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Sister, Save Me!


While working as a medical intern I had a paranormal experience. The hospital had ongoing construction in certain parts and was not that heavily populated.

I was posted for a month and had to stay overnight on each Wednesday for that period. After the night rounds were over at around 9 p.m., I decided to go to my room to eat dinner and rest for the night. I informed the reception that I was going to the interns' room and he could inform me of any emergency that came. The room was located at the far end of the building and at the end of a dimly lit passage with unfinished operation theater room parallel to it.

I ate my dinner and went to sleep at around 11 pm. Around 12 am I suddenly woke up to a woman screaming, "Tai mala vachva!" (Sister, save me!) I ran outside the room to the reception area to see if an emergency case of a woman with burns wound had arrived. To my horror, the reception area was completely quiet.

On inquiring with the reception, I understood that not a single case had arrived in the hospital since 9 pm. I thought to myself that I must have dreamed and went back to my room. As soon as I switched off the lights and laid on the bed, I could hear the screaming again. This time to my horror, I was wide awake and not hallucinating. It was as if the lady was right there in my room screaming for help. I switched on the lights and looked outside the window to see if any woman was screaming outside the hospital.

There was a lonely road winding uphill behind the hospital. I didn't find anyone on the road outside the hospital. Although I was terrified and wanted to sit at the reception with human company, a senior staff member had warned me not to roam in the hospital at night especially around staircases and construction areas. She had heard complaints about certain men working the night shifts drinking.

With no other choice left, I sat the entire night on the corner of my bed with lights on and hearing the screams. At around 6 am in the morning the screams ceased. I had to endure listening the screams on all 4 on-call nights. On inquiring with some hospital staff no one confirmed hearing those screams before.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, senoritaace, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

senoritaace (2 stories) (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-10)
To PD1981:
I don't know exactly what the room was used previously for and I didn't try to investigate further. As far as the 2 colleagues who did admit to hearing similar stuff responded that they didn't go the room for the next 3 nights. One of them got monitoring of a ICU patient the entire night so never went back to sleep. The second one was a guy so he sat with the receptionalist guy. As far as the language is concerned I knew what the lady screamed because its my native language. About calling a priest to cleanse the hospital: even if I did report the problem, I don't believe the hospital administrator would acknowledge the truth hence the solution seems illogical. Anyways thanks everyone for your opinions, explanations and good wishes. I have put this episode far behind me and have come to terms with it esp. Since the lady didn't do any harm to me. Thank you very much.
curiousme (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-01)
One heck of a horrifying experiemce and night, take care of yourself
Warm regards, Allah hafiz
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-08-30)
sorry zyke17, I tend to get caught up elsewhere. I'm not sure if you're experiencing anything yourself that you're worried about or just this OP's story. I'm not in this OP's situation myself, but judging from what I've read, and my own crack-pot theory, I'm going to go ahead and say NO, this can't hurt you. 😊
arina (20 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-23)
There was a ghost in that place I know because of how you described it. Maybe a women died there and those were her last words.
Do some research and find out about this tragedy maybe you can help her. One more thing how did you know what she was saying because it was in a different language. 😳
zyke17 (12 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-23)
[at] stephyw2001 wow that's so great to hear. I mean that those two terminologies are the same... But again it wouldn't hurt you right? Like I've asked before what if you're there while the "time-loop" is happening, you won't get hurt too? Thanks for the info... Really cleared things up...:D

[at] senorita-ace-yeah I think so too, I think your other colleagues heard it too... It will just hurt their ego to admit...:D
PD1981 (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-22)
Senoritaace, thank you for sharing this story. I have read it several times over the last few days and it sends chills down my spine every time I read it. I can only imagine what it must have been like for you to have actually experienced it all through the night on all of your intern shifts. I think I would have lost my sanity. Congratulations for not losing yours!

I could not have even stayed in that room for one second after confirming that the screams were not from a human source. Regardless of the danger to myself involved or to my reputation, I would have been out of there as fast as my legs could take me. I understand perfectly why you didn't though. I commend you for your bravery.

Firstly, a few questions.

Do you know what the room now used as the intern's room -where you heard the screams -was used for in the past? That is, was it an operating theater or a hospital ward in the past? If the screams seemed to be coming from right next to you, I would be guessing that the source of those screams more likely than not had some connection to that room when she was in the hospital.

