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Major Accident Prevented


For many of my previous accounts, there was some kind of ending or closer to the encounter of a spirit. But I had this incident that happened to me recently that has me questioning my sanity. This happened on this past Friday (July 13th). Before we go on, I know the first thing people are going to say it's the Friday the thirteenth superstition theory but although I am superstitious, I don't think it had anything to do with that.

I live in Ajax, Ontario (about 20 minutes away from Toronto). Friday was my last day of taking public transportation to work because I finally got my car and brother and mother were going to pick it up for me while I was at work. Friday morning was the same as usual; get up at 5am to exercise, 5:30am take a shower and get ready for work and by 6:30am out the door to catch the Durham bus to the Ajax GO station to catch my 7:05am GO bus. Then I would take the GO bus to Scarborough Town Centre and then take the TTC bus all the way to work.

My incident happened when I got off the GO bus. I usually get off at the stop just before the bus turns into the station; this way I could catch the TTC bus that I usually take on the way out of the station (GO buses and TTC buses share the same station under the Scarborough Town Centre mall.

Anyways, I got off the GO bus at my usual stop when I realized that my shoe lace had come undone on my left shoe. So, I bend down to tie the lace and when I got up, I saw that the signal indicating me to cross was still on and that my bus was coming out of the station. I walked to the corner to cross the street to catch my bus when all of sudden the GO bus I was on quickly turned into the station. At the same time this was happening, I was pulled back and away from the curb (although I lost balance, I didn't fall). The stupid driver kept going.

The weird thing about this incident is when I realized what happened to me. Yeah, the bus almost flattening me gave me a good shock but what shocked me even further was when I turned around to thank the person that pulled me away from the curb, I saw nobody near me. There were about 7 or 8 people that got off of the bus and I was properly the fifth or sixth on off the bus. Several people who got off before me were already finished crossing the street or midway across. There were only two people who got off after me and they went the opposite direction and when I turned around after the incident (in the span of 30 seconds) they were already further down the street (not far away but far enough that they couldn't have pulled me away from the curb and walked that fast of a distance).

Once I got my breath, I crossed the street and got on the bus. People that were on the bus who already crossed the street saw the incident and made sure that I was ok before letting me on the bus. Everybody showed concern but one guy. Don't get me wrong, he showed me concern but he also had a look of confusion on him. Since I was running late, I took one look at him and then got on my bus (he took another route bus so I didn't get a chance to talk to him).

On the TTC bus, I started analyzing what happened. If I had taken one more step off of that curb, I would have been flattened like a pancake. What I felt wasn't like someone pulling my arm away from the curb; it felt like someone was hugging me from behind and pulling my whole body away from the curb. It felt like there was an arm around my chest/neck area and an arm around my stomach area (not an easy feat considering that I had my gym bag hanging over my left shoulder and the bag itself was on the right side and it would have gotten in the way). In the shock of the moment, I failed to realize that although I felt an arm around my chest/neck area and stomach area, I actually didn't see arms in those places. You know when someone touches you, you have the tendency to look down at the spot when some touches you; the thing is I didn't see it. I know many people are going to say that you were in shock and it happened in a matter of seconds but I would have known; it just felt different. Sorry, I couldn't put it into better words.

I got to work and I told my co-workers what happened and they were shocked but weird out also. Although I was working, this incident was at the back of my mind; I tried debunking everything and trying to figure out what happened and who saved me. I seriously did not want to think that this could have been a paranormal haunting (like one of my co-workers joked about).

Before someone asks me about what I felt during the incident, I felt SOMETHING and NOTHING. That's right, something and nothing at the same time. As many people know, different people have different ways of interacting with the spirit world and for me (and like my mother and maternal grandmother), I most often feel/sense a spirit than actually see one (even though, that has happened to me also). I also would see them mostly in dreams. In this case, I didn't feel any fear or comfort or safety or anything but I did feel that the person who pulled me back was a guy with muscles and he was taller than me. That's what confused me; if someone of the paranormal state actually saved me, wouldn't I have felt some kind of emotion from this spirit? Here is something else that confused me even more.

Remember, in the beginning, I told you that one of the guys on the same bus as me had a confused looked to him? Well, I saw him later that day. I had to work overtime a little bit on Friday and so by the time I got to Scarborough Town Centre station, it was around 6:30pm and he was waiting on the platform at the station for the same GO bus. When I saw him, I went up to him and asked why he had the confused look on his face in the morning. He looked at me really uncomfortable at first then he decided to tell me. He said that he saw the incident with the bus and when the bus passed, he saw me and my shadow but behind my shadow was another shadow but no actual human being behind me. That's what confused and scared him at the same time. He described the shadow as been about a few inches taller than me with my shadow head going to his shadow shoulders and he saw the shadows of his arms around my stomach and chest. The guy also mentioned that the shadow looked to be a male because he looked like he had muscles.

