Before I began with the main part of the story, I would like to state a few other things that happened. Things like; objects flying across the room, having odd and frightening dreams about me having a beautiful baby girl, then handing her over to the Devil, hearing breathing when I go to sleep at night, and 'feeling' other people, or things in my room. happened last year, over the summer. I was fourteen. For some reason, I had gotten into this habit of sleeping under all of my covers, I felt safer that way... For a while then, I had this weird feeling when I went to bed, or when I entered my room. This feeling like someone-or something-was watching me. The feeling got stronger every night and a couple of times I woke up to find objects, flying across my room. One night, I woke up under my covers and just knew something was there, right next to my bed. However, since I was under my covers I couldn't see if anything was there or not. I figured that if I acted like nothing was wrong and went back to sleep, everything would be okay, but I still felt nervous and scared.:/
Then... When I was laying in bed... Trying to sleep, it sat on my bed, right on my feet. I practically felt my heart stop. It did the creepiest thing ever, it sort of leaned back and forth, as though playing with me. After doing that for a bit, it got on top of me. I couldn't open my eyes for some reason. I couldn't move, wouldn't budge. It felt like it laid its head on my breasts, just laying there. I could hear it breathing. It was there for a while, I was fighting it though. I couldn't even think... But somehow, I managed to open my eyes and then, that 'feeling' disappeared, but not completely... It wasn't on top of me anymore, it returned next to my bed where I could normally feel it the most... I laid there under my covers for a while... I was so scared. I calmed down after a bit then that 'feeling' was completely gone. I HAD, absolutely HAD to leave my room at that point, there was no way I was sleeping there again.
I flew off my covers and walked quickly to my door, opened it and went quickly to my sisters room. She made me leave, thinking I had just had a nightmare or something... She didn't even notice I was crying. I went downstairs and laid down on the couch in my living room and got my dog to lay with me. I pulled on a cover and turned on the T.V. To Adult Swim and watched some movie... I never fell asleep that night. Once my dad even walked into the living room and asked if I was okay, I just stared at the T.V...I couldn't even talk at that point
A few days after that I went out to eat with my other sister, Rachael, to Mi Pueblos... I told her about everything that had been happening. It even creeped her out. As soon as I finished she paused and said... "You know, I've actually done research on this stuff before... It sounds like what's been watching you is an Incubus." I asked her what it was... She told me. It sent shivers up my spine. That night I was brushing my teeth with my sister-the one whose bedroom I went to right after the incident-she told me she was starting to get creeped out, I asked her about what... Apparently things had been happening to her, as well. Just not the same exact things, the things that were happening to her were more..."tamed" per say. I told her exactly what had happened to me... And began crying. I was scared. I didn't know what would happen next, or when it would happen. She said, It's okay. And we went and told my parents... They believed me. That night I slept together with my sister and things were fine. Things began happening less and less
But then, my sister graduated. She went away to her dorm. About one or two months after living away, she called me. She said the same things that had been happening to me, were happening to her. I found that so's like it moved on to her. Because, nothing much had happened to me since I began sleeping with her at night. But she moved back in because it's summer... I told her that since I started keeping the hall light on, it stopped happening to me. So we keep the hall light on and nothing's happened, yet, but... I still get shooken up thinking about what happened, and I'm wondering if it'll happen again? And if so, should I prey to God? That's what I've been doing every since that night. Even if I stay at a friends house, I do. Please tell me what to do if it does happen again...