Also, I believe you said that 2 other colleagues had heard the screams (who were prepared to admit to it). What was their reaction and what did they do? Did they stay in the room or did they go to the reception or what?

You say in your last post that it wouldn't make sense for a priest to come in and do a cleansing ritual at a hospital. I don't understand. Hospitals are well-known as a source where spirits congregate because its the place where a lot of people end up dying, sometimes quite traumatically, and they end up wandering around seeking peace and closure. To me, it would make perfect sense for a priest to do a cleansing ritual in a hospital. Am I missing something?

Again the best of luck and thanks for sharing your story!
senoritaace (2 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-22)
Thanks for the advice. In India there are priests who perform rituals to cleanse a place of spirits. Since its a hospital such a thing won't make sense. Thank you all for your advice.
x77 (1 stories) (23 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-21)
Thank you for solving my question. 😁

Back to your question, when we encounter paranormal events in Taiwan, we will seek Taoist priest for help.

In some serious situation, the Taoist priest would perform an exorcism (a ritual to communicate with the sprite or drive it out).

I don't know whether the priest could do it or not in India.

Just for reference.
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-08-21)
HAHA Granny that was the next part of the Wikipedia text was the example of the movie Groundhog day. I left that out because it was irrelevant. My point was, a residual haunting is stuck in a repeat, and so is a time loop.
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-08-21)
OK Senoritaace, here's the thing, if it is in fact a residual haunting, or a "time loop" then there is no soul to help. There is no intelligence behind the haunting, just the sound recorded.

Now, if you heard stuff, and saw things move, and felt pokes... Well then that would be an intelligent haunting, where there is actually a soul or ghost present. I think in your situation, there is not a soul present, just the memory of one. Does this make sense?
senoritaace (2 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-21)
Hi can any of you guys answer my question: Was there any way I could have helped that poor soul? Do ordinary human beings have the ability to heal these souls in anyway? Any logical advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-08-21)
stephy: I didn't jump over here right away, you scare me 😆...But, I think your definition of time loop would be something like the movie "Groundhog Day", where there is one participant who is fully aware that he's reliving the same day over and over...So, that is his "reality"...As I understand a residual haunting, the reason the events play out the same way every time is from the "residue" of the event...

I love the way you get into the technicalities of stuff though ❤ ❤
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-08-21)
Alright, this may cause trouble... (I know you all eagerly clicked on this comment) 😆

I'm not sure who Ryan Leach is either, but I don't see what the difference is between calling it a time loop or a residual haunting. 😕.

Lets break this down with a hypothetical situation:

You hear a knock 3 times on the wall every night at midnight. This could because of the fact that a lady knocked 3 times on a wall before being brutally murdered at midnight.

So what's going on? Wikipedia explains the following:

A time loop or temporal loop is a common plot device in science fiction (especially in universes where time travel is commonplace) in which time runs normally for a set period (usually a day or a few hours) but then skips back like a broken record. When the time loop "resets", the memories of most characters are reset (i.e. They forget all that happened). The plot is advanced by having one or more central characters retain their memory or become aware of the loop through déjà vu.

In the terminology of ghost hunting, residual hauntings, also known as restligeists (German loan word from restlich meaning "residual" and geist meaning "ghost"), are repeated playbacks of auditory, visual, olfactory, and other sensory phenomena that are attributed to a traumatic event, life-altering event, or a routine event of a person or place, like an echo or a replay of a videotape of past events. Ghost hunters and related paranormal television programs say that a residual haunting, unlike an intelligent haunting, does not directly involve a spiritual entity aware of the living world and interacting with or responding to it.[8]

So... We could say that the atmosphere is in a time loop where every night at midnight it replays the sound of the knock 3 times. But I suppose having the word "Time loop" plays up the science fiction too much? So let's use the word "residual haunting" instead. The house has a residual haunting of the murder. Well now you're using the word "haunting" and people who don't believe in ghosts are not interested in your situation.

Either way you want to word it, it's the same thing. The sound is recorded and replayed at the same time each night.

