Our house we currently live in was moved to this spot about 2-3 months ago. We moved in about a month ago after painting the walls and waxing up the floors and such.
I knew the house that used to be here (It was torn down) was a place you would NOT want to go into. That was a bunch of rough people.
Anyway, after we moved the house, there were strange creaking sounds that I dismissed to be just the house settling. Even now, after a month, the floor creaks in random spots and doors 'pop' open and closed. (Pop is the sound the doors make when you open them slowly.) It is rather creepy when I am reading in my room and you hear: Creeeeak, Creeeeak, Pop, Creeeak.
Lately, I'll be charging my iPod for over an hour (Fully-Charged) and as soon as I unplug it, it will start draining battery power very quickly. My sister, who got her iPod later than me, also has this problem. Also, if I exert much energy (Like lifting my schoolbag, full of books), I'll suddenly feel more tired than I should for lifting something of that size. I am not currently sick or anything, which would cause that.
Right now, as I'm typing this, I've got a creepy feeling as if someone is watching me.
I told my mother about this and she dismissed it as, in her words, "Total BS", "Fake", and "You just want to stay home from school, don't you?" I also asked my sister and she said: "Are you kidding", "You total ghost geek", "Stay away from me creeper" My brother, who is twelve years older than me, and actually believes in spirits, said: "You should talk to it using a Ouija Board"
I later made a small one with a piece of paper and a coin. Me and him sat on my floor, cross-legged, fingers on the coin, and asked, "Is there someone here?" The coin slowly dragged across the paper and stopped on "yes". My brother accused me of moving the coin, but it felt like he was moving it. I shivered and continued the questions.
"Who are you?" -No reply-
"Why are you here?" -Also no reply-
We stopped awhile, with my brother frustrated, and I tried to figure out why there was no reply.
After about 3 minutes, we tried again.
"Are you still here?" -Yes-
"Why are you here?" With this,
I put feelings into my words, and the reply was: "M-Y-D-A-U-G-H-T-E-R"
"What do you mean, 'My Daughter'?" -S-T-I-L-L-S-E-A-R-C-H-I-N-G-
After that, we got no answers, but the creepy feelings continued. The spirit here seems harmless and just looking for their daughter.
Still searching.
What do you think?
Nuff Said. Good job on the research. Look forward to another submission from you.