Last friday (22.6) I tried autowriting to mainly see if I could do it (I used a pen and a paper). I asked whether I had spiritual guides or not, however the most I got out from that was inreadible doodles, except there were a large number of very clear 3's. I tried this a few times and there would always be 3's. I didn't think much of that at the moment and thought it was just a coincidence, since 3 is an easy number to write. Afterwards I have been having really vivid and strange dreams and I would always wake up from them for no particular reason (there's no spook or conclusion in the dream, I just open my eyes) and when I look at the clock there would always be a 3 there (like 2:43).
On Saturday night I only saw nightmares and by morning I got pretty angry and asked "what do you want?" after which I had a very creepy nightmare where I was in my house and it was full of white mist and when I woke up from it the clock was 5:43, which scared me a lot. Since I felt I wasn't alone (although I was) I addressed the entity as 3 and told it to stop scaring me or I would throw it out. After that I have not seen any nightmares however I would still wake up every 30 minutes or so and the clock would always have a 3.
Apart from that I have seen shadows and forms just when I'm about to fall asleep and open my eyes. They are immediately gone when I get spooked by them (and become fully aware of my surroundings) and I would feel this inexplainable feeling of dread. However this has happened to me occasionally through my life, just never so much during a short period of time.
I'm not scared of what's happening at the moment and just felt like sharing in case someone might have a clue about the meaning of number 3 and whether this is some kind of an entity or just my imagination.