The guy mentioned that when he saw me moments ago, he was debating on whether to tell me or not because he thought I would question his sanity (I had to smile at that one as I know this might be how everyone on this site feels the first time we see something unexplainable). I told him not to worry because I felt the arms around me when I got pulled back and when I turned to see who it was, there was nobody there. The guy actually looked physically relieved when I told him that. He told me that he hoped he didn't have to go through that again. I had to smile at that again.

What I don't understand is why I didn't get any emotion from this spirit that saved me? I felt that it was a muscled guy who was taller than me and it was confirmed by the guy from the bus but I didn't feel anything else from him, no good or evil feelings, or no "Thank God I save that person", no nothing. My only reason is that because it happened out of the blue and so quickly, my brain didn't register the emotions.

I don't know who this person is or even if he is good or bad (I would say good because he saved my life) but I am thankful for what he did; I would have been dead if I wasn't pulled back when that bus turned.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, geetha50, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

xnikkibobikkix (3 stories) (16 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-03)
I love how this happened so close to my hometown! I go to Toronto and Scarborough all the time. Very neat! I am glad you shared this with us:)
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-03)
Geetha, you are very lucky person indeed, I'm glad you got to speak to the guy and have it confirmed to you, weird how something you can't see has a shadow don't you think! 😊 Thanks for sharing this account with us here.

stephyw2001 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-08-02)
Geetha! Its not your time yet! Watch your step! 😆 Its nice to know someone is watch you huh? 😊
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-02)
Again, thanks for your comments!
I'm surprised to hear that there are a lot of similar cases. I guess I'm not the only loonie here! 😆 😆 😆
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-02)
geetha, I was picked up out of my bed by a guardian when I was 7 years old and understand exactly how you feel about your account and thank you for sharing it, these stories are just the best to read... Mate it wasn't your time and you had a guardian there to make sure you will continue on with your journey... Could of been an Angel or perhaps even an ancestor, they have a knack of being there right at that crucial moment to help people out, thanks for sharing your story, I really enjoyed it... 😁
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-01)
Geetha, this is an amazing experience. I had tears in my eyes when that man said he saw your shadow and then another one behind you. I am amazed that he described it exactly the way you felt the person would be. You definitely had an Angel watching over you that day. I know exactly how you felt because something like that happened to me. I was crossing the street and a car stopped and waved me across but as I got toward the middle of the street another car came flying around the one that stopped. The moment I saw it coming at me I felt someone grab the back of my jacket and pull me back. Like you I lost my balance but when I turned around to thank the person nobody was there. I truly believe we all have guardian angels watching over us an I am so happy yours was there for you. 😁 ❤
HappySpirit (187 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-01)
I agree with the other posters about dangerous or critical situations giving rise to an emotionless state - either because of shock or the body/psyche's need to divert all mental and emotional energy into survival. One night decades ago I was accosted and almost raped by some guy high on something. Nothing paranormal happened and fortunately I was rescued by some passers by before any serious violation happened. But I remember going into this emotionless, "witnessing" state that allowed me to talk quietly to him, stalling for time and calming him down long enough for my luck to change. You may have experienced a similar survival mechanism that allowed you to click into a place of restful alertness and be open to the help you received.
lsandhu (2 stories) (360 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-01)
Maybe whatever it was wasn't feeling any particular emotions or wasn't about to share them with you if it was. Could it be a spirit trying to make amends for evils in its own life by helping others now, not necessarily by choice but by necessity? Or could there be a force that keeps things on track in the universe but not really in a conscious way? I.e. It wasn't your time and this force made sure the accident didn't occur but didn't have any feelings about it one way or the other. Many people have reported being saved from imminent disaster by a strange force. Some report strong emotions related to the experience, but the emotions could be coming from the person rather than the force. In your case, you had no time to form any emotions so there was nothing to reflect back to you. I hope that makes sense. I'm just throwing out some thoughts. Whatever it was, I'm glad you're okay.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-01)
Thanks for the comments everyone.