Sorry to the OP if that really didn't help with anything, I just got caught up on terminology. 😳
senoritaace (2 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-21)
I agree with you guys that I may be stuck in a time to experience those screams.
Q1) Regarding human company: Basically I wanted to sit with the guy at reception to avoid hearing those screams in the room. In India, most of the men who work in the hospital (non medical positions) have a orthodox mentality. So even if you talk to them as a coworker, they misinterpret your actions as a way of flirting. There have been episodes in hospitals where ward boys have raped residents, interns & nurses. Also word spreads quickly about how a lady lacks character if hospital staff finds you mingling with these people. The class divide is extremely strong in India. Hence I decided to just endure the screams rather than have my integrity and moral character questioned.
Q2) Regarding the woman with burns wound: the hospital was the only closest medical facility for the villages nearby. In India, many rural villages use kerosene stove to cook food and that results in many burn victims whose saris catch fire. (the kerosene stove is placed on ground. The patient usually gets up to fetch something and the long flowing end of her sari catches fire). That first night when I heard the screams, I took it for granted that a burns victim must have arrived in the emergency crying in pain to save her. When I rushed out to check, there was no one in the emergency. So it was the ghostly lady screaming that I had heard for sure.
Q3) Regarding colleagues: I did inquire about the room with my colleagues who spent their 1 month posting at the hospital in the room. Only 2 people acknowledged hearing the screams after midnight. Its difficult for aspiring doctors to admit the fact that they heard paranormal screams (ego I guess).

I had a question: The lady didn't do any harm to me physically. Was there any way I could have helped that poor soul? Do ordinary human beings have the ability to heal these souls in anyway?...I am just curious. I keep feeling guilty that despite a lady asking me to help her, I was completely useless in giving any kind of help to her. Any advice would be appreciated esp. If it can help to mitigate my guilt. Thank you.
x77 (1 stories) (23 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-21)
Hi senoritaace, a nice story.

But one thing I don't understand in your story.

You said you wanted to sit at the reception with human company, but finally you got rid of this idea, because a senior staff member had heard complaints about "certain men working the night shifts drinking".

What is the ralation between the two events?

My English is poor, maybe I misunderstand your meaning.

Could someone solve my question? 😕
Laurosawrrrr (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-21)
Redtearvisions-:| that sounds like an episode of Supernatural. You know, the one where Sam and Dean meet up with the Ghostfacers and one of them dies, becoming stuck in a time loop. You know that's not real, right? It's just a show!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-21)

Ummmm 'Time Loops' need not apply so I wouldn't worry to much. Residual Haunting is the best description for what the O/P experienced.


zyke17 (12 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-21)
[at] redtearvisions- a timeloop you say... Well you can't be hurt by them right? I mean you're like stuck there but what if the ghos thurt you cause like you're watching or you're there and they don't like that... In these situations you are safe though right? 😕
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-21)
A TIME LOOP? And here I thought they were called RESIDUAL HAUNTING'S...

Mr. Leach I do not known where you come from...but...and maybe this is may age (45 years old) but back in my day and where I live we have MEDIUM's or a PSYCHIC's not GHOST WHISPERERS.

Now maybe I'm being harsh... So I'll ask this...

Mr. Ryan Leach could you submit one (or more) of your experiences so that we might get to know you and by doing so be able to better understand and make sense of any advice you offer.




(I still feel you may be a Troll, but maybe you can change my mind...)
redtearvisions (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-21)
at zyke17 and senoritaace- zyke you are right but its not exactly what is happening its called a time loop: something that is stuck there until you mess it up by either salt and burning the bones, someone from that time comes and talks to the ghost to help it pass on, or you try to talk the ghost into leaving yourself. Everyday at the time he or she died you will hear the screams until someone or something stops it.
my name is Ryan Leach you may not know me but i'm known around my area for what is known as a ghost whisper I can hear see and talk to them.
if need you can get my advice at waterbpi [at]
zyke17 (12 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-20)
senoritaace- I think you experienced a repetition of what happened back then to them. It's like you're there when that happened but you can just hear the screaming. Mostly it happens because it happened in that place where you're sleeping and that time too... Ask your colleagues to sleep there at 12am and tell them observe if they will hear the same thing.
SnoWQueeN (5 stories) (100 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-19)
Yikes! That's creepy. You must have lots of guts to stay there. How did you say 'a woman with burning wound' have arrived after hearing the scream?


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