. Miracles will fill you in though, just throwing out some suggestions. πŸ˜† 😊
ashville (3 stories) (42 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-26)
Carolann1015, I agree with you! What do you mean miracles... Why is researching it bad...?:/ I'm paranoid about researching in general, so now I'm like...what? I'm not even 100% sure what an incubus is, and now... To scared to research it. Unlol. But is it basically just a sexual ghost... That from what I have read... Will not back off easily?

Emily rose, sorry to hear about your experience, hope things stay calmed and get much better. Have you done any background checks on passed family members or the house history?
sonri (2 stories) (91 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-26)
Sounds like a child spirit, sitting on your legs, rocking back and forth, lying on your chest, my babies do this, and the dreams of a child. Hmmm.
Your being so traumatized emotionally by it, probably made it leave, though I really can't know. Fear of the unknown can cause us to jump the gun and think the worst, but this entity may have meant you no harm. I think I've judged spirits hastily in the past, and hope it doesn't happen again. I'm sorry if I ever hurt anyone, to think that I've rejected, harmed, or frightened a child needing its mommy due to my own fear, ignorance, saddens me greatly. I hope I have not done this. But moreso, I hope that truly there are no lost frightened souls of children out there, I'd rather believe I'm being deceived. Its too sad to think about. If there are; oh I just wish I could hug them, bring comfort to them somehow, help. But it all starts with knowing who it is you are dealing with; or with whom you are dealing.
Praying, by the way is an excellent habit, though for some reason talking to God all day is frowned upon. Go figure. I knew a kid in school who did that, out loud, any time I got closer than ten feet he'd get louder, faster, always incoherently quoting scripture and fervently praying, I gather, until I backed away far enough. It was odd, I had to sit some distance from him or he'd go into fits shaking his head, mumbling audibly; unable to stop. Actually, I remember now, how odd suddenly I remember my teacher actually requesting that I move in that class to the back. Wow! He must have been the reason. I'd forgotten about that.
I found him quite fascinating, and nearly sexy in a nerdy Jeff (or is it Geoff) Goldbloom sort of way. I find Jeff Goldbloom to be rather hot, just to talk with him, to make him smile hear what he has to say in that way he has of saying it, would thrill me; Goldbloom, I mean not the kid from highschool.
I saw the boy from school recently in Wally-World and I was a little bit tempted to get closer just to see if I could get the effect I'd once had. Isn't that just awful? I was definitely closer than I ever could have gotten in highschool, before I even recognized him, without him muttering uncontrollably about it. I must say it had been either a tad bit flattering, or disconcerting. I suspected he'd found me either attractive or threatening, or maybe both at once. Next time I see him I'm determined now, to attempt to ask and see what this reaction was all about, somehow. Maybe, I had lurking spirits even then, that he could see. I certainly, seemed to act as if I did.

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