Today, July 19 2007, was a pretty weird and off day for me. In the morning I was walking to work and as I was waiting for the lights to change so I can walk across the street, a bird came right across me and pooped on my head. I have heard that this means good luck. The rest of my day was a good day.
That night I couldn't really sleep, it was on and off. I woke up and I was so thirsty and I decided to get up and get a glass of water. When I turned the other way, I saw a little girl at around age 7, blonde, short but curly hair, and was wearing a white dress, with white shoes, smiling, and her hands were together.
I got so scared that I was breathing harder then before. I right away blinked and she was gone. I got up really fast got water and ran back to my bed and put the sheets over me and tried to fall asleep, which I did, and didn't see her for the rest of the night. But I was having weird dreams which I don't remember.
I woke up in the morning and told everyone about this and they all started laughing at me saying that it was a dream but I thought I was awake. I know I wasn't sleeping because I was awake before I saw the little girl.
I really want to know what this means, and what she wanted.
Can anyone help with this?