My mom and brother picked up the car and brought it back home, then I brought it to the temple to get it blessed when I got home. My mom didn't want me driving it anywhere else until I got it blessed. Because of that I ended up taking the bus home from work.
H2olily (5 stories) (158 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-01)
Def your guardian angel. With angels (as opposed to evil entities) you just have a peaceful, joyful feeling that all is well, I have found, anyway. "He" was just doing his job, was happy to do it, express your gratitude.
MsRevz80 (4 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-01)
Hi Geetha! I live right across from Scarborough Town Centre and I know how quickly both the GO and TTC drivers take those turns, especially coming out of the tunnel from the station. It wasn't your time as yet and apparently you had a "spritual" intervention to prevent you from leaving us. I find it amazing that the guy saw a shadow protecting you. That for me was like, "wow!"
Have a good one! Revz
torabla (1 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-01)
This was a great story! However how did you bump into the gentleman if your brother and mother were picking up after work with your new car?
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-01)
Thanks for getting back to me. I'm starting to agree with Rook and the others about the shock to my system must have blocked my feelings.

I guess it was my lucky day as one poster mentioned.

It would have been better if I actually gotten to see his face to see if he was cute! 😆
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-01)
geeth. I have had several experiences with a spirit or Gaurdian Angle saving my life. The first time I was about to run across a street when I was about 12. It was evening and the road was clear for me to go. Before I could step off of the curb but I felt someone grab my collar and pull me back. I turned around to see who had done that and nobody was there. This took about a second and as I turned back toward the road and a car passed at a very high rate of speed. Had I not been pulled back I would have been seriously hurt or killed because of my slight build at the time. I doubt Friday the 13th but maybe you can look at the day as your lucky day.
As for not feeling any emotion from the spirit I didn't either because it happened so quickly, maybe this is the case with you. Sometimes something that feels like minutes can be seconds.
Cliney1212 (4 stories) (121 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-01)
Geetha 50... A nice muscular man pulled you out of the way of a moving bus?... You are a lucky lady 😊. I think he was probably a guardian angel. Bless you that was a lovely story ❤
MickeyN (2 stories) (21 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-01)
That's an interesting story. One of my friends actually had a similar one when she was little. She was playing in the street and didn't see the car coming towards her. Her sisters and father all ran to get her out of the street, screaming at her to get out of the way, but she thought they were playing a game and just laughed. Then she felt two feminine hands on her back that pushed her out of the way of the oncoming car. To this day, her family and herself believe it was her mother, who died when she was two.

Anyways, Friday the 13th must not be your day. Maybe you should stay away from all buses next time Friday the 13th rolls around. 😜

reddysteady (5 stories) (95 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-01)
What an amazing story! I'll also have to agree with Rook that, in the case of sudden life-or-death moments, we have so little time to react or feel much other than fear - I mean, you see the bus and think "Ahhh, so this is it, huh?!" without first thinking, "Yikes! Jump back!" Not to trivialize, but like when the light goes green - it takes a few seconds to react. And to think, you were just tying your shoe... Again - awesome! Thank you for sharing. 😁
sara77 (1 stories) (40 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-01)
Interesting fact: About an hour ago I received a phone call from my mother-in-law,saying that my father-in-law had just been involved in a car accident (just a small one, no-one died) My father-in-law has a bad heart and has been having a lot of problems with it lately so of course I asked if his heart was alright and my Mother-in-law explained that he was going to the hospital to get checked out, but she said that his first reaction when she asked if he was OK was "I don't know... I really don't know at the moment"

I felt compelled to tell you this story just now, so hopefully it helps to confirm that it was shock that numbed you to feeling any emotion?

Glad that you are safe and sound also 😊
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-01)
Geetha, I would say that you are one lucky young lady!

I have to agree with Rook on this one. There was too little time, plus the shock of the 'near miss', for you to sense any 'feelings' from who/whatever saved you.
I would think that was a guardian angel looking after you!?

Thank you for sharing your interesting experience with us.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-01)
Hi geetha, this is one of the most interesting stories I have read. I don't know about the entity and as you have narrated, you reasoned out that it would be taller than you and would have had one of its hands around your neck/shoulders and the other around your stomach, which was subsequently confirmed in the evening by the other passenger. It may be your guardian spirit or most likely, a spirit of a person, who met with an accident in the same place and didn't want the same fate to happen to another. Nice narration. God bless you.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-01)

Nice experience, thank you for sharing it. I really enjoyed the validation supplied from the other rider who saw the second shadow.

As for you not feeling any emotion from who (what) ever saved you. It is possible that the shock of the incident itself... The 'nearly flattened' by the bus... Caused a mild 'shock' to your system and you just did not 'feel' anything because your senses were overloaded by how startled you were because of the drivers actions. Just a theory...



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