My best friend tragically passed away on November 29, 2001 after being hit by a drunk driver. She was 13 and I was 10. I have only seen her spirit once since her passing. I was at summer camp the summer after she passed and I woke up in the middle of the night and saw her and I let out this bloodcurdling scream. I was so terrified and she never showed herself to me again after that.
I asked somebody about this and they said that ones who love us that pass on will not show themselves if they know it scares us. I think she is upset at me because I missed her funeral because I had school and my parent said I couldn't go. Even though it was out of my control, 11 years later my biggest regret is not going to that funeral. Anyway, I have only seen her spirit once. I have, however, felt her presence in times of need.
This particular time happened just a few weeks ago. I was walking to my sister's house at around 10 at night, and there are very little streetlights on this street and very few cars passing by. Anyway, I was getting close to this bridge I have to walk under and it was almost pitch black in there and I'm terrified of the dark. I asked her to help me not be afraid and I soon as I did a lot of cars started passing and with the cars headlights I wasn't afraid anymore. As soon as I got to the other side of the tunnel I thanked her and the traffic went back to normal, not many cars passing by.
Anyway, I have enjoyed reading lots of your stories and I wanted to share one of mine (or 2 I guess). I would appreciate any thoughts you might have or similar stories you might want to share. Thank you for reading.