To start off this all happened when I was about two or three years old, so I don't remember exactly or all of what happened, but my mom just recently told me some of what had happened in the house we used to live in. We lived in a fourplex in Idaho. My mom was still under 18, I think, my dad was in his 20's, and my sister was just recently born. I just vagely remember some of the things I saw there, in that house.
Once, I got scared at night and went into my parents' room. I could've sworn I saw a woman wearing black in their closet. When I think about it now I think it may have just been a dress or clothes.
My mom told me I used to say things like "Look, mom an angel!". Once I said there was an angel on the windshield of our car. Now I don't have any experiences with seeing things like that or even remembering that. She also told me when I went into their room I said I saw a women floating above my baby sister in her crib at night.
My mom told me my dad used to have really bad nightmares about "evil things trying to get him" (I'm not sure exactly) in that house and couldn't wake himself up. He would pat my mom and say her name over and over again while he was still asleep so that she could get up and wake him up. There was one room, the guest room, that my parents closed up and we're terrified to go into.
My parents and I moved out as soon as possible, but in that time our dog, rabbit, and my baby sister all died. It might just be a coincedence, but I still find it really creepy.
Regards and respects to you.